Misticon — Black Company - Book of the South, fan art [🤖]

#barbarian #epic #fairytale #fantasy #hero #heroic #medieval #quest #realm #ship #sword #warrior #shield
Published: 2024-04-21 17:00:08 +0000 UTC; Views: 814; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 0
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Description The Barrowlands were an inferno of swirling chaos as the Dominator met his fate at the hands of the Company. Yet, victory came at a steep cost, dwindling our once proud company to just six. I, Croaker, physician, annalist, and now captain. Goblin and One-Eye, our eccentric wizards. Otto and Hagop, veterans weathered by countless battles. And Murgen, the standard bearer. The Lady, now stripped of her immortality, trudged along, her despair evident as she grappled with her newfound mortality.

Khatovar, the lost birthplace of the Black Company, beckoned us. But our journey was wrought with uncertainty, fraught with danger.Our first stop was the Tower at Charm, where the Lady, burdened by mortality, returned the lost annals to me. We lingered there for weeks, awaiting her business. But eventually, I decided to depart, the Lady not among our ranks, as we arrived at Opal after a couple of weeks.

Before we set sail across the Sea of Torments, the Lady surprised us all, appearing for a romantic evening, joining our journey south. The road led us to the Temple of Traveler's Repose, where we reclaimed several volumes of annals lost to time. But the crucial annals, the ones revealing the Company's origin and the location of Khatovar, remained elusive.

Through swamps and jungles, we ventured until we reached the city of Gea-Xle. There, we encountered the Nar, the offspring of our predecessors. Led by Mogaba, a formidable leader, the Nar joined our cause. Together, we were tasked with dispersing pirates plaguing the southern trade routes. Outfitting a barge as a military vessel, we set sail. The pirates, with a powerful sorcerer in tow, launched a relentless assault. Despite repelling their initial attack, the return strike, bolstered by the sorcerer, threatened to overwhelm us.

It was then that I confronted the Lady about a friend she took on in Gea-Xle, the former Taken Shapeshifter. With Shifter's unexpected aid, the enemy sorcerer was forced to flee. We realized we were facing another former Taken, The Howler. Continuing south, we encountered Willow Swan, Cordy Mather, and their companion Blade, escorting the Radisha Drah from Taglios. Taglios welcomed us as returning champions. However, suspicion lingered. Meeting with the crown prince, Prahbrindrah Drah, I discovered his collusion with Swan and Mather. The only path to Khatovar lay through the Shadowlands, and thus, we allied with the Taglians to brave the Shadowmasters.

Training the Taglians was no small feat, yet, after winning several critical battles, we pressed into the Shadowlands. Arriving at Stormguard, we encountered the first of the Shadowmasters. It was during these tumultuous times that the Lady and I, our relationship tenuous, found solace in each other's arms. As dawn broke, the Company triumphed in another battle. That night, we executed a trick to enter the city. Storming the castle, we confronted Shapeshifter and Stormbringer, who we thought to be long dead. They fought to near-death, and in their weakened state, One-Eye subdued them.

The following day, another Shadowmaster army approached from the south. As the final battle ensued, chaos engulfed the battlefield. In the melee, the Lady was swarmed, and I, struck by an arrow, was abducted by the former Taken, Soulcatcher. But this is not where my tale ends. Khatovar awaits, and the Black Company will march on, for I am Croaker, and the saga of the Company is far from over.
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