pica-ae — CSS Tricks: Lists
Published: 2013-12-11 11:26:34 +0000 UTC; Views: 22726; Favourites: 154; Downloads: 0
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Description body div#devskin7405315 * { background:transparent; border:none; box-shadow:none; -moz-box-shadow:none; -webkit-box-shadow:none; box-sizing:border-box; -moz-box-sizing:border-box; -webkit-box-sizing:border-box; margin:0; padding:0; } /* ------------------------------ GENERAL ------------------------------ */ body div#devskin7405315 .gr1 { display:none; } body div#devskin7405315 .gr2 { display:none; } body div#devskin7405315 .gr3 { display:none; } body div#devskin7405315 .tri { display:none; } body div#devskin7405315 h2 img { display:none; } body div#devskin7405315 a { color:#98ab0a; text-decoration:none; transition:color 0.5s; -moz-transition:color 0.5s; -webkit-transition:color 0.5s; -ms-transition:color 0.5s; -o-transition:color 0.5s; } body div#devskin7405315 a:hover { color:#b4cc00; text-decoration:underline; } body div#devskin7405315 h1, body div#devskin7405315 h2, body div#devskin7405315 h3, body div#devskin7405315 h4, body div#devskin7405315 h5, body div#devskin7405315 h6 { font-family:Georgia, serif; color:#414d4c; letter-spacing:0px; font-weight:bold; } body div#devskin7405315 .text ::selection { background:#f2d649; } body div#devskin7405315 .text ::-moz-selection { background:#f2d649; } body div#devskin7405315 .gr-box { } body div#devskin7405315 .gr-genericbox { border:none; border-radius:10px; -moz-border-radius:10px; -webkit-border-radius:10px; position:static; background:url(https://i451.photobucket.com/albums/qq231/pica-ae/img_background.jpg) #f2f2f2; margin:10px 0px; padding:0px; font-family:Verdana; font-size:13px; line-height:20px; color:#333333; text-shadow:#ffffff 0px 1px 0px; } body div#devskin7405315 .divider { background:#cccccc; display:block; height:1px; } /* ------------------------------ GR-TOP ------------------------------ */ body div#devskin7405315 .gr-top { border:none; position:static; background:#4a5d4e url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/22307794/css/CR/gr-top_trans.png') center; color:#FFFFFF; margin:0px!important; padding:0px!important; } body div#devskin7405315 .gr-top .gr { border:none; background:transparent; margin:0px!important; padding:40px 20px!important; margin:auto!important; max-width:680px; } body div#devskin7405315 .gr-top h2, body div#devskin7405315 .gr-top h2 a { background:url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/22307794/dA/profile/TriCSS.png') no-repeat top left; color:#98ab0a; text-shadow:#37413e 0px 1px 0px; font-weight:normal; font-size:32px; letter-spacing:0.1px; padding-top:90px; transition:color 0.5s, box-shadow 0.5s; -moz-transition:color 0.5s, box-shadow 0.5s; -webkit-transition:color 0.5s, box-shadow 0.5s; -ms-transition:color 0.5s, box-shadow 0.5s; -o-transition:color 0.5s, box-shadow 0.5s; } body div#devskin7405315 .gr-top h2 a:hover { color:#b4cc00; text-decoration:none; text-shadow:#37413e 0px 2px 1px; } body div#devskin7405315 .gr-top .timestamp { display:none; } body div#devskin7405315 .gr-top span { border:none; background:transparent; margin:0px!important; padding:0px!important; } /* ------------------------------ GR-BODY ------------------------------ */ body div#devskin7405315 .gr-body { position:static; 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margin:0px; padding:20px; } body div#devskin7405315 .bottom a { color:#ffffff; text-decoration:none; text-shadow:#37413e 0px -1px 0px; } body div#devskin7405315 .bottom a:hover { color:#798e7f; text-shadow:#37413e 0px 1px 0px; text-decoration:none; } /* ------------------------------ FOOTER ------------------------------ */ body div#devskin7405315 .footer { background:#e5e5e5; line-height:30px; margin:0px; padding:20px; text-shadow:none; text-align:center; } body div#devskin7405315 .footer h1 { } body div#devskin7405315 .footer a { background:#98ab0a; color:#FFFFFF; font-weight:normal; margin:2px 0; padding:0px 10px; display:inline-block; height:30px; line-height:30px; transition:background 1s ease; -moz-transition:background 1s ease; -webkit-transition:background 1s ease; -ms-transition:background 1s ease; -o-transition:background 1s