Moramaisis — Rooster

#bird #birddrawing #poultry #rooster
Published: 2017-05-03 23:43:33 +0000 UTC; Views: 590; Favourites: 26; Downloads: 0
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Description  Hi, i'm still here, huehue I've been abandoned by technology when my PC broke down, then doing some soul searching and practicing. This wasn't my idea to draw a rooster, but a suggestion, and i loved it. It is the year of the rooster after all!
Still amazed how much i loved drawing feathers and how managed to "bond" with watercolor. Look at that bird, it's like a peacock! 
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Comments: 53

Moramaisis In reply to ??? [2019-05-10 19:29:11 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!  

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BlazingFireBug [2017-10-13 11:58:20 +0000 UTC]

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Moramaisis In reply to BlazingFireBug [2017-10-13 12:14:34 +0000 UTC]

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BlazingFireBug In reply to Moramaisis [2017-10-13 12:21:40 +0000 UTC]

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Moramaisis In reply to BlazingFireBug [2017-10-13 13:12:48 +0000 UTC]

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BlazingFireBug In reply to Moramaisis [2017-10-13 21:04:07 +0000 UTC]

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Moramaisis In reply to BlazingFireBug [2017-10-13 21:45:50 +0000 UTC]

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BlazingFireBug In reply to Moramaisis [2017-10-14 04:17:16 +0000 UTC]

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Moramaisis In reply to BlazingFireBug [2017-10-14 20:20:21 +0000 UTC]

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BlazingFireBug In reply to Moramaisis [2017-10-14 20:51:48 +0000 UTC]

I can see how planning helps. The few times I've tried it, it did help. Usually, the reason I don't, is either because I'm just lazy, or because I have the idea and I'm very excited to see it in motion and planning gets in the way of that sometimes. I will try it more often, though.

I know. The state of the human mind, generally, seems set on the person's own specific experiences and limited knowledge. It seems no one thinks deeply about everything. I like it when I meet people who do. I agree. And if the human didn't die... they'd be injured and enter a dangerous slippery slope of wallowing in their woes. Same here. I need dogs around me, too. 

Animals are easier to connect to, I think, because they rarely have worries and depression. They just interact with their environments rather than reacting to them. Their happy-go-lucky little selves keep them in a state of acceptance. Plus animals do what they know needs done, rather than constantly questioning ethics and morality and finding grey areas where decisions are difficult. People do the latter, and end up doing nothing, or taking a selfish route. You will get her trained, I'm sure! Just keep working with her and be patient. When it comes to puppies, positive reinforcement is best. You have a small window of attention with baby creatures, so teaching her one command at a time, starting with the most important, is most likely the easiest and best, depending on how willing she is to please you and learn. If she is extremely willing, throw in a second command to learn alongside the first. Once those are learned, give her a new one, but don't forget to make her practice the previous ones, or she might forget them.

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Moramaisis In reply to BlazingFireBug [2017-10-16 17:26:00 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, planning or, rather, drawing a sketch before, helps since it is drawing the same image twice. Maybe not as useful in digital, since you can always undo XD

Mhm, not to mention every person has a (often enough) high ego and prejudice. So human opinions are never quite accurate. Including mine, but i acknowledge it XD Everybody is so damn shallow these days! Even simple relationship based things are hard! Shallow or either with an ill high self-importance.

I signed up for puppy school for my dog! She is too hyperactive and hard to control. We taught her a few commands, but she needs some help. I'm afraid this will only become worse if we do not react it needs some basic dog psychology and training.  She is a hunting dog, although not pure anymore, so she needs to be dealt with.  She would be better if the norms of society wouldn't keep her away and on a  leash all the time. But nothing can be done with that, the times we live in.

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BlazingFireBug In reply to Moramaisis [2017-10-17 09:40:17 +0000 UTC]

Agreed. Human logic is flawed, for sure. Relationships are hard, but if the person is a good match, it's worth the struggle! 

Puppy school sounds like a good choice! I hope she does well there! I hate the chains and leashes laws. Ugh! No one wants to walk round on a rope all the time, not even a dog! But, I guess it's what it is. I do at least understand the reasons. Some dogs are dangerous to strangers and other pets, so it does cut down on would-be hospital trips. Bull-headed pets can still be controlled safely.

