Pupaveg — Pupa Vegan PURPLE - cover art - No difference by-nc-nd

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Published: 2018-12-15 22:21:31 +0000 UTC; Views: 13140; Favourites: 308; Downloads: 16
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Get the book ( or e-book) at my charity website:  pupaya.nl/Pupa-Vegan-PURPLE-ha…

My artbook: Pupa Vegan PURPLE is finally done! This is its cover art! I hope you guys like it! 

The subject of the purple book is Ethics. A few pages from the book can be viewed in my gallery, but the actual book has much more content. As with every vegan book I create, 100% of the profit will go to the animals in Pupa's sanctuary: www.pupassanctuary.com/ Since this is a non-profit charity project, I can only produce it with your help on Patreon or by getting a pre-order copy via my website. A free poster of this cover is also available for those who support my Patreon page. If you guys support the project, I hope to produce it at the end of this month (December 2018). It will be a full-colour hardback, fairtrade approved and environmentally friendly produced, just like the first one in these series. I worked damn hard on this book, because I really hope to make a difference for the animals and the planet.


About this cover
Since the book is based on ethics and challenges our culture's dogmatic beliefs regarding animals, I decided to go for a "Selective compassion" cover art, which reflects our culture's double standards. The book itself is child-friendly, meaning no swearing and no graphic imagery (pinkish paint splatters without any visible injuries are my alternative to this, as you can see on this cover and in the comics) and no content inappropriate for children. While this is the case, the book is not aimed at children though, so some subjects (like the water footprint of our food) might be too complicated for them. It is a cute coffee-table book though and not too harsh. It has twice as much comics as my RED book and everything is 100% drawn in cartoon style, so no boring textwalls. I think the cover suits it. I want to keep making conceptual cover art for my books from now on (because my first books containing random anime art of my characters didn't quite suit the content of the book). The background of the dog has hearts, because these are animals we love and cherish, while the background of the pig is bloody, because we treat them like objects of desire whose lives are disposable. Before I stopped eating animals, I never thought about how hypocritical I was for petting one animal while paying someone to kill another animal who had just as much feelings and a will to live as my pets, for something completely unnessecary: for the enjoyment of eating their dead bodies, something I, as a human, had no biological need for. I was killing animals for my pleasure, for my taste pleasure. Because my culture taught me to, and I blindly followed it. Now I am "awake" and I hope to wake more people up with this book, too!

Common justifications for selective compassion

"They're bred to be killed so it's fine"
Following this logic, if somebody has a dog living with them, and she is pregnant, then simply standing there and saying "When those puppies are born I am going to kill them all" would be enough justification for doing so. That of course is absurd. Basically, you are not in a position to determine the fate of an animal. If the argument is that some animals have been selectively bred for consumption, then again, that is not a justification. The entire process of selectively breeding them was done at the hands of humans, and all subsequent loss of life is at their say so and is entirely unnecessary.

"Some animals are to be killed some aren't!"
What is this based on? Let's use dogs as an example as that's the most commonly respected animal, in my experience.

- Dogs are our companions
Practically any animal could be your companion if you gave them the chance. People keep pigs as companions, and form bonds with them as strong as you can with a dog.

- I just like dogs, I don't have a connection with other animals
That is not a justification for killing other animals. Somebody could equally say to you "I don't have a connection with your dog, so I am going to slit their throat". Just because of how you feel about an animal, doesn't mean that animal is disposable, they are sentient beings.

- Dogs are intelligent, other animals are dumb
That is not a justification for killing them. Other animals such as cats, hamsters and so on could be said to be less intelligent than dogs, that doesn't mean you think killing them is fine presumably. But as it happens, pigs are in many ways more intelligent than dogs, able to make connections and solve problems more advanced than anything dogs can do, and can interact on a higher level with video games, they can recognise human faces, understand reflections in a mirror, respond to commands and so on. If you have any serious consideration for animals, feel free to look up articles on chicken intelligence, cattle intelligence, sheep intelligence and so on. It is out of the question that dogs are alone as being intelligent animals.

