PaulHanley — The TVM Console Room

Published: 2019-03-14 03:37:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 13658; Favourites: 283; Downloads: 0
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Description Well, not exactly (it isn't a screen-accurate recreation of the '96 TARDIS), but I never feel right calling this "the Eighth Doctor's console room" since it was Seven's for a while too.

Like the Second Doc's console room I posted a while back, this is a fusion of several versions.  I got rid of the "inner colonnade" (looked great on TV, but it'd wreck any attempt to do a ground floor wide angle shot like this one) and added more bookshelves and ceiling-y stuff, running with things other artists had done with the console room in comics over the years (as well as Lee Sullivan's illustrations for the animated SHADA webcast).   I'm happy with the end result, but man... this was a lot of work.  
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