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Moramaisis In reply to BlazingFireBug [2017-10-17 10:53:21 +0000 UTC]

Finding a good match is a struggle on its own, but agree! I know  a lot of people who just can't find it ^^

Yess, i'm both anxious and excited to go there, but i hope this will help me manage her. She is very friendly and playful, just a bit too enthusiastic. It is a theme for dogs, they all have that genetic history of what they were bred for and so on. I do agree that dogs should be on a leash in the city just there are no dog parks anywhere around here and it is very hard to walk her in peace :C I think it is a part of the problem. We keep building parking lots and not a single place to walk the pets :/

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BlazingFireBug In reply to Moramaisis [2017-10-20 13:13:36 +0000 UTC]

I know! I agree with that. We don't have any dog parks that I'm aware of here, either. People with pets are kind of overlooked a lot. 

I understand that. When dogs get excited, sometimes they behave poorly. Especially if they're bull headed like my last dog. He was something else. Bull-headed, but so intelligent. 

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Moramaisis In reply to BlazingFireBug [2017-10-22 13:29:26 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, guess cars are more important, even though they plow up the grounds until they turn into a field of dirt

What breed was he, if i may ask?

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BlazingFireBug In reply to Moramaisis [2017-10-22 16:25:40 +0000 UTC]

Haha. What are cars? Lol. I walk everywhere! Cars are convenient, but so destructive!

He was a mix between two pure breeds. I don't remember what his momma was, but he took more after his daddy anyways. He was half Border Collie. The most he took from his mother was her coloration. 

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Moramaisis In reply to BlazingFireBug [2017-10-22 19:48:12 +0000 UTC]

I don't have a car either. And even i had, there would be no space to park it in X'''D

Aww, he must have been so cute! Border collies are so adorable :3 Mine is of unknown hunting breed, not pure bred at all. She has unusual coloration, which makes her identification even harder XD
They say that collies are intelligent, i guess most working dogs are :3 Mine is pretty clever herself, although too hyperactive D:

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BlazingFireBug In reply to Moramaisis [2017-10-23 01:38:01 +0000 UTC]

This is my beautiful Rusty. He's the dog I'm always talking about. This photo was taken in the last year or two of his life, so he was fat. Half of that chub though was his hair. Border Collies have two coats of fur: a long outer coat that protects them from water and a dense, short undercoat that keeps them warm in harsh winter conditions. They're breed for herding livestock, and he did that on his own without ever being trained. He also was very verbal and expressed his emotions, even giving hugs by sitting on our feet and pressing up against our legs. He was the most intelligent dog I have ever had - he learned any command in less than a day and sometimes many at a time. He lived for learning new stuff. He was a definite rogue, though. We couldn't keep him home - he always found a way to get free. Haha!

That's awesome! Your pup sounds precious! As she ages, that hyperactivity might just grow out of her.

Yeah, there is no where to really park a car here, either. :/ Bah! Oh well. Everything is within walking distance.

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Moramaisis In reply to BlazingFireBug [2017-10-23 14:10:59 +0000 UTC]

He is so beautiful! *-*
I can imagine! Herding dogs are bred to be intelligent. I love many breeds and collies are on of them.
I have a similar strong sense of affection to my first dog, i grew up with her, she is diseased now :C She was a black and white great Dane, a very smart and family oriented dog, she was a gentle giant and loved being around us all. Most of all she loved being petted and she used to protect me. Never got over her loss.

But now i have a new dog i must take care of! I hope that she will outgrow that activity, i saw her mum and she wasn't that bad. My puppy is pretty quick at learning new tricks too, she loves to sit on our lap and communicate. She is also very sensitive and reacts to human emotion very strongly. She would be an awesome dog, if wouldn't react to people and dogs so much. She just wants to play, but she is too much like a cat in sense that she uses her front paws very actively. She tends to give other creatures a wrestler's hug and push them down. She is a hunting dog so i'm afraid that might be instinct. Thus far she only uses that move for playing.
    Everybody keeps telling us horror stories of hunting dogs and their instincts, even strangers on the street. Human kindness is endless when it comes to scaring other people. I've read that two or three generations raised away from hunting kills the instinct. Our puppy is probably one of those. But the seed of paranoia is planted!  

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BlazingFireBug In reply to Moramaisis [2017-10-23 19:34:33 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much!
Collies are second only to wolves on my list of favorite dogs!
I'm sorry you still have to deal with the sadness of her death.   It's been about 4 years now since Rusty passed. And I'm still not used to him being gone. I dream of him often though, even getting to actually talk with him in my dreams. That helps me a lot. I just remind myself that he is in a better place now. He developed cancer on his butt just before he died. It was eating a hole in his flesh. He was in pain. But his last day one one of his happiest ever.  

