raptorkillsall — Art Trade with joca1650

Published: 2016-11-23 01:39:27 +0000 UTC; Views: 142; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 0
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Description A teuke wraps around a deep-sea suma, a larger cousin of the black bellied suma. although not as intelligent, it is much larger. It hunts small deep sea organisms. It's large head bump is used for echolocation. The stuff spilling out of the vents is distasteful poison. The creature in the background is a hyena skimmer, a scavenger. It has recently given birth, and the things hanging off of the bulge are babies feeding off a food sac.

Done for joca1650's world Plamfu-Alpha. Hope you like it joca  
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Comments: 1

joca1650 [2016-12-13 03:42:49 +0000 UTC]

Oh my gosh thank you! I love this art  

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