riverraptor12 — Chaos Effect: Amargospinus

#dinosaur #hybrid #spinosaurus #amargosaurus #chaoseffect #jurassicpark #jurassicworld #hybriddinosaur
Published: 2020-04-29 00:22:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 2167; Favourites: 36; Downloads: 0
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Description Chaos Genesis: Amargosaurus & Spinosaurus
Amargosaurus: Giant herbivore
Spinosaurus: Sail-spined carnivore
Length: 60 ft.
Weight: 18 tons
Diet: Fish, land-dwelling animals

Behavior: InGen's effort to create a ferocious carnivore with the size of a brachiosaur resulted in the massive Amargospinus. Standing over 40 feet tall, its long neck and tail provied a wide attack radius for its razor-sharp jaws, while its spiny back and slashing neck spikes offer a near-impenetrable defense. The Amargospinus is a loner by nature and second only to the Ultimasaurus for individual ferocity.
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