She sounds a lot like my Rusty in personality! Rusty was cat-like in all of his actions! It was hilarious! I bet she will grow to be a great pet. You probably don't really have anything to worry about, but it does pay to keep a close eye on her. 

I had an uncle that tried to tell me that collies and sheppards would grow up and attack their owners because they become mean. He believed his own lies, but I knew better. People are just jealous when you have something they don't. Don't spend too much time worrying. Most often, dogs behave based on the way they are raised. As long as you raise her right, there shouldn't be any major, lasting problems. Just take it one day at a time. 

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Moramaisis In reply to BlazingFireBug [2017-10-26 10:59:20 +0000 UTC]

Oh no, sorry to hear about your dog What a horrible illness!
Our dog passed away more than 4 years ago, but it was really suddenly, she was quite old and caught an infectious liver disease. She became violently ill in the evening, vomiting and her stomach becoming enlarged. She only lived for 24 hours after that and the vet couldn't save her. It was pretty traumatic, all the more it was so unexpected :C Yeah, these kind of things just stuck with you. I can't really even think about her, it still upsets me, but i have two cats and a new puppy, kept rats and fish before that, so i'm alright There are some holes left that can only be filled by other pets C:

He did? Oh god, human nature is just so annoying. Mhm, it probably is jealousy, at least in one case of a man who tried to scare a member of my family. He even said that "if something happens to your dog, then you know where i live", and gave us his address. I don't want to sound evil, but he can go and f/ck himself, in my opinion
Good news is that we got into puppy school, went to my first lecture, it was without dogs. I somehow have no doubts my dog will learn all the commands, she will do anything for a treat

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BlazingFireBug In reply to Moramaisis [2017-10-26 18:04:21 +0000 UTC]

Yeah. That was about 4 years ago in February. I was ready to let him go. He was suffering too much and his quality of life was deteriorated. He fulfilled his purpose in his 12 years of life. I still cry sometimes, but I am staying strong. One day I will have another pet that I love just as much and it will fill the gap Rusty left behind. Until then, I pet and befriend every animal that will cooperate. I'm sorry about your doggy too. It's good that you've found viable ways to move forward, though. I totally understand about the holes. 

Really?! He did that? The hell? I agree, human nature can definitely cross the line between alright and deplorable very quickly. Sheesh! I don't blame you. I'd feel the same way. 

That is awesome news! I'm so happy for you and your puppy! I'm sure she will do fine! Hunting dogs are usually eager to please, so they learn quickly, despite the other issues (stubbornness and hyperactivity).  

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Moramaisis In reply to BlazingFireBug [2017-10-27 18:28:04 +0000 UTC]

12 years is a good time for a dog. They say that large dogs tend to live shorter lives than smaller ones. I'm glad he didn't suffer long and could pass away in peace. It's more than some people can achieve! I take my hat off before you, you're so mature, wise and levelheaded in that sense. I'm a bit unbalanced in these kinds of things Too emotional overall, for my own good

Yeah, people never cease to surprise me....in bad ways. Now that we are talking about it i can recall similar situations with our first dog, then some people were approaching my family members when they were walking her and asking if they would sell her. Amazing!

I bought he a harness not long ago and it was my best decision! Walking her is much better now and she looks so pretty in it! It matches her fur color so perfectly! It's light brown and she is golden beige

I hope you will get your dream pet soon, a one who will make up for all the years without your dog

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BlazingFireBug In reply to Moramaisis [2017-10-27 20:41:03 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. You are right. I think he had a possible 20 year span overall, but we was born with illness. He had 5 different kinds of parasite, including a kind of worm that is usually almost impossible to get rid of. But the vet worked wonders and healed him. I knew he didn't have forever when I got him. He was my baby, though, and it killed me to see him go. But after a long, deep analysis, I knew it was best for him to go rather than to stay around and suffer. I was really emotional. I went into a state of catatonia when he passed. But I came back out of it with the help of my husband. It was all I had to be able to breathe. But my dad helped me bury him the way I wanted him buried. That also helped. And I did get to say by good-byes the night before, because I knew he was dying. I just wanted to make sure I had closure before he did.

Do what? You have to be kidding!? They want to SELL YOUR dog? What in the world?! Sheesh. 

That's so awesome! I'm happy you found a way to walk her more peacefully! Rusty hated harnesses. So, I gave up. But he looked dashing in electric blue!

Thank you, that is very kind. I hope you get your new puppy to obey and behave well.

