Ragnvard — Leap Day Sketch Dump

Published: 2016-03-01 07:39:33 +0000 UTC; Views: 509; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 0
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Description Technically, it's still the 29th where I'm at so 

I sketch....a lot....rather than finishing anything. These are only a handful of sketches from the past few months. I'm going through a phase where I'm stuck between my past style and a place where I feel as if I'm learning and improving rapidly? It makes finishing anything difficult because my abilities/style/techniques/etc change so quickly and drastically from when an image is started. Anyway, that's why I haven't submitted much of anything of actual substance in a very long time.
Ummm most of these are either reffed from my own personal images or from Google, or not reffed at all. (Also, the Jaguar at the bottom started off as an unreferenced grey scale lion doodle, hence its longer face )

There are three that I know for sure are referenced from stock on DA:
Grooming Lioness: sekhmet-stock.deviantart.com/a…
Walking Lioness: elsapret.deviantart.com/art/Wh…
Apple: dazzle-textures.deviantart.com…

If I haven't credited one of your stock photos, or you recognize one of these sketches as being referenced from a stock photo, please let me know! I want to give credit where credit is absolutely due!

art (c) Ragnvard
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Comments: 2

Elsapret [2016-08-27 15:20:04 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for using my stock as reference !!  Glad it came in handy!!! 

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marlynx [2016-03-17 20:52:51 +0000 UTC]

I completely understand what you mean! I've just been through the same thing, and I deem to be landing a style now. I don't know actually, it's a weird place to be in! I love sketches, it shows so much of a persons style. I love the different poses and angles! I am looking forward to see more art from you. Your style is very cool and it will be interesting to see you art evolve further^^

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