- Companion animals are my property, like my TV
This is an absurd comparison. The reason why you'd be upset with someone killing your dog is not because they are your property, it's because they are sentient beings, living their own life, and you don't want harm to come to them. Damage to your TV is a financial loss, your companion animals are more than that surely? 

- Just our culture, it's actually fine to slit dog's throats as long as it's done in another culture not this one
That makes no sense at all. Following through with this statement, you'd be appalled if a dog was killed in front of you, but apparently if that same dog was transported to another country where it is culturally acceptable to kill them, then you'd say it was fine. Think it through - it's the same dog, precisely the same thing is happening to them. Why does it matter where it happens?

- Dogs have been companions of humans for hundreds of years
That is just because humans have chosen for it to be that way, it isn't the fault of other animals. You could make a companionship with any animal if you chose, there's no reason to be killing them just because you chose not to make a friend of them.

- You can play catch with a dog and they do tricks
You can do the same with many other species. But why do you want to kill animals who don't want to play catch? Most cats don't want to play catch, they might do other things, but most don't retrieve things and play catch like dogs do, but it doesn't logically follow that you must slit a cat's throat.

- Dogs are cute
Why do you discriminate against animals based upon what they look like? If you come across a dog that isn't cute, are you compelled to slit their throat? If someone doesn't find your dog cute, is it okay for them to slit their throat? 

- Yeah but it's because I have a connection with my animal, they're like family. Killing animals outside my family is fine.
This is a direction comparison between humans and dogs. Therefore, you are saying that killing your dog would be bad because they're like family. Killing anyone outside your family is therefore fine, would you apply this to strangers then? A human stranger is not part of your family, unlike your dog. The argument of "you're humanizing animals" cannot be used, because you are the one humanizing animals in this case, comparing them to your family. Just because an animal or human is outside your family is no grounds to slit their throat. Also, think this through. If you have an animal that currently isn't in your family, you're arguing that it's fine to slit their throat. But if you chose to instead adopt them, then immediately it's abhorrent to slit that animal's throat. It's the same animal. Look at this from the animal's perspective, not your own. 

EDIT: Oh, my! Thanks for the likes, guys!!! 
EDIT 2: OMG! I MADE THE DEVIANTART FRONT PAGE WITH THIS COVER! Thank you all so much for your support and faves!   

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Comments: 1073

UncannyDanny27 [2023-06-17 17:33:22 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

FroggyHeaven [2023-04-21 23:47:59 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Yurigirl4eva [2021-06-08 20:24:31 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LeDoritoCat [2021-05-05 13:38:47 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Tnynfox [2021-01-22 04:59:33 +0000 UTC]

Vague Wolf Walkers vibes

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Infected-OCEANS [2020-11-14 05:05:30 +0000 UTC]

What the fuck u cant eat a fuckin dog bro thats not fucking cool

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Sinnerbunsdotcom [2020-02-26 21:11:08 +0000 UTC]

Normal people don't eat fucking dogs that's disgusting your vegan comics are complete shit people aren't going to stop eating meat and you depecting meat eaters as "dumb" and even killing them is borderline psychopathic no wonder you're in the bad comic wiki

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pupaveg In reply to Sinnerbunsdotcom [2020-02-28 19:01:31 +0000 UTC]

Why is eating dogs more disgusting than eating other animals? What is the moral difference between killing one animal and the other?
I didn't call anyone "dumb", nor killed anyone (unlike meat eaters) but if you think the arguments the non-vegan characters use in my comics are dumb (which are common arguments non-vegans use to justify animal abuse), then you should simply not use those arguments.

