Raikea — Close to your heart

Published: 2010-09-15 20:32:42 +0000 UTC; Views: 1799; Favourites: 43; Downloads: 0
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Description Happy Spirk day to ST fellows

This is two months old but since today is the Kirk/Spock day I decided to finally start posting my ST fanarts

So they're on the umm bridge... white thing are those panels in new movie and Idk should I remove it obviously Jim can't control himself

The wait is ova
Future begins today
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Comments: 28

pkcherry [2010-09-22 21:01:10 +0000 UTC]

wow! i really like how you drew their faces/sideprofiles.. looks cool and fabrics looks so real ^^
great job here

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Raikea In reply to pkcherry [2010-09-22 22:17:08 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much
I did my best and it makes me so happy you liked it too

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pkcherry In reply to Raikea [2010-09-23 13:42:32 +0000 UTC]

your welcome

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DesireeU [2010-09-18 17:35:32 +0000 UTC]

so that's ur new style, rai-san? now I understand what u were meaning for anime/realistic style <3 don't know the film, but this two are so sweet in ur pic ur coloring is always awesome, especially on the clothes >w< good job as always, hun! can't wait to see more! ;3 (oh, and I absolutely love the deviation title X3 sweet as the drawing )

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Raikea In reply to DesireeU [2010-09-18 21:50:49 +0000 UTC]

First of all, girl, you're my hero thank you so much for your support and for the awesome comment
Second... my coloring is in the anime faze, especially skin 'cause that's the hardest part for me in realism I love how I did coloring on clothing here too so thanks
The movie is the "Star trek" XI/2oo9 which was really awesome and actors were so damn hot
I though about changing the title since his heart is technically a little lower but I liked it so I decided to keep it. Glad you liked it

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DesireeU In reply to Raikea [2010-09-20 20:40:06 +0000 UTC]

aaaaaww, to nice, I'm not so super >///< just saying the truth U.U
nothing, I really meant it ^^ and I'll always support u, u know
I wonder it O.o especially face seems difficult to do >< maybe u can practising with traditional art, coloring only with the pencil in a kinda-grayscale :3 and maybe looking at some photos x3 I never tried, but all great artists have practised like that xDD
u're welcome! <33
aha, so fantascientif stuff, isn't it? :3 after star wars I refused to give a chance to other movies of that kind xDDD (making an exception for spaceballs, but that was a parody XD)
but if u say that's full of hot actors I can think about it >w>
aaaw, don't look at those details, I even didn't noticed that heart has to be lower xD welcome again, it's just too adorable <33

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Raikea In reply to DesireeU [2010-09-22 22:15:53 +0000 UTC]

Well, thank you so much for the truth, I still love ya
Once I managed to do few drawings in which coloring on face was awesome and then I quit realism and now it's kinda hard to get it back especially without tablet and I even forgot how to shadow with pencil gotta practice
I love Sci-fi and "Star Wars" too. I love all actors in the new "Star trek" movie; they're so like newer version of old cast. You'll see them in my next drawings but you can also google the main: Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto and even Karl Urban
He's a Vulcan so his anatomy is a little diferent and his heart is somewhere in belly area thanks once again

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DesireeU In reply to Raikea [2010-09-23 20:39:46 +0000 UTC]

and u'r welcome again
aaaaaw, if ur realism was awesome before that means that u only need some "refreshing" practice! x33
and I'm sure u'll do them great! ;3
bwahahah, it doesn't seem, but I love horror movies *w*
I don't want to ruin the surprise, I'll see them in ur awesome pics! x33
oh wowie, heart in belly area! >w< it has to be a sweet thing when u'r still an embrion and connected with ur mommy with heart too <33 my pleasure ^^

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Raikea In reply to DesireeU [2010-09-23 21:14:21 +0000 UTC]

I quit it after I didn't get accepted into Academy. I lost my will and started again four months ago after I saw this movie
I love horror movies too
Lol, that's so sweet of ya, in next drawing they'll look more like the actors since I got some practice
that really sounds adorable... so that's why he was so sad when his mommy died

