007-REEFANA (Reef+ Iguana)
The Iguana PKMN/ WATER type
Height: 1,9 ft - Weight: 15,2 lbs / Gender: 87.5% M - 12.5% F
Ability: Torrent / Damp (Hidden)
HP: 50 / ATK: 56 / DEF: 53 / SP.ATK: 56 / SP.DEF: 45/ SPD: 60/ TOTAL: 320.
Pound, Water Gun, Tail Whip, Bulk Up, Comet Punch
"Reefana, the Pokémon Iguana. He trains from morning to afternoon on the coasts trying to strengthen his arms. In real combat he makes use of his tail which can reach up to 2 meters, however if he uses it very often he ends up fatigued. To recover the elasticity of your body it is very common to visit places with steam to get wet"
Based in a marine iguana, a reptile with lives in the Galapagos Islands