Comments: 30
rainbowdolphin In reply to HeLLKaTSTaRKiTTy [2006-07-30 03:55:57 +0000 UTC]
Thanks...I am glad you like it ^^ yea I use photoshop to colour....photoshop cs2 and elements 3.0 to be precise ^^
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granger159 [2006-07-21 02:32:35 +0000 UTC]
CUTE! I shall fav! I love the colors! <3
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Arcsrules [2006-07-20 23:27:36 +0000 UTC]
wonderfull!!!good luck!!!
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spiffychicken [2006-07-20 19:06:11 +0000 UTC]
Woah, that's really good! ^^
Pink and Green, they look really nice together, therfore, your character is great ^^
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OmgItsEmily [2006-07-20 15:15:49 +0000 UTC]
Oh, and the thing about Mew vs. Myu? I'm not exactly sure! XD I'm kind of copying 's idea about it, although I had actually thought about it before I knew she was doing it too. XD;;;
Generally, I use 'Myu' for Mew Mews from Asian countries, because the languages over there are more likely to represent it like that. Then I use 'Mew' for countries with more Roman-based languages, (English, Spanish, French, etc.) and pretty much everything else, as well. XD; Sooo, technically Mew Rambutan shouldn't be Myu, she should be Mew, but I messed up. ^^U I have a mew from Japan (Daifuku) and one from Thailand (Mangosteen) on my team, so they're both "Myu", not "Mew". Hope that made sense. XD
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