novtilus — haunted town, hidden object game/hopa game

#digital #drawings #environmental #game #gamebackground #hidden #hiddenobject #hopa #illustration #object #paintings #titanic #gameillustration #hiddenobjectgame #backgroundgame #hiddenobjectscene #art #hopagame #novtilusbackground
Published: 2012-09-04 09:39:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 27330; Favourites: 378; Downloads: 445
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Description Inside the haunted town.
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Comments: 5

NoblesseOC [2018-06-01 11:14:49 +0000 UTC]

* Slowly and silently humming Thief Theme *

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scapeaholic [2015-06-04 04:21:48 +0000 UTC]

Oddly enough this doesn't feel "haunted", or at least not in the usual sense. The lighting and relatively decent conditions of the buildings makes it feel a bit more lively, like maybe people have just left for greener pastures. I think actually the brightness of the picture is what makes it creepy, because it seems almost too good, you know?

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thespangler [2014-04-25 17:09:21 +0000 UTC]


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sonjagatetodreamsart [2014-03-08 15:29:03 +0000 UTC]

great artwork !

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Ingkells [2012-09-04 09:55:49 +0000 UTC]

how do you people create this stuff, uguhuuhgh, good work!

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