RobinLucyNami — Munchkin kitten

#cat #kitten #kittens #munchkin #traditionalart #traditionaldrawing #traditionalmedia #munchkincat #munchkin_cat
Published: 2017-09-03 12:15:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 258; Favourites: 18; Downloads: 0
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Description My atrempt to draw a Munchkin Kitten. They're just so adorable 😍
So fluffy x3
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Comments: 1

LeafyTaichou [2017-09-03 16:31:08 +0000 UTC]

Cute, the left eye looks off, but it's alright, i know it can be hard to draw eyes on their right places, i fail at drawing them too at times.

You could try drawing cats of different species, feel like giving it a try?

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