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Moramaisis In reply to BlazingFireBug [2017-10-28 12:55:37 +0000 UTC]

I'm happy to hear you had support Dang it, i wish i had closure with my first dog, the way she went so suddenly made me unable to ever get peace of mind. I'm used to it now, it makes me take better care of my current pets, i get them vaccinated and dewormed. Luckily we don't have many exotic parasites here, but it's a fight nevertheless. Pets get them so damn easily! Even our current dog eats stuff from the ground :C
    We buried our first dog on our property, it helped me a little, to know she is still around. Yeah, it is important to bury your pets properly, i think. It's all part of a complex ritual, animals need them to be done too, much like with every loved one we lose Then, the first loss is always the hardest, too.

Yes, i wish i was joking! They just walked up to my grandpa and asked if he would sell her. So what she was grown up already and attached to our family, ppffff, who cares about such things when the dog is too pretty? Animals are property after all, much like cars and computers  e.e Sorry about that, i am a bit sore about it

Blue is my favorite color! I'm surprised our dog behaves so freely in a harness, perhaps she likes the lack of pressure around her neck. Being careless about certain things is one of her good traits! Hmm, i just realized i keep calling her a dog and never mentioned her name. Her name is Morrigan My first dog's name is too strange XD

Thank you! Hopefully we will get through this

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BlazingFireBug In reply to Moramaisis [2017-10-28 18:12:23 +0000 UTC]

My first dog died all of a sudden too. I was only about 3 or 4 and she took off to chase a girl on a bike. (My dog was known to steal neighbor kids' toys for me, btw.) We heard a loud gun shot and Dad found her later, dead. She was a gift from my sister, who I didn't get to see very often. It was a crushing blow. The person shot her because she was stealing yet another toy. But, I managed to move on when we got my next dog, at least. That's good. At least it made a positive change for you. I know. It was a battle with Rusty. If they eat their flees and ticks, they can get stomach worms, too. Make sure to keep her free from those things, if they exist where you are. 

I agree. Rituals are important, for everything in this world. Loss is hard, but when it is turned into a ceremony, it's somehow easier to handle. 

I would be too! No need for apology. I sort of laughed at your sarcasm. Man. People need to use their damn brains... grrr. 

That's awesome! My favorite is that bluish purple, sometimes called violet or blue violet or even indigo. My sister calls it royal purple. So many names for one specific hue... That's quite possible. It may even be that the harness supports her little body better and makes her feel more secure. That's important, even to dogs. Awww! That's a perfect name, I think! What is the name of your first dog? Mine was Six-Pack. My second dog was Bear. Then Ashey. Then Rusty. 

I'm sure you will! Just takes some time, is all, I think. 

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Moramaisis In reply to BlazingFireBug [2017-10-29 22:50:09 +0000 UTC]

Holy cow? Someone shot your dog? O.O That is awful and a horrible over reaction! I'd even say illegal. Man, oh man, i don't even know what to say. I hope the person gets his karma back. It is always a good practice to put up a fence around your house and not leave stuff laying on the ground, regarding the neighbors. People are not considerate at all!
   We kind of had a similar problem, our puppy started to wander off to our neighbors properties, we asked them to chase her away but they were all too engrossed in her cuteness.....except when she began running across the street, a kid stays there who is afraid of dogs. We moved back to city in the fall, that was our summer cottage i was talking about. Not sure how to deal with that problem at the moment, i will talk to my dog trainer.

We have few ticks here and when they gather they do so around the ears usually. We do use medicine for that most of the time.  Luckily we are not that close to the forest. I deworm my cats and puppy when we get back to city, but dogs are tricky, picking stuff off ground Getting infected very quickly.

I love purple too, it's my second favorite. I prefer cold colors and almost any color that has a blue tint is to my liking I noticed i started using a lot of green in my drawings, not a color i particularly like, but it looks good on designs. 
   Huehue, thanks, she had a list of names and all of them were strange (with a twist). I wanted a demonic name at first, but it was hard to find something that would be easy to call out in my language XD Me and my quirks XD
Our first dog wasn't named by me, she was Deesi. My cats are Faust and Neko (often Neko-san). You didn't ask for them, yet i figured they would give context
   Those are lovely names you gave them! ^^ You had so many! I am impressed Pets are my another quirk

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BlazingFireBug In reply to Moramaisis [2017-10-30 00:07:33 +0000 UTC]

Yep. There was nothing we could think to do except find her and bury her. We didn't even know which houses the toys were coming from. Six-pack would travel very far to get those toys for me. She was a doll-baby! I'm sure he has gotten his karma by now. The black hole that left in my heart is now gone, it's just a memory. I've moved on. I usually find that once that has happened, the person who caused the pain has had something equally malicious happen to them. We were on a rental property, and could not put up a fence, even if we could afford one at the time. It was the country side, too. So we thought it wasn't necessary... Guess we were wrong. Nope. People are definitely not considerate... and this happened in the early 90's when people were kind! I'd hate to think what it would have been in today's world... 

