Comments: 28
himdarling666 [2009-04-07 18:10:39 +0000 UTC]
doctors dont seem to really care about the person. they seem to just be in the business for the money.
have you ever seen The Unborn?
she goes to a doctor to figure out what the spot forming in her eye is, and he very carefully examines her eyes and is concerned and after a bit of conversation, he asks "are you by any chance a twin?"
if that happened to me i bet the doctor would just say "don't worry about it, that's normal."
i have also had a lot of experience with hospitals my life, as my mother gets ill often. she is still in pain months after hospital visits and if she asks anyone, they tell her to take an Ibuprofen and sleep and drink water and blahh
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smeltingstck [2005-11-20 15:22:50 +0000 UTC]
I agree with the doctors, I don't like them much.
I think the background is simply wonderful. Evil doctors.
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musickscapes In reply to smeltingstck [2005-11-21 19:19:00 +0000 UTC]
LOL..yes evil doctors...sometimes I think they are really a group of mad scientists trying to make our lives as difficult as possible! hahahahahaha... Not really, but some of them are real hacks!
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NatureofMind [2005-02-26 19:23:59 +0000 UTC]
dude this is fucking sick! i love it
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spiderflux [2005-02-25 09:42:24 +0000 UTC]
This is just excellent work. I'm not sure what to say about it, but it deserves to be commented on. You seem to have a very natural knack for painting...or maybe you had alot of training. Either way this is so well done, and very emotive, which honestly isn't always something I look for much in the art I like, but this is pretty intense.
I have similar feelings about doctors also.
I keep scrolling back up to look at it again, so much to see, yeah good work...
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musickscapes In reply to spiderflux [2005-03-02 02:40:30 +0000 UTC]
Why thank you very much. I am completely self taught and just "knew" how to paint. Hard to explain, but I was in NYC at the guggenhiem and saw Dali and Frida up close and personel and I had an epiphany and went "I know how to do this"...came home, purhased some oil paints and there ya have it. That was six year ago (where does time fly to these days).
Thanks again!!!
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JamesRM [2005-02-22 21:26:11 +0000 UTC]
Fantastic work, excellent on every level.
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frolix8 [2005-02-20 16:25:16 +0000 UTC]
Why this does not have more favorites I do not understand. Yet another wonderful painting it appears I missed in my initial perusals of your gallery. I love your paintings.
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musickscapes In reply to frolix8 [2005-02-21 22:53:55 +0000 UTC]
I think because I uploaded all my paintings first, then all this other stuff, and the paintings got lost in the shuffle!! I'll re-submit them from time to time to get the attention they deserve! Thanks for your comment!!!
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Bernardumaine [2005-02-20 10:19:32 +0000 UTC]
Nice intricate painting !
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RubyO [2005-02-20 04:18:45 +0000 UTC]
that one just says soooo much. brilliant colors and very expressive. so glad to see so much work coming from you
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Chelovek [2004-12-14 18:59:22 +0000 UTC]
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musickscapes In reply to twisted-end [2004-12-20 05:17:16 +0000 UTC]
You are so right. Of course, if people didn't sue doctors at the drop of a hat pin into the gut during surgery, perhaps we would have more doctors. But still, when you have to be a patient for life, coming across a doc that really takes time to get to know you as more than a patient is an amazing thing. My specialist, whom I see every three or four months, went to my website and saw this painting, and has spent a long time with me ever since.
To the power of art!
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musickscapes In reply to twisted-end [2004-12-23 18:27:14 +0000 UTC]
Yes, I thought about suing this doctor, even went to my sister's employer (he's the guy that won that huge breast implant settlement a few years back) but they wouldn't take the case. It was all about politics, the reviewing doctor was friends of the doc I wanted to sue. But in the end, I was glad I didn't.
Everyone does make mistakes, and I've had some very bad doctoring, but not because they are malicious, but because I have a complicated case and a rare disease that only five docs in the entire country treat.
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ooopy-doopy [2004-12-11 07:52:21 +0000 UTC]
u love your colours and use of light, its fatastic
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Engel08 [2004-12-11 05:40:49 +0000 UTC]
man I love the color and the visceral feel of it...I think I'm impressed.
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unabridged [2004-12-11 05:37:15 +0000 UTC]
fantastic balance...the shades of blue really tie everything together well
great eyes as well, quite emotive
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