metaEAT — About Those Long Sleeves...

Published: 2011-02-02 00:48:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 2399; Favourites: 33; Downloads: 17
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Description This wasn't really a big idea or anything, just a simple n' short little pic I made for a common problem I've noticed quite often. K, so here's the thing, lately I've seen lot of you Billy Hatcher fan drawing pics of Billy randomly using 's mk II design for your own little purposes. In case you hadn't known or thought of this, that design in completely unofficial, it's just one's own fan-made concept she made for herself. Really you should have all know this to begin with, I mean you've never seen the boy dressed like that in any of the few games he's been in so where could the design have come from? Surely all of you that have done this have used reference on it(most likely this [link] ) and if you actually took the time to read the description you would've noticed right there that it was just a fan thing of hers. To wrap things up, I'm just gonna say: If you're draw someone else's design or character, please just ask if it's alright first...or at least put some kind of acknowledgement in the damn description somewhere letting people know who made whatever. And also when using someone else's creation, which in this case is the clothes n' not the character, prefereably do it as a gift or something for the creator, if it's just something like a story or an ordinary pic then just use the official designs people :/ As goes for [link] [link] [link]

"And yes I did bother to ask for permission to use it here"

Billy Hatcher (c) SEGA/SonicTeam

mk II design (c) that gal right there ->
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Comments: 12

ForgottenGlowX [2014-05-24 15:51:45 +0000 UTC]

your art takes my breath away  

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NatariSaru [2012-02-23 05:26:52 +0000 UTC]

Pfft. The nerve of some people. What's so hard to read the description and ask for permission? Anyone who takes someone else's design without permission is a lazy slob who should make their own ORIGINAL design or better yet, LEARN to draw the character's official design. Besides, Billy's official outfit ain't that hard to draw...but then again, we have alot of lazy uncreative people lurking in every corner
*sighs* -_-

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AllHailWeegee [2011-02-06 21:02:36 +0000 UTC]

Right?! I don't understand what's so hard about people reading a description under a picture! Jeez... It may not be so obvious it's not official by just looking at it, but come on... People need to learn to give credit where credit is due.

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sheezy93 [2011-02-02 21:13:40 +0000 UTC]

interseing :3 i normally never using other people who design clothes for offical characters, this one look wonderful ^w^ thank for post it up!
so now i know :3

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sonictopfan [2011-02-02 06:51:35 +0000 UTC]

more of the Billy Hatcher art, great job

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ddrmaxman [2011-02-02 06:24:40 +0000 UTC]

I never really noticed the differences to be honest. I guess I have a really bad eye for this atm. lol

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TwilightMoon1996 [2011-02-02 03:16:32 +0000 UTC]

I have to admit I'm kinda guilty of that. But I stopped after she posted the "Good Morning Star" picture and said that she was kinda pissed off about people using her design without permission. Pretty much regretted doing the "Prank thing" pic.

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Nyaly [2011-02-02 02:53:56 +0000 UTC]

I don't like it when ppl don't give credit and when they DON'T READ it kinda pisses me off its just like those traced over animes I keep telling you about but with axl's amazing designs. People need to do some readind for once...

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Axl-fox [2011-02-02 01:01:37 +0000 UTC]

Thanks a lot for making this.

I dont know if people will actually listen, but I guess is the meaning what it counts.

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metaEAT In reply to Axl-fox [2011-02-02 01:13:52 +0000 UTC]

np, i kinda thought that too but might as well at least try to help a friend out

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sarahthecat [2011-02-02 01:01:06 +0000 UTC]

It was like an April Fools' joke gone bad.
Not only do people on DA think it was SEGA's design, people on other websites started to think there was a second game. Funny how no one does research these days, huh.
PS: Adorable picture, Billy looks just as annoyed as most of us are about the problem.

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metaEAT In reply to sarahthecat [2011-02-02 01:09:33 +0000 UTC]

Well I don't see how people could think there was a second game with all the "I wish SEGA would make a sequal to this" goin around, but yea 2 seconds of actual research would point all that out

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