PhoenixFireArtAU — Arcten's Unicorn Guard

#anthro #anthropomorphic #fantasy #guard #soldier #unicorn #meakitty #meaeshanaphoenixfire #phoenixfireartau #phoenixfire_art_au #phoenixfire_art #pheonixfireart
Published: 2024-05-02 03:33:25 +0000 UTC; Views: 4565; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 0
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Arcten's newest character, who doesn't even have a name yet... I was given free reign on a wing-it with the request: "The below character (no name yet) in armor and cloak, but with a white horn, if I could. Either walking toward the viewer, or standing guard." Think I managed to nail it.
Commissions open now via ko-fi.com/MeaKitty/Commissions if you want one for yourself.

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