Oh my! I know how that goes. Dogs seem to find the weirdest stuff to get into , too... leading them to all kinds of grossness and infections. I think you're doing a good job, though. Medicine is very helpful to keep the ticks and infections down.

I love color. But certain hues just stand out. Purple, Black, Gold, Silver, and certain shades of yellow. I love the way you use green in your paintings. I agree, it does look good on designs. It's almost sort of neutral and gives a good ground and place to rest the eye. 

Those are strange names, but I actually like them. They immediately give me a sort of bank for the personalities your pets must have/had. Cute!

Thank you! I actually didn't even name most of my pets. The names were suggested by my mother, which I had the option to approve or reject. I usually ended up liking them and accepted them. I have one big quirk with pets... I cannot name my pets any name that has been used by a previous pet. It just feels... wrong...

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Moramaisis In reply to BlazingFireBug [2017-10-30 19:38:05 +0000 UTC]

Oh my god! That story is heartbreaking :C I meant that the neighbors should have put up fences, as well as not leaving their stuff unkept. It clearly wasn't that far off between neighborhoods, if the dog could run the distance. When our puppy began stealing children's toys from our closest neighbor this summer, it was because they always left their stuff outside in the sandbox. I'm glad you moved on though!
    People were kind? When were they ever kind? XD In the 90s it was a time of crime and easy money here. I believe in today's world people would just poison the dog. I have heard many stories of that happening. we just talked about it this summer, being afraid something could happen to our dog since she was going to other's backyards and wandering about.

Yes! Green is very calming to the eye and yet very diverse. Thank you for the compliment! I also love gold and silver, got markers of that color, but haven't really figured out how to use them. They stand out too much and are quite festive. Yellow tones along with orange and certain red tones can give the painting incredible warmth and coziness. I'm not good at creating that feeling but i enjoy when other artists succeed at that

Haha, really? I haven't had the time to consider their personalities when i named them, but curiously enough they do match their characters a bit. Must be a subconscious thing I always anticipated the time when i can names my own pets, but now that the time is here i manage to struggle XD It is not as easy as it looks. My head gets empty every time i need to think of one. I always chuckle when i remember somebody named her cat Lucifer XD And the beast was actually pretty mean towards strangers.
    Oh, i agree! I can't do that too! I don't even like when people name their kids after their grandparents or relatives, it takes away a part of the personality, originality. With pets it feels like you're trying to make a clone of the lost pet...or something like that. Trying to replace it rather fakely.

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BlazingFireBug In reply to Moramaisis [2017-10-30 19:55:54 +0000 UTC]

It really is heartbreaking. :/ But stupid stuff happens and I learned to deal with it. Oh... Oops. I wasn't sure if you meant the neighbors or us. Lol. Actually, she would wander all the way down the road and end up in the next town. She was a traveler. Nobody knows everywhere she would go. But sometimes she'd be gone for a day or two. Yeah, the kids usually left their toys out in the grass overnight. That's when she would snag them. 

I actually came across kind people more often and in larger quantities than mean people back then... Crime has always been a big thing. Very common, just usually not discovered or talked about. XD But, of course, it could be the differences in our own countries the reason we had different experiences. 

I agree! The golds and silvers make great trims or ornamental elements in designs (outlining a dress, for instance, or used as metal). Same! I love how people manage to use color in their designs to coax us to feel things. It always amazes me. 

Yep! That's funny (ironic). It must be subconscious. That is so true. Naming anything stresses me out a little, especially when it's supposed to be permanent! My uncle had a female dog he named "Beast" and she lived up to that name for sure!

Exactly! That's how it feels to me, too. (I'm not the only one! Yay! XD)

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Moramaisis In reply to BlazingFireBug [2017-10-31 22:05:51 +0000 UTC]

It's encouraging to hear you've risen above the tragedy OOh, that is not good for a dog to go missing off for so long. Pretty dangerous. I meant the neighbors. It was their job to look after their things. I do say that as a biased pet owner, but seriously....some people are just waiting for a disaster to happen to their unkept things.

