rainbowdolphin — Myu Rambutan

Published: 2006-07-20 09:31:28 +0000 UTC; Views: 700; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 114
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Description This is Myu Rambutan for the contest, Mew design contest (New entries!) currently being held by ~OmgItsEmily

We had to design her characters in their myu form, for myu rambutan we had to make the mark,weapon & attack, and her animal DNA. The animal had to be of some type of bird. So I chose a quetzal. btw rambutans are a fruit that has a red shell with bristle(I guess you could call it) all around it with a whte flesh in-side the er....shell that is the edible bit ( it is quiet nice actually, havent had one in ages though XDDD) the look like this > [link]
Alright her bio:

Myu Rambutan*
Human name: Lela Flores
Country:South America...
Age: 14
Colours: Magenta, white, light green
Animal DNA: Quetzal
Complexion: Very tan
Weapon: Rambutan whip
Attack: I dont know
Mark: a feather of some sort on her lower back didnt know what to use so i didnt do one

Some how I reckon none of you know what a quetzal is so I'll explain.

A queztal is a bird that is found around central and south america. Usually living in tropical and forest areas. It wings, head, back and top of the tail feathers are an emerald green, whilst the chest is a bright red and the under side of the tail feathers are white. Well that is the basic descrpition of it (just add a couple of extra colours to the tail like blues and voila you have a quetzal)
This is just one type of colour queztals are found in I have seen others but I am focusing on this breed of quetzal ^^ It looks like this > [link] I think it is absoultly adorable XDD

Ain't the quetzal bird the perfect one for myu rambutan? I mean a quetzal's colour is red, green and white- myu rambutan had to have magenta, green and white in it. The bird is found in South America-where rambutan is found ^^ aint it perfecto? (just nod and lie though your teeth )

I am really happy with Myu Rambutan she looks actaully quiet cute XD I like her pose but don't ask what is with the pose I dont know I just played around with a wooden model for a while and got this XDD;;;; I don't think I got Rambutan's magenta colours right it is more red ( but meh) ~OmgItsEmily you can change the colours to your liking if you want to ^^ you can change the wings to, I was just so over the mew style of wings and tails (I have seen it ebough ) Though I like this picture I must say never in my life have I ever drawn something that reminded me of a christmas tree gone terribly wrong XDDDD;;; I don't know what i was thinking with this outfit (I must have been high on something) The background is really bad, I was all outer inspiration after colour myu Rambutan so I grabbed a gradiet that looked right then added some green

Also what is myu any way? is it the same as mew? It keeps confusing dolphy-chan
Any way

I hope you like it Emily-chan


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Comments: 30

HeLLKaTSTaRKiTTy [2006-07-29 23:01:20 +0000 UTC]

I love the bright complimentary colors you used in this and it's awesome how you based the character on the adorable bird! It's sooOooOo cuuUuuute!! (Both the bird and the character XD)

Btw, I was just curious... d'you use PS for your CG drawlings

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rainbowdolphin In reply to HeLLKaTSTaRKiTTy [2006-07-30 03:55:57 +0000 UTC]

Thanks...I am glad you like it ^^ yea I use photoshop to colour....photoshop cs2 and elements 3.0 to be precise ^^

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HeLLKaTSTaRKiTTy In reply to rainbowdolphin [2006-08-01 04:39:57 +0000 UTC]

::gasp:: You have Photoshop CS2?! Awww.. lucky I only have CS ! o.O Btw.. d'you know what CS stands for XD? I've had it for a few years and I still dunno what it stands for XP

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rainbowdolphin In reply to HeLLKaTSTaRKiTTy [2006-08-01 05:32:22 +0000 UTC]

Yea i got cs2 @_@;;; ummm.......that stands for...umm.......i don't know

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HeLLKaTSTaRKiTTy In reply to rainbowdolphin [2006-08-02 05:54:47 +0000 UTC]

Ah.. one of life's many unsolved mysteries XD

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rainbowdolphin In reply to HeLLKaTSTaRKiTTy [2006-08-02 07:43:34 +0000 UTC]


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Princess-Amy [2006-07-22 09:58:13 +0000 UTC]


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rainbowdolphin In reply to Princess-Amy [2006-07-22 10:53:40 +0000 UTC]

thanks, thanks for the fave

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Princess-Amy In reply to rainbowdolphin [2006-07-22 21:13:01 +0000 UTC]


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Crimson-Flame [2006-07-21 12:14:30 +0000 UTC]


btw, AWESHOMENESS :3 she's very pretty, you really out-did yourself

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rainbowdolphin In reply to Crimson-Flame [2006-07-22 00:33:51 +0000 UTC]


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Wolfcurse [2006-07-21 10:33:34 +0000 UTC]

Awesome colouring, especially with the tail feathers and the skirt . Colour scheme's cool too.