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Sinnerbunsdotcom In reply to Pupaveg [2020-03-01 00:49:42 +0000 UTC]

No real person says those things also the whole "plants tho" argument isn't even an argument at all its a joke obviously nobody believes plants can feel pain and Dogs, cats or any kind of common pet are not seen as food in the western world it's gross but to other countries it's probably not (which is seriously wrong) or they have no choice but to eat dogs to survive beef, pork and chicken are just the type meat we've always been eating that's safe to eat anyway and btw I find it to be really fucked up to disguise your vegan propaganda with a cute chibi artstyle you actually have talent why not use it for something productive something people actually want to read instead of this cause I did go through all of your comics (that can even be called comics) besides the animal gore it just sounds like your talking down to people continuing the sterotype that all vegans are obnoxious whiney babies

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Pupaveg In reply to Sinnerbunsdotcom [2020-08-26 23:42:36 +0000 UTC]

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Pupaveg In reply to Sinnerbunsdotcom [2020-03-05 15:51:07 +0000 UTC]

"No real person says those things also the whole "plants tho" argument isn't even an argument at all its a joke obviously nobody believes plants can feel pain"
I wish you were right. Sadly "plants tho" is a very common argument used against vegans. Of course some people are joking, but there are still some who use it as a serious argument to justify animal abuse. Just because you are smart enough to realize that the argument makes no sense, doesn't mean that other people are. That's why I draw these comics in the first place: to make people realize that arguments like "plants tho" literally make no sense (especially since animal farming is the leading cause of deforestation worldwide, and the majority of plants produced are fed to farm animals).

"Just our culture, it's actually fine to slit dog's throats as long as it's done in another culture not this one"
That makes no sense at all. Following through with this statement, you'd be appalled if a dog was killed in front of you, but apparently, if that same dog was transported to another country where it is culturally acceptable to kill them, then you'd say it was fine. Think it through - it's the same dog, precisely the same thing is happening to them. Why does it matter where it happens?

"you actually have talent why not use it for something productive"
What better way to use it than to speak up for the weak and defenseless?
I draw in the defense of all oppressed groups around the world. Meaning women, gay people, and non-human animals. I'm not talking down on their oppressors. I am speaking up for their victims. As an oppressor, I understand that this may come off "whiny" or "obnoxious" to you, because you don't care about your victims. But I think they're worth it. They matter. They do. So I'll always keep speaking up for the oppressed, until they are all free.

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Sinnerbunsdotcom In reply to Pupaveg [2020-03-05 16:24:14 +0000 UTC]

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Pupaveg In reply to Sinnerbunsdotcom [2020-03-05 20:20:34 +0000 UTC]

"what the literal fuck that is not what I said at all"
Yet that is the non-sugarcoated version of what you stated when you pulled the "culture" argument.

"you obviously have no respect for human life at all"
Are you literally basing that conclusion on the fact that I speak out against animal abuse? Does speaking up for the weak and defenseless is on par with not respecting human life? Can you explain how that works?

"the freeing every animal is never going to happen as long as there is a high demand for meat"
This was once said about every form of systematic oppression throughout history. But what happened after centuries of protest? Women got their rights, slaves were set free, and gay people are now allowed to marry in our countries. There are still areas in the world where people yell that their victims (women, gays, animals) will "never get their rights". Oppressors who shout this have always been proven wrong throughout history. Because no form of oppression will last forever. When it comes to women's or gay rights, veganism is irrelevant. This focuses on the right not to be treated as inferior because of something they cannot choose or change: their gender or sexuality. Just like how animal rights focus on the oppression of animals because of something they cannot choose or change: their species. You say you would feel opposed to a dog or cat being killed. But are you really better than dog and cat killers by killing other animals, who want to live just as much, when you don't have to? I mean, they are both animals, right? The only difference is your perception. Why is slitting a pig's throat fine, but doing the same to a dog horrific? Why is restraining and forcibly impregnating a cow fine, but you call it animal cruelty when done to a cat? Why is slamming baby pigs to death against a concrete wall fine, but doing the same to a dog or cat animal cruelty? I'm asking you to take a step back and think about this. Because let's be honest here: from a moral perspective, there is no difference.

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Sinnerbunsdotcom In reply to Pupaveg [2020-03-06 03:05:34 +0000 UTC]

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Pupaveg In reply to Sinnerbunsdotcom [2020-03-10 22:21:09 +0000 UTC]

1. Why you bother talking to me? Beats me. You're clearly not interested in new information. You just want to be right in order to feel better about funding animal abuse. So not sure why you defend animal cruelty on a page against animal cruelty. You didn't expect a pat on the back for that, did you?