You did? wow! I noticed that people in summer cottages were usually nicer than the town folk. That was so in the past and is so now. So i can't really tell Yeah, i often hear how the 90s were a nest of crime. At least here. The difference between countries is definitely a part! The fall of the soviet union on etc.

I anticipate the day i will manage to lure out a feeling from the watcher of my paintings. It needs some planning in the colors and composition, i think. Also effects! This will be a great skill to learn. Something that would come from the soul.

Haha! I call all my pets beasts XD Because they are! When my cats were younger they used to get really worked up when we took them to our summer cottage and i would find decapitated mice heads on our yard, then they made a pile of headless birds under a bush and leave terribly mangled mice on the tiles. Now our puppy finds them and plays with the dead mice X''D The grossest thing ever imaginable!

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BlazingFireBug In reply to Moramaisis [2017-10-31 22:51:17 +0000 UTC]

I agree. My family were relatively un-educated about raising a dog back then. I would never have left her out there like that if I had been older than 4. But being a child, I thought she was safe. Ah, the blissful ignorance of youth. XD Yeah, the really should have kept their things indoors... but people like drama and making trouble. And that's exactly what they did. She didn't suffer though. Six-pack died immediately. That brought me comfort. 

War and government downfall are always trying times. And almost always bring chaos with them. 

I feel the same way! Planning seems to be a huge step in the nicest artworks. Sadly, I suck at it right now... haha. 

Hahaha. That's hilarious from the perspective of someone who has not experienced it. But I can imagine how gross that must be!

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Moramaisis In reply to BlazingFireBug [2017-11-01 18:57:49 +0000 UTC]

It's true, at least she didn't suffer from her wounds Maybe someone even thought she was a wild runaway dog? Who knows now. Raising animals is always tricky, everybody has their own personality and flaws, i mean animal. I wouldn't have guessed that would encounter trouble with my current puppy after raising one of the largest dog breeds and being rather successful. Good that life never gets too boring, hm? X''D

Ayee, we gained independence and all those newly opened doors made people mad with possibilities. I would say that currently we don't have that much crime, the usual stuff. I heard they finally closed up the taxi mafia in our capital city X'D Criminals are creative, i'll admit that.

Awh, me too, even though i plan is till mess up here and there. Sometimes i am already in the panting process when i realize i could have planned something better. A better technique or method. It is hard to see through everything.

It is both morbidly amusing and terrifying at the same time. Ah, the joys of nature!

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BlazingFireBug In reply to Moramaisis [2017-11-02 18:20:44 +0000 UTC]

Well, I don't remember her ever having a collar. So it's quite possible they didn't know she belonged to someone. I never thought of that. That is a good observation. Thank you. I agree! If life were too boring, it would be a pointless investment! Gotta have spice in your slice of pie!

That's great that the crime level has come down now, and that a mafia was shut down! Recently we just had hundreds of people arrested for human trafficking, putting a huge dent into that black market. Hundreds of children were returned safely to their parents, saved from a life of slavery - or worse. Criminals are definitely creative! I find their methods quite interesting, even if they are sickening. 

Right! That's how it is for me, too. Hey, but that's how we learn, right? Through experience. Best. Teacher. EVER!


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Moramaisis In reply to BlazingFireBug [2017-11-03 20:54:29 +0000 UTC]

yeah, stray dogs do scare people! Maybe it was a misunderstanding indeed
I was followed and cornered by a German shepherd in the forest as i was jogging, it wasn't homeless, yet the owner just let it run freely. It was so terrifying to have a dog corner you and not let you walk away, barking and aggressive. I am scared of dogs, yet i love them

Omg, that is nasty! Human trafficking! So horrible! :C I hope those kids will be able to go on with their lives

Experience is the one thing no lecture will ever replace or give. No lesson can prepare a person for life anyways. There will always be things a person has to learn by experience But once learned the experience will stay forever

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BlazingFireBug In reply to Moramaisis [2017-11-03 22:25:15 +0000 UTC]

Oh, man! That would be terrible. I understand the fear you feel. I had a Rottweiler who went senile chase me from the bus stop to the top of my parent's van every day after school. I was terrified he'd eat me alive. I was about 7 years old. And I have a fear of Rottweilers to this day. I still love dogs.

I know! Human Trafficking is an awful thing. That's why I'm glad they're working to end it! I hope those kids will be able to go on with their lives too. They were rescued quickly after being taken, so I think they have a good chance.

Yep! I agree completely! Experience is definitely lasting!