ease; } body div#devskin7405315 .footer a:hover { background:#FFFFFF; color:#98ab0a; } body div#devskin7405315 .suggestion { background:#ffffff; color:#333333; 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line-height:20px; margin:0; padding:20px; position:absolute; right:0; left:0; } body div#devskin7405315 .right-half .shadow-holder a.thumb.lit .wrap q strong { display:block; background:#4a5d4e; color:#98ab0a; text-shadow:#37413e 0px 1px 0px; font-weight:normal; font-size:16px; margin:-20px; margin-bottom:10px; padding:20px; transition:color 0.5s, box-shadow 0.5s; -moz-transition:color 0.5s, box-shadow 0.5s; -webkit-transition:color 0.5s, box-shadow 0.5s; -ms-transition:color 0.5s, box-shadow 0.5s; -o-transition:color 0.5s, box-shadow 0.5s; } body div#devskin7405315 .right-half .shadow-holder:hover { background:#FFFFFF; } body div#devskin7405315 .right-half .shadow-holder:hover a.thumb.lit .wrap q strong { color:#b4cc00; text-shadow:#37413e 0px 2px 1px; } /* ------------------------------ BUTTONS ------------------------------ */ body div#devskin7405315 .button a { background:#98ab0a url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/22307794/css/tricks/icon-journal.png') center no-repeat; background-position:10px; box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; -moz-box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; -webkit-box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; color:#ffffff; font-weight:normal; font-size:16px; padding:10px 12px 10px 36px; text-shadow:#6b7807 0px -1px 0px; } body div#devskin7405315 .button a:hover { background:#a5b90f url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/22307794/css/tricks/icon-journal-hover.png') center left no-repeat; background-position:10px; color:#6b7807; text-shadow:#b6c54d 0px 1px 0px; } /* ------------------------------ BOXES ------------------------------ */ body div#devskin7405315 .tip, body div#devskin7405315 .tip-small { background:#f7e37c; box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; -moz-box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; -webkit-box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; color:#404040; font-family:'Inconsolata', monospace; font-size:14px; padding:20px 20px 20px 50px; text-shadow:#fbf1be 0px 1px 0px; } body div#devskin7405315 .tip b { margin-left:-30px; } body div#devskin7405315 .tip strong { color:#404040; font-size:14px; } body div#devskin7405315 .tip i, body div#devskin7405315 .tip em { font-style:normal; } body div#devskin7405315 .tip i { color:#e5004d; } body div#devskin7405315 .tip em { color:#1717e5; } body div#devskin7405315 .tip u { background:#1717e5; color:#FFFFFF; text-decoration:none; padding:0 2px; text-shadow:none; } body div#devskin7405315 .tip-small { box-shadow:1px 1px 1px #b2b2b2; -moz-box-shadow:1px 1px 1px #b2b2b2; -webkit-box-shadow:1px 1px 1px #b2b2b2; display:inline-block; font-size:12px; margin-left:8px; padding:2px 4px; position:relative; top:-2px; float:right; text-align:right; z-index:10; } body div#devskin7405315 .tip-small::before { content:' '; border-top:solid 8px transparent; border-bottom:solid 8px transparent; border-right:solid 8px #f7e37c; position:absolute; left:-8px; top:4px; } body div#devskin7405315 .tip-small i { opacity:0; filter:alpha(opacity=0); _zoom:1; transition:opacity 0.5s ease; -moz-transition:opacity 0.5s ease; -webkit-transition:opacity 0.5s ease; -ms-transition:opacity 0.5s ease; -o-transition:opacity 0.5s ease; display:block; float:left; position:absolute; background:#f7e37c; font-size:0; right:-20px; bottom:0px; left:-900px; top:0px; } body div#devskin7405315 .tip-small:hover i { opacity:0.5; filter:alpha(opacity=50); _zoom:1; } body div#devskin7405315 .attention { background:#4a5d4e; color:#FFFFFF; border-radius:3px; -moz-border-radius:3px; -webkit-border-radius:3px; border-radius:3px; -moz-border-radius:3px; -webkit-border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; -moz-box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; -webkit-box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; padding:20px; text-shadow:#000000 0px -1px 0px; font-size:14px; } body div#devskin7405315 .attention a:hover { color:#FFFFFF; } /* ------------------------------ PRO AND CONS ------------------------------ */ body div#devskin7405315 .procon { display:inline!important; } body div#devskin7405315 .pro, body div#devskin7405315 .con { display:inline; float:left; width:50%; } body div#devskin7405315 .text .procon .pro ul { list-style-image:url('https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22307794/css/img_li_plus.gif'); margin:10px 20px; padding:0px; } body div#devskin7405315 .text .procon .con ul { list-style-image:url('https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22307794/css/img_li_minus.gif'); margin:10px 20px; padding:0px; } /* ------------------------------ MOBILE ------------------------------ */ @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { body div#devskin7405315 .footer a { margin:4px 0; display:block; } } /* ------------------------------ CODE EXAMPLES ------------------------------ */ body div#devskin7405315 .text blockquote { margin:0px; padding:24px 20px 15px 20px; color:#333333; font-family:monospace; font-size:12px; border:none; background:url(https://i451.photobucket.com/albums/qq231/pica-ae/img_blockquote.gif) #ffffff; box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; -moz-box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; -webkit-box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; text-shadow:none; position:relative; overflow:hidden; } body div#devskin7405315 .text blockquote span { color:#1717e5; } body div#devskin7405315 .text blockquote p { margin:0px; padding:0px 20px; } body div#devskin7405315 .text blockquote p span { color:#e5004d; } body div#devskin7405315 .text blockquote i { color:#338033; font-style:normal; } body div#devskin7405315 .images { text-align:center; } body div#devskin7405315 .images img { box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; -moz-box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; -webkit-box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; margin:5px; } /* ------------------------------ CODE EXAMPLE BOXES ------------------------------ */ body div#devskin7405315 .da-box { border:1px solid #a6b3a6; background:#dae4d9; border-radius:5px; -moz-border-radius:5px; -webkit-border-radius:5px; border-radius:5px; -moz-border-radius:5px; -webkit-border-radius:5px; padding:20px; font-family:Verdana; text-shadow:none; } body div#devskin7405315 .da-box h1, body div#devskin7405315 .da-box h2, body div#devskin7405315 .da-box h3, body div#devskin7405315 .da-box h4, body div#devskin7405315 .da-box h5, body div#devskin7405315 .da-box h6 { font-family:Verdana; } body div#devskin7405315 .da-box h1 { font-size:24px; } body div#devskin7405315 .da-box h2 { font-size:18px; } body div#devskin7405315 .da-box h3 { font-size:14px; } body div#devskin7405315 .da-box h4 { font-size:12px; } body div#devskin7405315 .da-box h5 { font-size:10px; } body div#devskin7405315 .da-box h6 { font-size:8px; } body div#devskin7405315 .da-box ul, body div#devskin7405315 .da-box ol { list-style-image:none; list-style-position:outside; margin:0 20px; padding:0; } body div#devskin7405315 .da-box p { display:block; margin:10px 0; } body div#devskin7405315 .da-box blockquote { margin:1em 0 1em 1em; padding:0.6em; border-left:5px solid #aaa; background:transparent; box-shadow:none; -moz-box-shadow:none; -webkit-box-shadow:none; font-family:Verdana; } body div#devskin7405315 .da-box a { color:#337287; font-weight:normal; text-shadow:none; } body div#devskin7405315 .custom-box { margin:auto; max-width:400px!important; background:#664d80; color:#ffffff; padding:20px; text-shadow:none; } /* -- Background Images -- */ body div#devskin7405315 .tiffany1, body div#devskin7405315 .tiffany2, body div#devskin7405315 .tiffany3 { padding:20px; margin:0 40px; text-shadow:none; } body div#devskin7405315 .tiffany1 { background-image:url('https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22307794/css/tricks/372031.png'); } body div#devskin7405315 .tiffany2 { background-color:#bde6d8; background-image:url('https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22307794/css/tricks/372031.png'); background-position:center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-attachment:scroll; } body div#devskin7405315 .tiffany3 { background:#bde6d8 