2. The comics you refer to contain mirroring humor. It basically translates to: "We wouldn't like this happening to us, so why do we do it to them?" or "we would never sugarcoat it if we were the victim". It's a message that tackles ACTUAL killing, by pointing out our double-standards based on the question "we wouldn't like it have done to us". Not a message that advocates the killing. How is that not obvious?

3. No, humans are not morally superior to other sentient beings. Just in your egocentric mind. People need to stop using "they're not like me" to oppress and kill others already. All forms of oppression are based on a group that thinks they're "better" than others. That shit needs to stop, no matter who the victim is. All beings matter equally. You talk about it being sad that animals are abused and killed for no good reason, but honestly... "cheese and bacon taste good" are anything but good reasons. It's just greed and pleasure, at the expense of life. Anyway, if you want to know: my vegan books have turned over 1300 people vegan or vegetarian so far. You see, not everyone is apathetic towards the violence they cause upon animals and the planet. Some people actually care about more than themselves. I know it's a hard thing to grasp for someone like you, but it's true. Not everyone is self-centered and play the victim when they're called out on actually harming their victims.

PS: Yeah, some of my old comics used MMD 3D models I made, and gore images of animals you paid to torture, etc. That was when I just started and was in a phase of practice. I've started publishing serious work after, which you can view in my gallery. If you have any constructive criticism on them, feel free to share it... rather than bitching about old work made over 7 years ago.

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Sinnerbunsdotcom In reply to Pupaveg [2020-03-11 02:25:56 +0000 UTC]

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Pupaveg In reply to Sinnerbunsdotcom [2020-03-12 10:35:58 +0000 UTC]

1. Why? What's the moral difference exactly? Isn't it just your perception?
2. Most people get it. Pretty much all of my real-life non-vegan friends and family understand it. It's not that difficult to understand the concept of such simple comics.
3. You're trying to avoid responding substantively, but I'm sure you're smart enough to get what I mean. "They are not like me" has never been a good reason to oppress and kill those who are different.
4. I've made a few pages with screenshots of them in my book Level 1 Vegan, feel free to check them out.
5. Because of the date it has been posted and drawn perhaps? Realize that I have drawn thousands of pages of vegan comics, and only a handful are available on DA because it's too much work to upload them all.
6. Do you mean cartoon expressions? What's wrong with that? I use cartoon expressions all the time, for both the vegan and non-vegan character as soon as anger needs to be expressed (e.g: #314: Wild animals do it ). It sounds a bit too boring to use poker faces all the time. I like cartoons because of exaggerated expressions. You also see it a lot in mangas. Maybe you're just not used to it, but that's how cartoons work.

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naji2004 [2020-01-25 12:22:14 +0000 UTC]

They look different.

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GlazeGuts [2019-08-06 06:27:50 +0000 UTC]

Most people don’t wanna eat dogs because they have been considered companions and pets for thousands of years

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Pupaveg In reply to GlazeGuts [2019-08-06 08:20:38 +0000 UTC]

That is just because humans have chosen for it to be that way, it isn't the fault of other animals. You could make a companionship with any animal if you chose, there's no reason to be killing them just because you chose not to make a friend of them.

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Ospreyeagle [2019-07-30 05:52:59 +0000 UTC]

I love you <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pupaveg In reply to Ospreyeagle [2019-07-31 08:15:32 +0000 UTC]


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Imperator-Zor [2019-07-07 06:12:36 +0000 UTC]


You do realize that Dogs are Carnivores right?

It's not an obscure bit of trivia. Dogs eat meat. They're descended from wolves, social pack hunters. The reason why dogs were domesticated was that pack hunting meant that they were social enough so that they could integrate themselves into the social groups of another species of social hunters: humans. Primitive humans tossed waste bones with some meat out into garbage heaps which wolves picked over. Wolves which contented themselves to picking over the bones without bothering the humans got extra food without being killed and passed their genes on to the next generation. In turn they helped keep away less pleasant predators. That's how the domestication of the Dog began.