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Moramaisis In reply to BlazingFireBug [2017-11-03 22:37:55 +0000 UTC]

Oh my god! I'm afraid of German shepherds They're such nasty dogs if not dealth with. I had a similar experience with another dog in the woods, luckily the owner called it away, it was a Husky type thing. I like to walk in the wood to keep fit and people just let their beasts to run unintended   I am afraid of any guard dogs and  service dogs.

There will always be evil in this word, it is important to keep an eye out for it!

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BlazingFireBug In reply to Moramaisis [2017-11-03 22:45:29 +0000 UTC]

I totally understand. Dogs can be pretty nasty when they have been tried to guard or to fight or whatever. By the way, your puppy is absolutely adorable! I just saw the photo you posted of her. She's so pretty! 

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Moramaisis In reply to BlazingFireBug [2017-11-05 16:24:59 +0000 UTC]

Awwwh, thank you so much! ^0^     She is so adorable indeed, but a demon in disguise

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BlazingFireBug In reply to Moramaisis [2017-11-05 16:39:34 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome! Haha. I have met sever animals like that... I once had a rabbit who was just cute enough to grab up in a big hug... but I you did, you'd pull her away from a bloody bit on your skin! Yikes!

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Moramaisis In reply to BlazingFireBug [2017-11-05 16:52:59 +0000 UTC]

Oh my goodness! My first rat was very aggressive, tended to bite. Luckily my later rats were all cuddly and friendly My most favorite one was named Mona Lisa X'''D She used to smell so good even my mum asked if i had put perfume on her XD

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BlazingFireBug In reply to Moramaisis [2017-11-05 16:56:50 +0000 UTC]

Wow, really? That's interesting!

The rabbit I ended up keeping (from the 13 I had) was Bruce. He was so docile and cuddly! He used to tunnel up my pajama pants legs and rest with his nose out the top band. He would refuse to move for hours! It was so adorable!

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Moramaisis In reply to BlazingFireBug [2017-11-05 17:41:05 +0000 UTC]

Oh my goddess! That is so incredibly cute! *0*
I almost got a rabbit when i was a teen and my neighbors kept them. But my family didn't want me to have it :C

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BlazingFireBug In reply to Moramaisis [2017-11-05 18:02:19 +0000 UTC]

I know! He was just so sweet!

Awww. Rabbits can be very good pets. They sometimes require less maintenance than dogs. 

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Moramaisis In reply to BlazingFireBug [2017-11-05 19:12:28 +0000 UTC]

Mmmmmhhhh, you're making me want to get a rabbit I have thought about it! But they need a bigger cage to feel good in an apartment :C

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BlazingFireBug In reply to Moramaisis [2017-11-05 20:55:40 +0000 UTC]

I know some people let their bunnies roam free in the house and just put them inside a cage at night when they go to bed. My sister used to do that. Her bunnies were happy that way. Oh! If you do get a bunny, never feed it iceberg lettuce. It gives them diarrhea which can be deadly. Any other lettuce is fine though. And they need straw or hay to help them digest their hair balls. I think letting them chew on soft woods and other kinds of roughage helps too. (Rabbits cannot vomit.) I've had rotten luck with female rabbits. The seem to be far more willing to bite and kick than the males, but they're not all that way. I think it depends on the breed and upbringing they've had. Make sure, if you do get one, to check under its tail to see if its behind is clean. A dirty behind is a sign of illness. Rabbits are great creatures, but they don't have a long life expectancy. Some live to be 18 years old, while the average span is about 5 years. My rabbit Bruce lived to be 7. The longer he lived, the more friendly he got. He loved to lick me all the time. (Rabbit licks feel so weird! They tickle!)

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Moramaisis In reply to BlazingFireBug [2017-11-06 15:00:22 +0000 UTC]

I would be scared to let my rabbit free in the flat for a long period of time, it can chew the cables and furniture. Besides, they will pee and do their business onto the carpet :S I let my rats run free on the sofa and floor, but never too long, i was afraid they might get electrocuted after getting to the wires. Eventually the chewed holes into a few pillowcases and blankets. Not to mention their pee, rats can't hold in their pee and feces.
  It is kind of strange that i am scared of rabbits, rodents and other similar small mammals, they are not easy to befriend and their teeth are extremely sharp. I would think hard before i get a rabbit, it is a big beast! X''D

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BlazingFireBug In reply to Moramaisis [2017-11-06 20:05:44 +0000 UTC]

I have never had an issue with rabbits chewing cords or anything like that. The do like to dig, and will sometimes try it on cloth. That could be a slight problem. They do stop if they are moved, though, usually. As far as doing their business, they are trainable to a litter pan, like a cat. And will do their business in one place. Rabbits like to use one side of their cages for that. Boys have a tendency to spray pee to mark territories, so females would probably be best to keep in the house. When Bruce was not even a year old, I had some issues getting him to stop peeing in the house, but after he was about a year, maybe 2, I think, he started laying by the door or scratching the floor when he needed to potty and I would take him outside. Rabbits don't really do a lot of chewing. They will chew on things you give them, like cardboard, wood, hay and plants, or food, but I've never found evidence of any of my bunnies chewing on furniture or wires or anything like that. 

