OtisFrampton — Chosin To The Sea Page 17

Published: 2013-08-12 23:21:03 +0000 UTC; Views: 4055; Favourites: 38; Downloads: 46
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Description I've finally gotten the green light to show some preview pages of a project that I worked on earlier this year. It's a 25-page short story that will be a part of a graphic novel based on the documentary "Chosin", directed by Brian Iglesias. The story I illustrated, "To The Sea", was originally just going to be a supplemental story to the main graphic novel. But Brian has decided to give it a single-issue release also, which was pleasant new for me!

It was a great honor to work on this project. A friend of mine from my days as a waiter served and lost a leg in the Korean War and one of the reasons I wanted to contribute to "Chosin" was because of him. The Forgotten War should not be forgotten.

The documentary "Chosin" is available for instant viewing on Neflix, by the way. I highly recommend it.

"Chosin: To The Sea" was written by Brian Iglesias. It was illustrated and lettered by me.

Drawn and colored in Photoshop CS4 using a Cintiq 21UX.

This is page 17 of the single-issue release.

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