PracticeImagination — Tokeshir creature design

#animals #conceptart #conceptdesign #creature #creaturedesign #dragon #fantasycreature #lizard #monster #scales #monstercreature
Published: 2021-05-16 16:21:33 +0000 UTC; Views: 1746; Favourites: 34; Downloads: 3
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This was sooo fun! I finally started to do creature design again. I am still focused on making sure it is 3-dimensionally viable so I am not sure if the design itself is interesting enough. I still like the outcome though. Hope you enjoy looking at it as much as I enjoyed drawing it


Also I figured no one would read the text anyway, so I just converted it into Greek symbols (using the Symbol test font), cause I thought that would look cooler. So, in case you are wondering what the text says:


meaning: no-arms

Name derived from the words toke for no and esh for arm

desert dwelling animal, very fast, opportunistic omnivore, tends to wait out the heat of the sun in the shadows between sand dunes, covers itself with sand at noon to avoid the high temperatures

According to local legend this animal once had forearms, but the desert sand was so hot that it burned them away, leaving the animal with only its hind limbs. Since then it digs itself into the sand at noon to not lose its hind limbs too.


red markings are used for identifying members of its own pack and for mating

long tail used to maintain balance while running

scales offer protection from sandstorms



As always

If you have tips / feedback on how I can improve or if you want to ask me something, just write a comment

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