We keep livestock like pigs to feed dogs.

👍: 2 ⏩: 1

Pupaveg In reply to Imperator-Zor [2019-07-10 12:19:35 +0000 UTC]

That is just because humans have chosen for it to be that way, it isn't the fault of other animals. You could make companionship with any animal if you chose, there's no reason to be killing them just because you chose not to make a friend of them.

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Imperator-Zor In reply to Pupaveg [2019-07-10 20:43:26 +0000 UTC]

"Chosen?" No. The biological reality is that If you want to keep a dog or a cat or a ferret health and happy you'll need to feed it meat, which needs to come from somewhere (IE livestock). If we want to keep dogs as pets livestock must be kept for their sustenance.

👍: 2 ⏩: 2

Pupaveg In reply to Imperator-Zor [2020-08-26 23:43:20 +0000 UTC]

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Pupaveg In reply to Imperator-Zor [2019-07-11 09:39:15 +0000 UTC]

I have all of those (yeah, ferrets, too), and I don't feed them meat, but plantbased cat- and dog foods instead (Greta, Ami, Evolution, Benevo etc.) But anyway, whatever a person chooes to feed their companion animals has absolutely nothing to do with what they choose to eat themselves, and what else they choose to boycott. So whether or not you feel that your companion animals require meat to live healthily should have no impact on whether you buy animal products outside of that.

There are only two ways of looking at it. If you feel that your companion animal does not need meat to survive, and that there are alternatives that would allow them to live absolutely healthily - then it just makes sense to do that. But if you disagree, and you feel that it's 100% necessary to feed them meat, then in order to care for that animal you'd have to do that. The alternative is ridding yourself of that animal, which most people wouldn't want to do. 

Fundamentally, these domesticated animals are being bred for our enjoyment, and then once they're born, they can create a burden on the meat industry. The breeding of the animals in the first place is the core of the problem. That should stop, and I encourage people never to buy from a breeder. Adopt from a shelter. That way you are not contributing to the overpopulation of domestic animals in need of a home. 

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Imperator-Zor In reply to Pupaveg [2019-07-11 21:00:29 +0000 UTC]

I have all of those (yeah, ferrets, too), and I don't feed them meat, but plantbased cat- and dog foods instead (Greta, Ami, Evolution, Benevo etc.) But anyway, whatever a person chooes to feed their companion animals has absolutely nothing to do with what they choose to eat themselves, and what else they choose to boycott. So whether or not you feel that your companion animals require meat to live healthily should have no impact on whether you buy animal products outside of that.

A pet owner wants the best for their pet, which means them being well fed and healthily fed. Dogs, cats and ferrets crave meat and denying them that is unhealthy with vets arguing against it .
Fundamentally, these domesticated animals are being bred for our enjoyment, and then once they're born, they can create a burden on the meat industry. The breeding of the animals in the first place is the core of the problem.
So you are in favor of the extinction of the Dog, the Cat and the Ferret?

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Pupaveg In reply to Imperator-Zor [2020-08-26 23:46:39 +0000 UTC]

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Pupaveg In reply to Imperator-Zor [2019-07-14 20:23:45 +0000 UTC]

So by your logic my animals are all deficient, even though they're seniors and have been raised on plant-based petfood since the beginning and their blood tests have never shown any type of deficiency.
So... care to explain what they're supposedly "deficient" in? What specific nutrient does meat based petfood provide that the plant-based brands don't?

Dogs and cats aren't going to be extinct any time soon. But by breeding them while shelters are overcrowded, you're not helping to deal with their overpopulation.

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Imperator-Zor In reply to Pupaveg [2019-07-15 05:47:18 +0000 UTC]

I'd defer to the experts on the matter. They don't feel that vegetarian petfood is a good idea at all, not being nutrutionally balanced for cats and dogs.

