pyrus125680 — TF: NewGen - Amberix

#kidsnextdoor #transformersoc #pyrusverse #pyrus125680 #transformers_newgeneration
Published: 2024-01-21 18:22:22 +0000 UTC; Views: 667; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 0
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Description Here's the self-proclaimed "Strongest" Head of Decommissioning and the Strongest Autobot there is of the Autobots Next Door: Amberix.

Sure, she can call herself "the Strongest there is", but even she must learn that she must not fight alone.

Since her Vehicle Mode is a Drill Tank, her weapon is a Drill Bit.

Also, she shares the same VA as Numbuh 86 of the Kids Next Door, Jennifer Hale.

OC (C) Pyrusverse
Transformers: New Generation (C) Pyrusverse, Hasbro
Transformers (C) Hasbro
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