RiftVanguard24 — Mitsubishi QF-1A UCAV

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Published: 2022-10-14 02:39:36 +0000 UTC; Views: 1337; Favourites: 29; Downloads: 12
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Description Mitsubishi QF-1A Drone
Unit Name: Mitsubishi QF-1A Drone
Designation: UCAV
Affiliation: EotRS
Weapons/Armament: 1x S.C.R.A., 1x ASM-4 “Fujin” Hypersonic Cruise Missile, 1x Mk 82 Free Fall Bombs (x4), 2x ASM-5 Type JSM
Cost: 2,400
Build/Training Time: 25s
Produced by: Imperial Airfield
Tech Required: Tier IV

Info: one of the Empire of the Rising Suns next generation UCAV, the Mitsubishi QF-1A was created by Tenzai Robotics as a next Generation drone that could transport a variety of bombs, missiles, and is equipped with the experimental 30mm S.C.R.A. Railgun that could deal a lot of damage to enemy vessels, vehicles and aircraft. This railgun was also designed to launch precision strikes on any enemy base by deploying its 4 of its Mk 82 Free Fall Bombs that could force a enemy army to disperse and could penetrate a enemies armoed vehicles, this UCAV is also armed with the ASM-5 Type JSM and the ASM-4 “Fujin” Hypersonic Cruise Missile. The ASM-5 “Fujin'' HCM is a 2 staged HCM loaded with a Highly Explosive Warhead, like most of other HCMs from other countries, the HCM is able to move at Mach 5 but when it reaches its intended target location, the HCM will split in 2 allowing the warhead to blow up its intended target. The ASM-5 type JSM is a experimental Joint Strike Missile with a gliding capability, when fired from the drone, the JSM will glide towards its intended target at subsonic speed and could avoid detection from enemy radars, given it has some good maneuverability that will allow it to avoid enemy anti aircraft fire. This drone is currently in service with the Empire of the Rising Sun Air Forces and will become the successor of the Fuji TACOM UCAV.
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