rollerbrawl895 — Wurt meets Midnight.

#wurtdontstarvetogether #dontstarveoc #dontstarvetogether
Published: 2020-06-27 14:31:24 +0000 UTC; Views: 254; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 0
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Description Me: After the heroes ran away, Wurt didn't even see Midnight's face and what he looks like. Soon Wurt sees the book that one of her friends was reading and started to read it. Soon she heard something or someone coming through the woods. Wurt looked around and started to explore. Soon she saw something at a tree near a swamp. It was Midnight. His description was like the one in the story, but his body looked like a corpse and he looked like he was starving. Also yes, Midnight is based off of Antisepticeye if you're wondering.
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