url('https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22307794/css/tricks/372031.png') center no-repeat scroll; } body div#devskin7405315 .imagepractice { display:inline-block; margin:20px 0px; } body div#devskin7405315 .imagepractice1, body div#devskin7405315 .imagepractice2, body div#devskin7405315 .imagepractice3, body div#devskin7405315 .imagepractice4, body div#devskin7405315 .imagepractice5, body div#devskin7405315 .imagepractice6 { background:#3d5266; padding:20px; margin:0 40px 0 0; text-shadow:none; color:#ffffff; float:left; max-width:45%; } body div#devskin7405315 .imagepractice1 { background:url('https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22307794/css/tricks/busy_image.png') top; } body div#devskin7405315 .imagepractice2 { background:url('https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22307794/css/tricks/busy_pattern.png') top; } body div#devskin7405315 .imagepractice3 { background:url('https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22307794/css/tricks/hardedge_gradient.png') top no-repeat #3d5266; } body div#devskin7405315 .imagepractice4 { background:url('https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22307794/css/tricks/texture_image.png') top no-repeat #3d5266; } body div#devskin7405315 .imagepractice5 { background:url('https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22307794/css/tricks/subtle_pattern.png'); } body div#devskin7405315 .imagepractice6 { background:url('https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22307794/css/tricks/softedge_gradient.png') top no-repeat #3d5266; } body div#devskin7405315 .welcome { background:#EFE7E1 url('https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22307794/css/tricks/welcome.png') no-repeat; background-position:center 20px; max-width:400px; margin:auto; padding:90px 20px 20px 20px; text-shadow:none; } body div#devskin7405315 .hlimage { background:#EFE7E1; max-width:400px; margin:auto; padding:20px; text-shadow:none; } body div#devskin7405315 .hlimage h1 { color:#332115; background:url('https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22307794/css/tricks/hlimage.png') center left no-repeat; font-family:'Alegreya', Georgia, Serif; padding:0 0 0 30px; } /* -- Fonts -- */ body div#devskin7405315 .websafefonts { background:deepskyblue url('https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22307794/css/tricks/websafefonts.jpg') no-repeat; box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; -moz-box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; -webkit-box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; color:#ffffff; font-size:20px; line-height:30px; padding:20px 20px 20px 50%; text-shadow:none; } body div#devskin7405315 .font-arial { font-family:Arial; } body div#devskin7405315 .font-arial-black { font-family:Arial Black; } body div#devskin7405315 .font-courier-new { font-family:Courier New; } body div#devskin7405315 .font-georgia { font-family:Georgia; } body div#devskin7405315 .font-impact { font-family:Impact; } body div#devskin7405315 .font-lucida-grande { font-family:Lucida Grande; 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filter:alpha(opacity=10); _zoom:1; } body div#devskin7405315 .title-solved .title:hover::before { opacity:1; filter:alpha(opacity=100); _zoom:1; } /* -- what is CSS and HTML anyway? -- */ body div#devskin7405315 .basics1, body div#devskin7405315 .basics2 { background:ivory; font-family:Roboto, Sans-serif; font-size:13px; margin:0; padding:20px; line-height:15px!important; text-shadow:none; } body div#devskin7405315 .basics1 h1, body div#devskin7405315 .basics1 h3, body div#devskin7405315 .basics2 h1, body div#devskin7405315 .basics2 h3 { color:crimson; font-family:Roboto, Sans-serif; } body div#devskin7405315 .basics h1 { font-size:24px; } body div#devskin7405315 .basics1 p, body div#devskin7405315 .basics2 p { color:dimgrey; } body div#devskin7405315 .basics1 h3, body div#devskin7405315 .basics2 h3 { color:limegreen; font-size:18px; margin-top:15px; } body div#devskin7405315 .basics2 .box { background:grey; margin-top:20px; padding:20px; } body div#devskin7405315 .basics2 .box h3 { color:deepskyblue; margin-top:0px; } body div#devskin7405315 .basics2 .box p { color:white; }

