pablorenauld — Stereoscopic Image 03 by-nc-nd

Published: 2011-09-20 03:36:57 +0000 UTC; Views: 362; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 0
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Primero que nada, ubicarse a 1 brazo de distancia del monitor
Si sabes como cruzar los ojos y ponerte vizco, hacelo mirando al centro de la imagen. Van a aparecer 4 imagenes iguales (las 2 que las vas a ver doble), tenes que cruzar mas o menos los ojos hasta que las 2 del medio se unan por completo, y la vista se te acostumbrará a la nueva imagen que acaba de aparecer

First of all, located 1 away from the monitor arm
If you know how to cross your eyes, do it facing the center of the image. 4 images will appear the same (the 2 that you are seeing double), you have to cross your eyes or so until the middle 2 join completely, and the view you get used to the new image that has just appeared
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