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Pupaveg In reply to Imperator-Zor [2019-07-18 10:46:09 +0000 UTC]

Those aren't experts though, it's an article written by the media based on outdated research regarding pet nutrition. Numerous cases indicate that transitioning animals to healthy plantbased diets can result in increased overall health and vitality, decreased incidences of cancer, infections, hypothyroidism (a hormonal disease), ectoparasites (fleas, ticks, lice and mites), improved coat condition, allergy control, weight control, decreased arthritis, diabetes regression and even cataract resolution. Additionally, there are a limited number of more rigorous studies examining the health of populations of cats and dogs maintained on vegetarian or vegan diets, long-term. Wakefield and colleagues (2006) compared the health of 34 cats maintained on vegetarian diets for at least a year, with that of 52 cats maintained on meat-based diets for at least a year. There were no significant differences in age, sex, body condition, housing, or perceived health status, with most cats described as healthy or generally healthy. Brown and colleagues (2009) studied 12 sprint-racing Siberian huskies who were fed either a commercial diet recommended for active dogs (n=6), or a meat-free diet formulated to the same nutrient specifications (n=6). These diets comprised their sole nutrient intake for 16 weeks, which included 10 weeks of competitive racing. Regular veterinary checks and blood tests were performed. All dogs remained in excellent physical condition with normal blood results throughout. These results are hardly surprising, when we consider that animals need specific nutrients, not ingredients. There is no scientific reason why a diet comprised only of plant, mineral and synthetically-based ingredients cannot be formulated to meet all of the palatability, nutritional and bioavailability needs of the species for which it is intended. In fact, several commercially-available vegan diets for cats and dogs aim to do so, and have jointly supported thousands of healthy vegan cats, dogs and ferrets (who are also naturally carnivorous) for many years. Suppliers of such diets are listed here

This explains why all of my animals, which were raised on plantbased petfood from the beginning, are (even as seniors) not deficient in anything and never have been. I would understand your concern if this was about feeding animals human plantbased food, but we're talking about nutritionally complete petfood here, not human salads and potatoes. There's a reason why vets sell these, especially for animals with allergies for animal protein. I do understand the confusion people who don't have knowledge in petfood nutrition have though. When I was younger and heard this for the first time, I was also like "What? But how can a cat digest broccoli?!" But after doing some research during my veterinary education, I quickly found myself to be wrong. And since plantbaed petfood is better for the planet, for animals and for my pet's overall health, I switched all of them to it.

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Pupaveg In reply to Imperator-Zor [2019-07-18 10:44:11 +0000 UTC]

Those aren't experts though, it's an article written by the media based on outdated research regarding pet nutrition. Numerous cases indicate that transitioning animals to healthy plantbased diets can result in increased overall health and vitality, decreased incidences of cancer, infections, hypothyroidism (a hormonal disease), ectoparasites (fleas, ticks, lice and mites), improved coat condition, allergy control, weight control, decreased arthritis, diabetes regression and even cataract resolution. Additionally, there are a limited number of more rigorous studies examining the health of populations of cats and dogs maintained on vegetarian or vegan diets, long-term. Wakefield and colleagues (2006) compared the health of 34 cats maintained on vegetarian diets for at least a year, with that of 52 cats maintained on meat-based diets for at least a year. There were no significant differences in age, sex, body condition, housing, or perceived health status, with most cats described as healthy or generally healthy. Brown and colleagues (2009) studied 12 sprint-racing Siberian huskies who were fed either a commercial diet recommended for active dogs (n=6), or a meat-free diet formulated to the same nutrient specifications (n=6). These diets comprised their sole nutrient intake for 16 weeks, which included 10 weeks of competitive racing. Regular veterinary checks and blood tests were performed. All dogs remained in excellent physical condition with normal blood results throughout. These results are hardly surprising, when we consider that animals need specific nutrients, not ingredients. There is no scientific reason why a diet comprised only of plant, mineral and synthetically-based ingredients cannot be formulated to meet all of the palatability, nutritional and bioavailability needs of the species for which it is intended. In fact, several commercially-available vegan diets for cats and dogs aim to do so, and have jointly supported thousands of healthy vegan cats, dogs and ferrets (who are also naturally carnivorous) for many years. Suppliers of such diets are listed here