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DesireeU In reply to Raikea [2010-09-25 20:27:04 +0000 UTC]

aaaaaww, don't being accepted into an academy always destroys you ;.; I think that then u'r able also to think "I'm nothing as anrtist", but u have to get up, practicing more, and go to make them see how an awesome artist u are! >:3 ihih, if so I have to say many thankies to the movie xD
lol, see? genious minds think the same >w>
who-hoooo, I'm so excited and curious to see them!! >w<
aaaaaaww, poor, he lost his mommy? T^T so sad ;.;

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Raikea In reply to DesireeU [2010-09-25 21:17:07 +0000 UTC]

Lol thankies a lot my mom says it killed me and I didn't relize it until recently when I saw that I really stopped drawing, especially realism...
Agree ;D
You're my greatest supporter among friends, really, love ya for that I'll do my best not to dissapoint
Yeah, and he was so sad when it happened, wanted to hug him. He really loved her since she was a Human and loving while his dad is Vulcan and pretty reserved

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strawberry555 [2010-09-16 18:54:27 +0000 UTC]

Yabadabadooo!!! Gayness na kvadrat.

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Raikea In reply to strawberry555 [2010-09-16 21:20:39 +0000 UTC]

Oh.My.God. pa ne vjerujem da si to upravo rekla nije tako strašno
Hvala ti jako puno na favu i komentaru, najbolja si

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strawberry555 In reply to Raikea [2010-09-16 22:17:40 +0000 UTC]

Ali sve upućuje na to.
A baš su super par.
Nemaš beda.

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Raikea In reply to strawberry555 [2010-09-16 23:27:53 +0000 UTC]

Nastavak na sljedećem crtežu
A znam da jesu, pogotovo u novoj verziji iako je original slash-astiji

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strawberry555 In reply to Raikea [2010-09-16 23:38:56 +0000 UTC]

Baš me zanima kakva će im bit sljedeća poza.

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Raikea In reply to strawberry555 [2010-09-17 00:02:00 +0000 UTC]

pa to nije istina pa onako malo, ali ja sam dobro dijete tako da nije ništa perverzno

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strawberry555 In reply to Raikea [2010-09-17 07:56:59 +0000 UTC]

Nadam se da će biti bar romantično...

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Raikea In reply to strawberry555 [2010-09-17 10:10:22 +0000 UTC]

Uvijek to je na prvom mjestu.

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strawberry555 In reply to Raikea [2010-09-19 19:18:25 +0000 UTC]

Dobro, dobro, neću baš tražiti od tebe da ih razgolitiš kad si tako stidljiva. To ću ja napraviti u stripu.

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Raikea In reply to strawberry555 [2010-09-19 20:15:14 +0000 UTC]

A ni ne moraš, sami su oni to već napravili
Radujem se stripu. Hoće to možda za Božić biti

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strawberry555 In reply to Raikea [2010-09-19 20:36:49 +0000 UTC]

Nadam se skoro početi. Možda će se odužiti radi mog glupog stručnog koji se bliži. Malo ću crtkarati u pauzama od štrebanja. Valjda će prije Božića bit gotovo.

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Raikea In reply to strawberry555 [2010-09-19 21:02:25 +0000 UTC]

Ma nema problema, nije hitno. Kako god ti se bude dalo
Samo ti uči, to ti je sada najbitnije.

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strawberry555 In reply to Raikea [2010-09-19 21:14:03 +0000 UTC]

Nema frke. Kad me zaboli glava od onih silnih zakona, crtat ću.

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Mistress-of-Emotions [2010-09-16 05:29:54 +0000 UTC]

awww too cute its so nice!

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Raikea In reply to Mistress-of-Emotions [2010-09-16 11:26:56 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much

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ApparentlyNot [2010-09-15 21:35:59 +0000 UTC]

Awee. I love this. It's so nice!

Happy K/S Day

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Raikea In reply to ApparentlyNot [2010-09-16 11:26:24 +0000 UTC]

I'm happy you think so, thank you
Happy late K/S day to you too

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