Lists are awesome So let's talk about them

The basic list format is avaiable everywhere on dA, you do not need a premium membership to create a list. Of course you could just use or a symbol like ~ to indicate a new list item, but an actual HTML coded list has a lot of benefits over that.
Especially when you have single points that exceed a single line a HTML list, a line break appears at a spot you cannot control and therefore you will end up having no indentation and it will just look messy.

You don't have to be a Premium Member to use the HTML for lists, see

You do need it, if you want to use Journal Skins aka personal CSS.

So, let's get started.

Basics About Lists
There are two kinds of list: ordered and unordered.
Ordered means you will get a numbered list from 1 to how many items your list has.
Unordered means you will get bullet points in front of every item.

Ordered list

  • Cowherb
  • That news announcer hears the girl crying. I called him "the computer programmer". Becky calls him George. Those drivers painted the room green. I kept the milk cold.
  • Backheel

  • Unordered list
    • Infrugal
    • I called him "the barber". That garbage man elected her chairperson. That manager keeps the milk cold. Sue elected Bill captain of our team. Those barbers name the dog Fido.
    • Cancelier

    Every element of a is contained in its own wrapper:

  • list item

  • All list items are contained in an ordered or unordered wrapper:

    Ordered list

    1. Cowherb

    2. That news announcer hears the girl crying. I called him "the computer programmer". Becky calls him George. Those drivers painted the room green. I kept the milk cold.

    3. Backheel

    Unordered list

    • Infrugal

    • I called him "the barber". That garbage man elected her chairperson. That manager keeps the milk cold. Sue elected Bill captain of our team. Those barbers name the dog Fido.

    • Cancelier

    Nested Lists
    You can place lists inside each other. This will result in an indented list inside another list element. If you put an unordered list into another list, the bullet point will change from the regular filled circle to a hollow circle, as this is the second level in the bullet point hierarchy.

  • Cowherb
    • Infrugal
    • Feandra
    • Cancelier
  • That news announcer hears the girl crying. I called him "the computer programmer". Becky calls him George. Those drivers painted the room green. I kept the milk cold.
  • Backheel

    1. Cowherb

      • Infrugal

      • Feandra

      • Cancelier

    2. That news announcer hears the girl crying. I called him "the computer programmer". Becky calls him George. Those drivers painted the room green. I kept the milk cold.

    3. Backheel

    Lists on dA
    An "unstyled" list will be contained with a CSS in dA's stylesheet. It is not unstyled per se, it has been styled by dA, but it has not been styled by you with a personal CSS.

    By not resetting or styling all properites of a list, you may run into conflicts with the dA styling, so I prefer to "call on" every property when I create a new CSS, often simply resetting to zero or to display: none;.

