Risky's Revenge artstyle Farting at the Polyap Bay
Risky's Revenge artstyle Burping at the Polyap Bay
Commissioned art drawn by of the the "Cookie Dough Ice Queen", beyond the age of eighteen, in her natural habitat. Her true identity is a secret to everyone..
One day, she stumbles across an ancient vault of a rare treasure, treasure from a forgotten civilization from centuries ago. She sees a tall rusty "treasure chest", thats oddly cold to the touch and plugged into a wall. Once open, out falls what appears to be several tubs of ancient (and moldy!) cookie dough ice cream!
Relocating this treasure to a safe place (her home..and later her stomach), she parts her lips and let's out a refreshingly icy, yet stale belch, reeking of rotton eggs. The stale ice cream seems to have taken it's toll on her stomach, causing her to let out several, room clearing, world record breaking farts. Perhaps this moldy icecream wasn't really icecream afterall..