Always, always do a personality test. Try letting them come to you on their own, try petting, try picking them up, try cuddling. If they don't try to bite or scratch or anything, chances are they're docile and won't ever try to hurt you. The more attention you give a rabbit (they are very social animals and need a fair amount of attention), the more tame/docile they will be. There are a few who are just demons, but you'd know that when you tried to touch them. Rabbits will growl/hiss if they are unfriendly and don't want to be near you. Both of the demon rabbits I had did that and charged the side of their cages to warn me away. Sometimes, to face a fear, you need to do something called desensitization. This is exposing yourself gradually to the things that frighten you while working through that fright, aiming to diminish and remove it. You can do this by vividly visualising you interacting with what you fear in different situations, always with good outcomes. This works well with a process called affirmation where you tell yourself things over and over daily that eventually become beliefs which become a control point/reference/rule in your brain that stops negative behavior, replacing it with positive behavior. Desensitization can also be a physical interaction with what you fear, taking baby steps, to make yourself familiar with and learn all about the thing which you fear. ( I hope this makes sense... ) If this advice seems unwarranted, I'm sorry. I just like to try to help people where I know I can. And I love to help people get past their fears. Fear is an awful thing to experience. It can be crippling. Caution, though is a good thing.

I've been using both affirmation and desensitization to get past my paralyzing fear of spiders and my frantic fear of bees. It's working. Before I started, I about passed out at the thought of or sight of even the tiniest spider. Now, a year or so later, I'm finally able to be near just about any spider and get close enough to take macro photos. I can even let the itty bitty ones crawl on my hands without feeling any panic at all. It works. 

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Moramaisis In reply to BlazingFireBug [2017-11-07 21:17:58 +0000 UTC]

Oh wow, i did not know you can train a rabbit to use a litter box O.O I heard ferrets could be, but not rabbits. I admit i would not know how to train a rabbit to do that. Maybe some googling would help, but still. I don't have a phobia of rodents and rabbits, i've been bitten before and henceforth i got this angst whenever i'm near them, like a foreboding i will be bitten. I do have a real phobia, i'm terrified of caterpillars. I've never heard anybody being afraid of those before. I'm pretty chill about spiders, frogs, blindworms, snakes, i'm not really afraid of rats and mice per se, but yeah, but bad experiences made me wary of them.
   I had the experience of desensitization for a long time now at my summer cottage, we have a garden and my folks pick herbs to dry in the attic, that is where i sleep and too damn often they carry a bunch of caterpillars up there. I spent a hellish night there with the things crawling on the walls, carpet, ceiling. I either threw them out the window or cut them up with scissors I still don't want to touch any caterpillar (not in this reincarnation!) but i'm not as terrified as i used to be, when i just ran away in terror XD This year i even watched a big fat caterpillar the size of a human middle finger eat a branch on a bush, i found observing it eating oddly satisfying
I've been trying those mental techniques slowly and without realizing it, i think.

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BlazingFireBug In reply to Moramaisis [2017-11-08 04:46:13 +0000 UTC]

To train a rabbit to a litter box, you have to give them food and then place them in the litterbox before they poop. Once they've pooped there, they will prefer to, but it make take some coaxing, depending on how bullheaded the rabbit it. Sometimes, it's helpful to just place their own stuff in the litterbox first. That's what I learned when I did all my research when I first got my bunny.  

I totally understand the wariness. It pays to be cautious around all animals, anyways. Caterpillars? That's a bit odd. However, I'm rather frightened by the fuzzy ones. (Of course, when I was 2, I was playing with a really pretty fuzzy caterpillar that stung me. I fell asleep and stayed that way for  2 straight days. I was fine though.)  

That's great that you've been overcoming that! Good for you! I'm sorry you had to deal with that fiasco, though! Gives me the shivers thinking about it. Those mental techniques, I have found, are actually quite natural and sometimes just happen for people.  

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