    More on the properties for lists right below this paragraph.  

    List Styling
    You can apply any CSS to lists. Both the containers
    , as well as the single wrapper
  • can be styled to your preference.

    There are three list specific properties that help you control the look of a list: list-style-type, list-style-image and list-style-position.

    There are lot of options for what kind of style you want your list to have; the distinctions here are between bullets, numerals and letters. F.e. the default bullet point is disc, for consecutive numbering you would use decimal or upper-roman if you want to use Roman numerals. Letters are among others avaiable in Latin lower-latin or Greek lower-greek.

    You can either display no image by setting the property to none (which would be the default setting aka if you don't want an image, done set this property) or link to an image by setting the image ULR url(http://…/list.png) as the property.

    This property lets you set the horizontal position of whatever bullet point/numbering/image you are using in correlation to the text of each element and text outside of the list.

    outside will set the style element left outside of the text and list area.
    inside will align the style element with text that runs outside of your list; this will cause long elements, that run over one line, to be aligned with the bullet point and not the first letter of the element.  

    To avoid an over float of second lines in list elements and bullet points, a combination of outside and margin-left should be used.

    Examples Of List Styling
    Here is a small selection of how you can style lists.

    Unordered list with a hollow circle

    ul {

    list-style-type: disc;

    list-style-image: none;

    list-style-position: inside;

    margin: 0;

    This is a simple approach to list styling, simply replacing the default bullet with another one.

    Unordered list with a hollow circle

    • Nekmit
    • Novanoid
    • Yeinydd

    Ordered list with Roman uppercase numerals

    ol {

    list-style-type: upper-roman;

    list-style-image: none;

    list-style-position: outside;

    margin: 0;

    You will notice how the list-style-type, in this case upper-roman numbering, becomes right aligned text if set to list-style-position: outside.
    Changing to list-style-position: inside would result in left-aligned numbering and stair-steps where the list elements begin. If you like to align things properly like me you should probably use outside in combination with margin for your lists

    Ordered list with Roman uppercase numerals

  • Hysleria
  • Toogit
  • Hooppler

  • Ordered list with lowercase Latin letters

    ol {

    list-style-type: lower-latin;

    list-style-image: none;

    list-style-position: outside;

    margin: 0 0 0 20px;

    The combination of list-style-position: outside; with margin: 0 0 0 20px; will give the same result as a combination of inside and zero margin. The difference becomes visible when a list element contains a lot of text or a nested list.

    Ordered list with lowercase Latin letters

  • Dropperclear
  • Yboiveth
  • Qiameth

  • More Bullet Points, Numerals & Letters
    Please refere to list-style-type | MDN for a list of all avaiable options to style your list.

    Replacing bullet points with images
    To customize a list further, it is often necessary to create a new bullet point and integrate it as an image into the styling. Common images for this are checkmarks, plus symbols, arrows etc.
    If you set the property list-style-position: inside; the image will automatically define the horizontal position of the list element and place it next to the image.

    ul {

    list-style-type: none;

    list-style-image: url("…/finger.png");

    list-style-position: inside;

    margin: 0;


    Replacing bullet points with images

    • Alerrawia
    • Peachflame
    • Pulappli

    What Won't Work

    • You cannot set individual images for each list element. If you want a numbered list, you will have to use the options that are avaiable via the list-style-type property.
    • You cannot set a different color for the text inside a list element and the style element (unless you use an image for that).

    Other Uses For Lists

    Build a Horizontal Drop Down Navigation Menu With Lists

    This is how the HTML set up for a navigation menu made from a list would look like.
    You should use a container  for the whole list, to seperate the styling of this list from other "regular" lists inside the content. In HTML5 the
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    Comments: 40

    espeonsky [2016-10-28 20:04:56 +0000 UTC]

    Hello! I managed to get your code down, and I've gotten to understand it (thank you so much for this)! But I have one question, is there a way to turn the top sections, having them rather than words (ex: Infrugal) be an image/icon? Thank you!

