PurpleEmpire — King Zacharias Tres of Bernok III

#empire #imperial #king #monarch #starwars #galacticempire #bernok3 #bernok #bernokiii #zachariastres #kingzachariastres
Published: 2023-10-08 17:53:41 +0000 UTC; Views: 2855; Favourites: 40; Downloads: 18
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Description King Zacharias Tres was the monarch of the Core World of Bernok III. He was a loyal Palpatine supporter when the High Chancellor declared himself emperor of the Galactic Empire and was granted a whole lot of autonomy for his planet. King Zacharias reformed the Bernok III Planetary Security Organisation to resemble and work with the Imperial Security Bureau very closely.

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Comments: 3

ElMengu [2023-10-08 20:23:40 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

MarcusStarkiller [2023-10-08 19:50:01 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

warrior31992 [2023-10-08 18:58:38 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0