mokamutt — Dem Galaxies

Published: 2015-01-07 20:54:43 +0000 UTC; Views: 422; Favourites: 39; Downloads: 0
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Description I have no idea what I'm doing and I'm so tired
But yes this is the first digital proper artwork for 2015, I'm slowly but surely getting in to painting and drawing a lot again. In fact my new years resolution (kinda, it's like a challenge on Instagram and you can follow "annieritar" if you want to see what I come up with) is to draw EVERY single day. It doesn't have to be something really special or great but just something to make myself improve.

I feel like I've started to feel the joy of drawing again, which is a feeling I've been missing a lot <3 We'll see how this year turns out in terms of art from me!

By the way, it's my character Geordan. But you can't really see his markings so nevermind
I don't know if I like how it turned out or not, I'm simply too tired :'D Well school starts tomorrow again so I should be doing some math //sobs

Hope you like anyway!

Art is (c) by me, you have no right to use this except if you have my permission to do so.
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Comments: 1

MissYoghurtcake [2015-01-10 06:59:49 +0000 UTC]

Jättehäftig effekt!
Lycka till med ditt nyårslöfte! Det är en jättebra ide! Jag borde kanske också sträva efter det, men just vardagar funkar det inte för det är bara plugg plugg plugg. Varje helg... DÅ TUSAN.

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