Medoriko — NaPoWriMo Winners Feature 2
Published: 2018-06-28 21:22:42 +0000 UTC; Views: 621; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 0
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Hey everyone, we're back with Feature 2 of the NaPoWriMo Prize Winners Feature As you may (or may not) recall, this feature is a reward to those who successfully completed all 30 days of NaPo with our group NaPoWriMo . Taking on 30 poems over the course of 30 days is NOT easy, but all of those who will be featured managed to take on the task! Please take the time to give a favorite/comment or even just peruse these pieces -- show a little lit love. Thanks everyone!

Now, to the feature!

Feature 2




Volum1stTo receive the dead and the unborn To meditate on what can but will not be To actually see something for what it is To break slowly under the weight of the world To laugh sorely at your own forgotten jokes To remember just for the sake of remembering To lose sight of what you held for a single moment To write and write and write and write until you can't To watch your scars become dead skin and flake away To wear your name on the inside and your story on the out To keep walking until you realise you can't see or feel anything elseThat is why SP(q): Ra IWe live and we die,if just to reply to the whims-The Whims!THE WHIMS OF THE GODS!! Again (given [you] up)I don't know And I don't care to know Though once I did And I was proud Of just how lowI FellI don't know I don't remember If I was high or sober If I was empty or full But there was something there Between us twoI FallAway from you Beyond us three There is no other Thing to see Call my name If ever you awake And I will throw it all awayI WillAway from you I'll cry That feeling I will try To resurrect &Or/ trying Die. as all Ready It seemsI Have even though I really really want toThe Sun might not be clear-cut In an empty skyBut it is telling me to not give uP Not say goodbyeThe things I have might not be many As the things I don'tBut all they are what I deserve So I can't cryI won't
a star still lives (x8 -or until you believe it)are you a star that’s yet to die out of this sky that’s bleeding blue the void is filtered by the light dispersing over me and youthe sounds of birds hungry for wind and of my tired stretched-out whim I wonder how would all this seem if we were still together..another day has come to pass it wasn't mine, it didn't last it drifts forever into time together with your long-lost shineI wish that you were closer by I wish that you were by my side but I'll be okay if you're fine.[      ]... give me a sign I'm waiting for your calltell me where are you hiding and what have you been waiting forI still believe that you're alive behind the clouds, ... QUOTEM 1.Someone once said " all great things happen at the expense of sleep. "            -Someone, Somewhere, Sometime but I didn't want to accept it. to think that to achieve something great, I would have to sacrifice my health I couldn't stop thinking about it.. running hoops around how moronic those words sounded wriggling  around me like a python... then you came along, my friends speaking as you do about meaning. you said the meaning of the words matters more than the arrangement , you said the meaning of the words is up to us, we are the arrangers of it, more so than any Someone but my mind was too tangled to understandyou said what d... C re s ce n t Me m o r i e sD r o w ne d .can i really let go of the past w i l l   i t    f o r g i v e   m e  ? i'm an awfully good person, you see a w  f u l  l y  a  t t  a c h e d  . i would rather let it nest down my lamp  .  c   . o.  . b  .w  .  e.   b .  s .  or hibernate in my (c)old shoe box castles f  o  r   e  v  e  r striking my skies every  Sunday l  o o  k  !   o  u t  s i d  e   t h e   w  i  n d  o  w  !like the dancing bells of  Synesthesia w   h   a   t      i   s      i t   ? dispersing my mind into galloping colours  o h . and waxing my chest away, heart and all s  t  r i  n  g    b  y    s t  r i  n  g b      y e ringing away like the sunset further ... SP (=) Short Poemgive me a short poem a short short poemmake the letters smaller yes.. like this keep them small and give me more words more lines with reduced spacial valuewrite one last stanza and remember - keep it short leave it a haiku


Feature 3 will be out this weekend, so keep an eye out for that!



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Comments: 2

Hades-Flower [2018-06-30 03:57:39 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Annalight2314 [2018-06-29 13:03:26 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0