Robo2346 — Lyndis

#mortalkombat #oc #heroforge
Published: 2023-04-27 22:23:44 +0000 UTC; Views: 511; Favourites: 7; Downloads: 0
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Description Lyndis is Lathilda's sister and another leader among the Lycons, often taking charge when neither her sister nor Rannulfus are available. She has a hatred for the Tarkatans and often targets them when fighting Kitana's forces, sometimes taking trophies from them (teeth, blades, etc.). She is incredibly strong, able to break through solid rock with her bare hands (paws?). Lyndis is also rather protective of her sister and will come to her aid when she is in distress. In battle, she wields to sabers and perform a spinning attack with them, allowing her to deal out a good amount of damage. Lyndis also seems to be able to sense danger, allowing her to dodge enemy attacks with relative ease.
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