Mithoron — Nude Metal 02/08 [NSFW]

Published: 2017-06-02 13:30:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 1206; Favourites: 47; Downloads: 161
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Description Had some downtime this week due to the flu, and so I did a little something different.  Those who have followed me for some time know there are two things I typically do not do--nudes, and series of images with the same character.  Well, whether it was due to being sick or not, you get both in these posts!

First, I could not help but have her topless to show off her jewelry--that's why I went with a topless girl...for those not liking such things, sorry.

Secondly, I could not help but make several images with this girl!  I started out with the base Akimitso character by ADSI on Daz3D, but spent several hours changing and tweaking her as well as changing up her skin...and was so happy with the result and not wanting to spend time tweaking a new character over and over, kept with her!  Also, I liked the simple theme of only two props and a lighted background...so went through several poses I usually don't use and created several images, making this more of a "photo shoot" than a single render. 

I would like to credit RGUS (rgus.deviantart.com/ ) (Deane Whitmore) as one of his images, Tektronika

Mature Content

gave me the inspiration...

This is Image 02/08.

Simple pose with a lot of tweaking to get her to look as natural as I could.

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Comments: 1

Mago7 [2018-09-11 08:28:27 +0000 UTC]

nice work

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