    👍: 0 ⏩: 0

    Autumnique [2015-12-16 11:58:23 +0000 UTC]

    May I ask how to do something like this? momorin-kun.deviantart.com/

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    pica-ae In reply to Autumnique [2016-05-03 12:20:55 +0000 UTC]

    Sorry for the late reply, the account in question seems to have deactivated by now. 

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    Autumnique In reply to pica-ae [2016-05-03 13:21:47 +0000 UTC]

    Nvm! I already figured it out!

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    pica-ae In reply to Autumnique [2016-05-03 14:03:00 +0000 UTC]


    👍: 0 ⏩: 0

    Yaaju [2015-08-07 02:59:23 +0000 UTC]

    so can people without premium membership use css in their journal to make the dropdown? or are they just stuck with the list.. btw your journal is very helpful and I love you lol

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    pica-ae In reply to Yaaju [2015-08-07 12:20:36 +0000 UTC]

    This is limited only to premium/core members. I am afraid you're stuck with regular links.

    You can of course arrange them anyway you want and use the given classes in sta.sh writer to enhance their look. You can use different sized headline formats for them, blockquotes, center the text and divide with characters like / or | or –, you can apply bold or italic styling to them. It does not have to be just a list  

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    Yaaju In reply to pica-ae [2015-11-08 05:41:10 +0000 UTC]

    dang that's too bad, but thank you so much for the info! it was super helpful!

    👍: 0 ⏩: 0

    Hokannko [2015-07-08 13:29:09 +0000 UTC]

    Hello there! Firstly, thank you so much for this; it really helped a lot!

    I just have one problem though. So, I copy-pasted the codes and everything, changed the names and removed some dropdowns to match what I need, but when I load the preview, the ones without a dropdown in them end up looking out of place . And even when I used the original code without editing anything, the 'home' button ends up like that as well. What should I do?

    I hope you manage to read this! Thanks so much in advance!

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    pica-ae In reply to Hokannko [2015-07-08 14:15:56 +0000 UTC]

    Do you have a link to this in sta.sh maybe? I could easier see what's going on in a "live" environment. Based on a screenshot the only thing I can suggest is to check that all brackest are in the right spot

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    Hokannko In reply to pica-ae [2015-07-08 15:05:32 +0000 UTC]

    Sadly, I don't have a premium, so I can't really save it temporarily for a live preview

    As for that, I've already checked, and they seem to be in the right places? Since I didn't really change anything in the CSS, only in the HTML.

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    pica-ae In reply to Hokannko [2015-07-29 10:20:47 +0000 UTC]

    Maybe there are some spaces between the single li elements? It may help to remove all linebreaks and have all the brackets neck to neck like  >< without any spacing between them. 

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    Hokannko In reply to pica-ae [2015-08-03 04:23:35 +0000 UTC]


    I tried doing what you said, and this is what it looks like right now .

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    pica-ae In reply to Hokannko [2015-08-03 06:44:56 +0000 UTC]

    Alright, thanks for the link.

    There is one ul element with comissions that is in between all the li elements, this one either needs to be deleted or wrapped in a li element. 


    I can see that you have already added two dropdowns correctly into the li elements, so those do actually work. This one just is already opened and covers the other two that work.
    If you delete that ul, the other will be on the same line and will work as it should

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    Hokannko In reply to pica-ae [2015-08-03 11:12:36 +0000 UTC]

    Thanks-- I tried what you said and edited some parts a bit. This is what it looks like right now .

