SarcasticCartoonist — Relentless Dark- Webber + Wendy Reference

#dontstarvewendy #dontstarve #dont_starve #dontstarvefanart #dontstarvewebber
Published: 2015-08-26 16:27:09 +0000 UTC; Views: 523; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 3
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Description Webber and Wendy as they appear in the comic! ^^ 

I'll go ahead and point out the differences now.   

The most obvious difference here is that Webber has pupils and an eye color! I like the purple and red because... Monsters.    He also has fluffy hair and a little fluff on his chest. Three fingers is all you need when you're a spider, and so it is with Webber. He also has a sort of permanent 5 o'clock shadow? I dunno, I think it looks cool.  
PUPILS, GASP!    Light blue beauties she does indeed have. She's also got freckles because... Well for no reason really, I just think it matches the little kid look. I'm also having her hair down for the time being, because her ponytails are a frustrating pain to draw. Her sleeves are also a bit different, and she has a piece of hair sticking up. 
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