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rainbowdolphin In reply to Wolfcurse [2006-07-21 10:35:05 +0000 UTC]


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granger159 [2006-07-21 02:32:35 +0000 UTC]

CUTE! I shall fav! I love the colors! <3

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rainbowdolphin In reply to granger159 [2006-07-21 05:50:56 +0000 UTC]

thanks and thanks for the fave as well ^^

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Arcsrules [2006-07-20 23:27:36 +0000 UTC]

wonderfull!!!good luck!!!

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rainbowdolphin In reply to Arcsrules [2006-07-21 05:49:48 +0000 UTC]


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spiffychicken [2006-07-20 19:06:11 +0000 UTC]

Woah, that's really good! ^^

Pink and Green, they look really nice together, therfore, your character is great ^^

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rainbowdolphin In reply to spiffychicken [2006-07-21 05:49:27 +0000 UTC]

thanks, but it is not my character it is ~OmgItsEmily 's character but thanks anyway ^^

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Sleeping-Death [2006-07-20 18:20:45 +0000 UTC]

It's pretty!

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rainbowdolphin In reply to Sleeping-Death [2006-07-21 05:48:42 +0000 UTC]


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Sleeping-Death In reply to rainbowdolphin [2006-07-21 12:42:01 +0000 UTC]

Of course

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OmgItsEmily [2006-07-20 15:15:49 +0000 UTC]

Oh, and the thing about Mew vs. Myu? I'm not exactly sure! XD I'm kind of copying 's idea about it, although I had actually thought about it before I knew she was doing it too. XD;;;

Generally, I use 'Myu' for Mew Mews from Asian countries, because the languages over there are more likely to represent it like that. Then I use 'Mew' for countries with more Roman-based languages, (English, Spanish, French, etc.) and pretty much everything else, as well. XD; Sooo, technically Mew Rambutan shouldn't be Myu, she should be Mew, but I messed up. ^^U I have a mew from Japan (Daifuku) and one from Thailand (Mangosteen) on my team, so they're both "Myu", not "Mew". Hope that made sense. XD

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rainbowdolphin In reply to OmgItsEmily [2006-07-21 05:48:26 +0000 UTC]

Yea basically ^^ thansk

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OmgItsEmily [2006-07-20 15:03:57 +0000 UTC]

AHHHHHH! Dolphy-chan, this is adorable! >w<

I love all of the little details you added, like the big bow on the legband and the green fluffy things coming off of her skirt and shirt! ^^ It does NOT look like a Chrismas tree gone wrong at all!

Oh, and I LOVE the animal you chose! A Quetzal is more than perfect for her!

Aww, and I was so sad that I have to move tomorrow. This makes my day! XD Thanks so much, I'll add it now.

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rainbowdolphin In reply to OmgItsEmily [2006-07-21 05:47:16 +0000 UTC]

Thank you Emily-chan ^^. I am glad you liked it ^^

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TheSquishy0ne [2006-07-20 09:39:04 +0000 UTC]

Nice sharp lineart there. I like the hightlights in the colouring also. Perhaps the only thing to work on right atm would be some form of backgrounds that don't consice of shiny gradients .

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rainbowdolphin In reply to TheSquishy0ne [2006-07-20 10:38:00 +0000 UTC]

thanks, yes i know I abuse the gradient tool alot, quiet you by the time i get to a background i just can not be bothered

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TheSquishy0ne In reply to rainbowdolphin [2006-07-20 10:43:07 +0000 UTC]

Yeah same

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rainbowdolphin In reply to TheSquishy0ne [2006-07-20 10:45:35 +0000 UTC]


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