NotoriousHamCatcher — Xiaolin Showdown: Unega Nepheli Adams

Published: 2013-07-20 02:44:19 +0000 UTC; Views: 1748; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 1
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Description This is my new OC, which I adopted from I really liked her design, so I bought it XD. Some stuff in her profile is unfinished because I wanna develop those traits through rp, as well as what her element would be. I have a lot of ideas for XS characters, but I dunno if I want to incorporate them into this OC or another one. Because I'm also planning on making my own original design as well.

Here's her full profile


Full name: Unega "Nepheli" Adams
Pronunciation: (ooh-nay-gah "nef-uh-lee" a-dums)
Nickname(s) or Alias: Nepheli, Neph
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Age: 15
*XC Age: 18
Birthday: February 18th
Sexuality: Assumes she's Straight/Demisexual
Nationality: 1/2 American(Greek/German), 1/2 Native American
Languages spoken: Some Cherokee and Braille (in case she ever gets severe eye problems)
Native language: English

Relationship Status: Single


Height: 5’5” (taller than Kimiko and shorter than Raimundo)
Weight 115lbs
Figure/build: fit build, kind of flat
Hair color: white
Eye colour: turquoise
Skin colour: pale Caucasian
Piercings: left ear
Frequently worn jewelry: feather earring


Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: Albinism, lack of skin pigment in the skin, eyes and hair. Has sensitive skin and can be easily burned by UV rays, somewhat impaired vision.

Any medication regularly taken: No medications, just clothing to protect herself from the sun, sunscreen and special glasses.


Personality: Nepheli seems tough and unfeeling on the outside. But on the inside she’s a nervous, shy girl that only wants acceptance for being herself, and not defined by her albinism. She doesn’t trust anyone easily and it will take a lot of persuasion to get to trust someone. She keeps to herself and prefers being a wallflower rather than standing in the center of attention cause she's afraid of being made fun of. She’s a very quiet girl and often goes unnoticed if she doesn’t attract attention. The friends she cares about are dear to her and will always help them out cause she knows they'll help her out. However she can be easily suspicious of someone's actions and may try to ignore or ease her way out of the situation. To other's, she remains polite and stoic, and won't show emotion unless she is close to them. If she is close to someone, she'll break her serious demeanor and try to be silly. However her silliness can be awkward since she doesn't try to be silly that often.
Neph tries her best not to show signs of weakness. And when she does its usually when she has a mental breakdown, which are also very rare. She can tolerate most people from years of restraining herself, but if things get too extreme, she’ll go ape shit. If you somehow manage to steal her feather earring, she’ll lose it and start feeling emotionally insecure. She’ll become soft, sensitive and extremely depressed. Basically her softer, nervous side shows when she's not wearing her earring because it makes her feel secure and confident.

Likes: being alone, reading, controlling her emotions, bird watching, listening to music, Lindsey Stirling, small spaces
Dislikes: being called “Albino”, breaking into a rage, rats, bugs, cultural appropriation, crowds of people, embarrassing herself
Fears/phobias: being burned alive, rejection, being weak and useless, failure/defeat(Kakorrhaphiophobia), being locked or trapped in an enclosed space(Cleithrophobia), losing her feather earring
Favourite colour: green
Hobbies: listening to music, designing clothing (can't sew for her life), daydreaming, learning native American lore and hip hop violin
Taste in music: Varied, leans toward hip hop violin


Talents/skills: keeping in control, plays violin, a bit of street fighting which later changed to a kung fu style


Omnivore/Carnivore/Herbivore: Omnivore

Favourite food(s): Oranges, oysters


City or town of birth: Charlotte, North Carolina
Currently lives: Xiashu Temple
Describe the character's house/home: Nepheli use to live in a middle-high class surburban house.
Significant/special belongings: Feather charm she wears on her ear


Peaceful or aggressive attitude? A bit of both
Fighting skills/techniques: hand-to-hand combat
Special skills/magical powers/etc: Mist Warrior
Weapon of choice (if any): Nakagami kind , Woozy Shooter
Weaknesses in combat: long range attacks (due to bad vision)
Strengths in combat: close combat
Stat's Chart(?): fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/201…


Are parents alive or dead? alive
Is the character still in contact with their parents? yes
Siblings? Relationship with siblings? One older and younger brother
Younger Brother : Nepheli's younger brother finds his sister the coolest thing since sliced bread. Since he's not old enough to understand why she hates her condition, he's typically very nice and supportive to his older sister.
Older Brother: Quite the contrary to the younger brother, the older brother doesn't seem to care much for Nepheli. He'll avoid her whenever he can and doesn't really help her out. Nepheli spites her older brother for this.
Partner/Spouse: N/A
Children: N/A
Best Friend:
Other Important Friends:
Pets: N/A
Enemies? Why are they enemies?: N/A


Describe their childhood (newborn - age 10): Nepheli grew up in North Carolina living a pretty normal life, aside from her albinism. Being albino, Nepheli had a tough time fitting in. Her parents did their best to protect their daughter by providing her with sunscreen, special glasses and clothing. Because of this condition, some children considered weird and unnatural. Very few children thought she looked cool with her albinism. She hated being judged by her looks and suffering from the effects of her albinism, so she closed off her true self to the world in order to protect her ego and herself. Whenever situations got bad, she would run away in tears.

