PhloxeButt — Crederia ARPG Event: Florabell Faire [Part 1]

Published: 2024-03-01 20:40:43 +0000 UTC; Views: 3743; Favourites: 156; Downloads: 0
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🌼The Horns Resound through the town! The Florabell Faire is on it's way!🌼
Flyers are sent out in every direction to let everyone know the Lelokos are coming out of hibernation, and to ask for help preparing the festival grounds that are set up to welcome and feed them! The kingdom of Lothain is offering pay and offer entry to the festival for anyone willing to volunteer their time helping set up. Games, Merriment, and Challenge await! But for now, why not lend a paw?

🌼 Florabell Faire [Part 1] is underway! Join the excitement and see if your Crederian could lend their skills to make sure it all goes smoothly!
 🌷 Seasonal Prompts have returned! Time to enjoy the newly sprouting blooms and perhaps clean your house...
 🌸 New and updated spring traits have been rolled out with some accompanying items that bundle them up!
 🌹 Crederia has gained a starting map! More will be unlocked as the events continue to unfold~
 🌻 February's raffle ends on the 3rd, so get those last minute entries in!

Part two will arrive with additional updates, traits, and more, but for now, why not check out the news? crederia.com/news/10.event-the…

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5019 [2024-04-19 15:29:46 +0000 UTC]

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EBZi [2024-03-02 12:47:46 +0000 UTC]

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