Oreosaurs — Pebbala

Published: 2023-04-02 19:56:16 +0000 UTC; Views: 53; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Scientific name: Cauculas

Common name: Pebbala

The Pebbala is a rather small creature that lives in the lower Oreorian period. Only growing up to be 8 cm long. Pebbalas are scavengers and their diet consists of plant matter and scraps of flesh on the sea floor. Pebbalas have evolved four eyes two on one side and two on the other side, but having four eyes doesn't mean that it's better for their vision. Pebbalas eyes are still simple because they their eyespots can only identify light and dark. The Pebbalas eyes are the one of the first creature to evolve light and dark eyespots but this will give rise to better and more complex eyes in a couple million years. Pebbalas don't have complex respiratory systems for now so the only way they can breath is specialist skin on the top of their body where they have evolved a cutaneous respiration system.
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