    The one without a dropdown won't line up no matter what I do for some reason?
    So sorry for all the trouble ;A;/

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    pica-ae In reply to Hokannko [2015-08-03 18:41:13 +0000 UTC]

    Mmh I think there are still some manual linebreaks between the li elements or inside of those.
    Try writing everything in one line with no spaces between the elements, it should work then

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    Hokannko In reply to pica-ae [2015-08-03 19:11:45 +0000 UTC]

    Done and done, aaaaand it's all working now! Thank you so much! ; w ; /

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    pica-ae In reply to Hokannko [2015-08-03 20:22:03 +0000 UTC]

    No problem, I am glad we got it figured out  

    👍: 0 ⏩: 0

    blockbro [2015-06-26 18:13:56 +0000 UTC]

    Do you think you could reply to this question with the exact coding you used to make the dropdown? I am horrible at putting the codes together to get the actual words and list together to look like what you did. Thank you so much.

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    pica-ae In reply to blockbro [2015-07-08 11:13:37 +0000 UTC]

    Sorry for the late reply.

    As a matter of fact that would just be a copy paste from the article, but I copied the code here codepen.io/pica-ae/pen/EjEJoB so maybe that helps.
    You can also edit the content at codepen and then copy paste back to DA. You may have to remove all line breaks and spaces between elements.

    I hope this helps

    👍: 0 ⏩: 0

    kaotickell [2013-12-11 22:03:28 +0000 UTC]

    Veeeery informative lovely! This is the sort of thing that reminds me a lot of how sites like HTML Dog were able to teach me the basics of coding - it's all about keeping all the info needed in there, and explaining it in normal terms people understand. Well done!

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    pica-ae In reply to kaotickell [2013-12-12 09:47:42 +0000 UTC]

    Thank you

    I love the MDN site (also the redesign, looks very fancy now) 

    And well I try to put down the basics and explain it a bit more… I guess I try to be more casual or something  

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    kaotickell In reply to pica-ae [2013-12-12 21:55:57 +0000 UTC]

    It's the easiest way to explain something to all types of learners.

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    pica-ae In reply to kaotickell [2013-12-13 14:21:18 +0000 UTC]


    👍: 0 ⏩: 0

    ArtByCher [2013-12-11 21:02:51 +0000 UTC]

    Thank you for this, my friend!

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    pica-ae In reply to ArtByCher [2013-12-12 09:46:23 +0000 UTC]

    Good it's helpful  

    👍: 0 ⏩: 0

    KovoWolf [2013-12-11 16:49:06 +0000 UTC]

    This is awesome, thanks! <3

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    pica-ae In reply to KovoWolf [2013-12-12 09:45:16 +0000 UTC]

    I am glad it's helpful Thank you  

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    KovoWolf In reply to pica-ae [2013-12-12 16:16:40 +0000 UTC]

    My pleasure!

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    pica-ae In reply to KovoWolf [2013-12-13 14:22:00 +0000 UTC]


    👍: 0 ⏩: 0

    GinkgoWerkstatt [2013-12-11 15:59:45 +0000 UTC]

    Hattu fein gemacht!

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    pica-ae In reply to GinkgoWerkstatt [2013-12-12 09:37:55 +0000 UTC]


    👍: 0 ⏩: 0

    maytel [2013-12-11 14:12:31 +0000 UTC]

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    pica-ae In reply to maytel [2013-12-12 09:37:37 +0000 UTC]


    👍: 0 ⏩: 0

    rotane [2013-12-11 14:12:12 +0000 UTC]

    There are hundreds of list tutorials around, but hardly any that go into so much detail and explain things as well as this one. Very useful!

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    pica-ae In reply to rotane [2013-12-12 10:03:30 +0000 UTC]

    Thank you I am glad you like it  

    👍: 0 ⏩: 0

    Marcellyne [2013-12-11 11:38:56 +0000 UTC]


    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    pica-ae In reply to Marcellyne [2013-12-11 12:55:14 +0000 UTC]

    Thank you  

    👍: 0 ⏩: 0

    Ikue [2013-12-11 11:30:48 +0000 UTC]

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    pica-ae In reply to Ikue [2013-12-11 12:55:23 +0000 UTC]


    👍: 0 ⏩: 0