Nevert013 — Eel sharks

Published: 2016-09-11 00:22:40 +0000 UTC; Views: 825; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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Description The Xenacanthiforms, also known as the eel sharks, evolved during the Late Invertozoic period, surviving the major extinction and this allowed them to survive all the way to the Saurozoic.  All these specimens can be found in fresh water and brackish water around the world.  

1. Grislaecanthus:  A medium sized predator in Terarian waters, they lurk in deeper lakes feeding on small fish and small invertebrates. They are semi active, both using ambush tactics and chasing down prey.  The spine on the head can give an electric shock which is more powerful than an electric eel.  2 meters

2. Allodontocanthus: A small xenacanthid, they have a unique tooth structure which allows them to eat harder shelled animals and can be found in brackish waters and bays in North Arteria.  They are able to "walk" on the floor where they crunch their prey.  1.2 meters

3. Saurocanthus: A large species confined to Ozeedus, it hunts larger fish, dinosaurs, reptiles, birds, and amphibians. They can take massive chunks out of prey due to having moveable teeth and they can lock jaws onto the prey.  3 meters

4. Nanocanthus:  The smallest of the eel sharks, they usually feed on small invertebrates and small fish, but this changes during the dry season. In Cristofsa during the dry season, they school in groups over 50 individuals, they will swarm carcasses or dying animals and tear them apart in similar ways to piranhas.  They have two spines which the first one has a venom while the second spike can deliver a powerful shock.  20 centimeters

5. Neoxenacanthus: A smaller species of eel shark that lives in the weed choked rivers in North Arteria where they hunt crayfish, freshwater crabs, smaller fish, and they scavenge any carcasses that fall into the river. They can swim incredibly fast to avoid predation, though the spine can deliver an insane amount of pain.  20cm-1 meter

6. Gigorthocanthus:  The largest of the eel sharks, this titan predator hunts in deep rivers, lakes, brackish waters and most freshwater environments.  They can be found in the Northern Frozen Region, Teraria, Trianka, and parts of North Arteria.  During the migrations of hadrosaurs and ceratopsians, these sharks will attack any dinosaur swimming through the waterways.  It only has one predator:  large spinosaurs and it will battle them if attacked.  They also have been known to crawl on land to grab animals close to the shore.  10-14 meters 

7. Suchocanthus:  A species of eel shark living on Teraria, it hunts convergently to how crocodiles hunt and large crocs are absent in the rivers they live in. They hunt small dinosaurs, mammals, birds, and fish.  They will sit on the bottom and wait for prey to get close enough or they will crawl onto land and attack that way.  The spine is very deadly and can kill a tyrannosaur in a few minutes.  9-11 meters

8. Edecanthus:  A medium sized shark that lurks in the brackish waters around Trianka as well as the Isle of Death, showing that it could swim in oceans.  These sharks have two large half circle tooth whorls which can slash and slice prey to pieces which include squid, ammonites, fish small marine reptiles, and other sharks. 4 meters

9. Thalassocanthus:  A medium sized shark that lives in both shallow marine waters as well as freshwater.  They have large semicircle fins on the tail and they swim after prey.  They commonly hunt fish and squids.  2 meters
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Comments: 1

Eldertyrant682 [2018-02-16 01:21:06 +0000 UTC]

The new river monsters primordial terrors

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