To help Nepheli stand strong in the face of prejudice, her native American grandmother gave her a red-tipped feather, claiming that it would protect her and give her strength. Nepheli treasures this earring, as it was the last thing she gave her before her grandmother passed away. Ever since then, her attitude on life changed drastically. She changed from being a scared little coward to a girl who started fighting her own fights. She became violent and hostile to anyone who dare make fun of her.

Describe their teenage years (11 - 19): Around the age of 13, her parents were sued for Nepheli's violent actions against a local neighbor who claimed that Nepheli attacked her. After pleading their innocence to court, the judge found them not guilty. However, this sparked a nasty rumor in the neighborhood. Kids started calling her a bloodthirsty psycho and avoided her. Any friend she had before left her in fear of getting hurt. This left Nepheli in a state of depression. One day, she was out in the neighborhood, being teased as usual. She showed no interest in the bullies for a very long while, but they kept pestering her. When they started pulling at her hair, she retaliated with every ounce of strength she had. But when she was about to knock them unconscious, she stopped her attack. This was unusual to Nepheli as she has never done this before. But she was glad she was able to stop.

Little did she know Master Chongan was watching this entire escapade. When she returned home, her parents and Chongan were there talking with each other. Master Chongan invited Nepheli to train at the temple with the four other warriors. Initially her parents refused when they heard that she was going to do more fighting, but Master Chongan reassured them that this would be for her own good, and she would grow and learn to master her problems. When her parents heard about the prospect of their only daughter receiving mental training, they accepted. Nepheli arrived at the temple at 15.

character reference (c) belongs to TtotheAFFY
character design (c) belongs to Mira-chii
base used (c) belongs to DevilDeath-sama
reference sheet belongs to (c) XS-Is-The-Shiz
Xiaolin Showdown (c) belongs to Christy Hui
Character (c) belongs to me
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Comments: 13

candylama101 [2015-12-16 03:12:57 +0000 UTC]

She looks really cool dude ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

NotoriousHamCatcher In reply to candylama101 [2015-12-26 05:59:21 +0000 UTC]

oh thanks! I actually didn't design her, originally. I made her new outfit but I adopted her from Mira-chii c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Zgirl259 [2013-07-29 03:05:23 +0000 UTC]

I like this OC Just one thing. Does she wear contacts? Because people with albinism have red or pink irises. The irises are muscles so without pigmentation they would be like your insides, all pinky reddy.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

NotoriousHamCatcher In reply to Zgirl259 [2013-07-29 04:22:29 +0000 UTC]

No, she doesn't wear contacts. Those are her real eye color. Because not everyone with albinism has red eyes!. In Dakota's case her eyes are a very light blue, so her eyesight is much better than people with red or pinkish eyes. But she still has problems seeing.

Dakota is very fortunate not to have red eyes since the cause of having red eyes is blood filling the eye, which I learned after my research on albinism. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zgirl259 In reply to NotoriousHamCatcher [2013-07-29 12:25:49 +0000 UTC]

Whoops, I was wrong about the eye color thing

But the cause of red eyes is the lack of pigmentation in the irises allowing the retina's red blood cells to be seen. If blood filled a person's eyes, which I have seen first hand, it would flood the white part rather than the iris.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

NotoriousHamCatcher In reply to Zgirl259 [2013-07-29 22:02:51 +0000 UTC]

True, true. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

NinjaKitten22 [2013-07-23 03:01:55 +0000 UTC]

Ah man such a legit description
its not all full of useless crap : D

I am excited to know her element and what ocs you pick to be her friends<3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

NotoriousHamCatcher In reply to NinjaKitten22 [2013-07-23 03:58:33 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

I'm not sure what kind of ability she'll have in the first place, since most of them are taken. So I'm taking it slow in determining what I think her element would be. I was thinking about fog/mist/cloud sort of thing, but that more up Raimundo's and Omi's alley. So I'm just really stuck on that XD

ooh she'll have a tough time making friends, since she has major trust issues >n>

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

NinjaKitten22 In reply to NotoriousHamCatcher [2013-08-08 02:35:59 +0000 UTC]

Well I am excited to see what you do with her<3

I just love how much love you put into them~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

NotoriousHamCatcher In reply to NinjaKitten22 [2013-08-09 06:05:57 +0000 UTC]

Haha thank you X3

I'm just very passionate about creating the right kind of OC

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

NinjaKitten22 In reply to NotoriousHamCatcher [2013-08-29 02:27:47 +0000 UTC]

Good to hear love<3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TheLokiPokey [2013-07-20 02:59:20 +0000 UTC]

Holy Crap. An actual albino oc that's actually legit and recognizes the unfortunate problems that do come with being albino. 


I do like the backstory, and she's got actual reasons to be the way she is, and still has room to develop if you continue to use her and stuff. I already love this OC.  


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

NotoriousHamCatcher In reply to TheLokiPokey [2013-07-20 03:11:29 +0000 UTC]

Ohmygoshyourwelcome!! I had so much fun creating her and learning all about albinism! After all that research I totally 100% support these guys and hope for the best for each and every person diagnosed with this ailment.

Thank you so so much for your critique, I was worried that I might have messed something up in her development. It took two days to make her and I really love the outcome

Again thank you for the comment, I really do appreciate it <3

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