This explains why all of my animals, which were raised on plantbased petfood from the beginning, are (even as seniors) not deficient in anything and never have been. I would understand your concern if this was about feeding animals human plantbased food, but we're talking about nutritionally complete petfood here, not human salads and potatoes. There's a reason why vets sell these, especially for animals with allergies for animal protein. I do understand the confusion people who don't have knowledge in petfood nutrition though. When I was younger and heard this for the first time, I was also like "What? But how can a cat digest broccoli?!" But after doing some research during my veterinary education, I quickly found myself to be wrong. And since plantbaed petfood is better for the planet, for animals and for my pet's overall health, I switched all of them to it.

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amadeus1928 In reply to Pupaveg [2020-07-06 19:36:33 +0000 UTC]

If you can't even properly care for your dog/cat by not giving them a natural diet, then you are the real animal abuser here.

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Pupaveg In reply to amadeus1928 [2020-07-19 11:52:58 +0000 UTC]

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amadeus1928 In reply to Pupaveg [2020-07-20 14:16:55 +0000 UTC]

If someone out there was feeding their rabbit meat I would feel exactly the same way. Having a pet should always reflect their wild habitat.

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Imperator-Zor In reply to Pupaveg [2019-07-18 13:47:22 +0000 UTC]

That news article reflected the opinions of veterinary organizations. You've cited a rather biased source.

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Pupaveg In reply to Imperator-Zor [2019-07-19 15:50:48 +0000 UTC]

You seem confident in your belief that plant-based pet food would somehow kill animals. But I'm still waiting for you to disprove my "biased source" (based on the most recent information by pet food and nutrition experts) by explaining to me how none of my animals are deficient, even though they're raised on plant-based food? Please enlighten me, I'd love to hear your response. I want the best for my animals after all, so if they're "deficient" in anything, even though their blood tests show otherwise, please show me how you came to that conclusion?

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Imperator-Zor In reply to Pupaveg [2019-07-19 17:25:48 +0000 UTC]

I gave the professional opinion of a body of veterinarians (people who care for the well being of animals for a living), you cited a source which was selling Vegan pet food. The the former is a far more reputable source.

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Pupaveg In reply to Imperator-Zor [2019-07-20 17:16:20 +0000 UTC]

Clearly you didn't bother to look at my source. On top of that, you again failed avoided my question. This gives me the feeling that you're not open to new information.

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TheAntleredMenace [2019-06-11 10:27:32 +0000 UTC]

You are right. There is no difference

Peta kills both

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Pupaveg In reply to TheAntleredMenace [2019-06-11 10:46:12 +0000 UTC]

I agree. And non-vegans kill trillions, which makes them worse.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheAntleredMenace In reply to Pupaveg [2019-06-11 10:47:24 +0000 UTC]


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SpicecreamSundae [2019-06-06 02:13:10 +0000 UTC]

One of my favourite pieces of art.

- Dogs are cute
Why do you discriminate against animals based upon what they look like? If you come across a dog that isn't cute, are you compelled to slit their throat? If someone doesn't find your dog cute, is it okay for them to slit their throat?

Well, think what people say about sphynx cats. .. it's disgusting.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pupaveg In reply to SpicecreamSundae [2019-06-11 09:46:54 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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SachinAmateurArtist [2019-04-23 03:28:30 +0000 UTC]


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Pupaveg In reply to SachinAmateurArtist [2019-04-25 13:11:26 +0000 UTC]


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LalaAdanwenB [2019-04-17 19:50:15 +0000 UTC]

I would love to wear this on a t-shirt!

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Pupaveg In reply to LalaAdanwenB [2019-04-18 11:26:24 +0000 UTC]

I have:  pupaya.nl/No-difference-Unisex…

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LalaAdanwenB In reply to Pupaveg [2019-04-19 13:07:01 +0000 UTC]

Ooooh!!*___* Sadly that's too expensive for me.;____; But I'm sure I'll keep coming back to your shop.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

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