On to the next larger space station of the Menori Mamentas Tiatasorimenoritia: the Aintiafi-Class-Space-Station.
The Aintiafi-Class replaces the original Ekonomia-Stacio-II-Class (ESII-Class).
With 1875×1113,5×1250 meters, the redesign has become much larger. (Original dimensions: 638.57×367.5×225 meters without solar panels, 1969.38 meters with solar panels included)
And although they are larger than the original space stations, the Aintiafi-Space-Stations perform only a small part of the tasks that the ESII-Class-Station still fulfills.
The new version is still a supply base for the ships of the Aaesmentas Mendo and, above all, forms the basis for the orbital defense of the worlds of the MMT.
Compared to the stations of the Fitia-Class, however, the space stations of the Aintiafi-Class have almost no significance as a trading center of the MMT. And the role as an "interim storage" now only fulfills the Fitia-Class. The function as "temporary storage" was still one of the main tasks of the ESII-Class.
"Interim storage" means that AM's individual spacecraft normally fly only certain trade routes or at most multiple routes within a single trading sector.
When cargo is to be transported on another trade route or relocated to another industry, these ships take over the cargo that flies on the new route.
Changing a spaceship from one trade route to another, or even from one trade sector to another, is almost never done.
The transfer of goods at the intersections of the route network or at the borders of the trade sectors was carried out in the original concept on the space stations of the ESII-Class.
This function is now taken over by the smaller Fitia class space station, located at the end of each trade route, the "hubs", as well as at the borders between two trading sectors, as well as in the orbit of almost every member world.
However, the Aintiafi-Class now fulfills a completely new task: as an administrative center.
Menori Mamenta's Tiatasorimenoritia means in the language of the Tau'ri not in vain Galactic Trade Confederation.
The individual member worlds of the MMT are so strongly committed to their respective sovereignty that most of these worlds do not tolerate "federal institutions" on their soil.
But even a confederation needs an administration for the respective central government, so that the government can fulfill its tasks.
The basis of this administrative machinery is the Trade Commissioners. They are a mixture of tax officials and customs officers. According to the few federal laws, which are mainly trade laws, the trade commissioners also have limited powers in the field of law enforcement.
But even a confederation needs more than just a few officials on each trade route.
In addition to the Fimeneuge tia Tiaeugetas (Chamber of Commerce), the "parliament" of the MMT, as well as the associated administrative apparatus on the planet Hadadus, now the Aintiafi-Class space stations serve as the local administrative center of the central government.
On the Aintiafi-Class space stations are now the commercial councils. The trade councils basically have the same functions and powers as the trade commissioners. Only that they are responsible for the larger activities. The commissioners are primarily concerned with smaller business activities, ie with individual freighters or smaller companies. The councils, however, are responsible for the activities of the large convoys, the Aaesmentas Comaaes, or for the multi-planetary companies. While there are offices of the Trade Commissioners on each MMT space station, the trading commissions are exclusively aboard the Aintiafi-Class.
As mentioned, these space stations are also the basis for the orbital defense.
In total, the Aintiafi-Class space stations are armed with twenty Rail-Launcher caliber 3500 mm, sixty-four Rail-Launcher caliber 1200 mm and one hundred twenty-eight Rail-Launcher caliber 380 mm.
And like all MMT ships and space stations, the Aintiafi-Stations do not have an internal hangar, but landing pads. These space stations have a total of 144 Landing Pads.
An exclusive feature of this space station class is the central docking bay between its "arms". This is meant for a Comcom-Class freighter docking to the station here. This makes it possible to use the large hatch at the bow of the ships for unloading and loading.
This is especially important as the Comcom Class is responsible for transporting the replenishment as a high-speed freighter. Which, in turn, allows the Aintiafi-Class, as a supply base for the fleet, to perform its tasks.
In the picture above you can see how three heavy Orioritas-Shuttle are approaching an Aintiafi-Class space station stationed in orbit around the planet Hadadus.
At the bottom right you can see an enlarged Fitia-Space-Station. For this purpose, 12 individual Fitia-Space-Stations were assembled into one construction.
Just in the direction of flight you can see the Aintiafi-Class space station, to which just a freighter of the Comcom class docked.
P.S. I made the image before I created the effect for the engine I introduced the day before yesterday. And I did not want to create the picture again. NO THANKS. This was already a nightmare.
Model made in: Sketchup
Rendered (space station) in: Kerkythea
Rendered (shuttles) in: Twilight Render V2
Background made in: Universe Sandbox ²