SarkaSkorpikova — Finrod vs. Sauron

Published: 2014-02-23 14:30:58 +0000 UTC; Views: 5649; Favourites: 144; Downloads: 29
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Description Re-make of the older version. Sorry for mistakes again, Finrod's knees and Sauron's armour making the Maia look like he had true cellulite And it's also the 1st time I tried armours, please forgive me. 
Wateroclour on A3
(I'll have tho think about another compositon than 2 people standing against each other soon) 
Anyway, soory for the central vertical line. It's caused by double scanning. 
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Comments: 41

CaliAntares [2015-08-03 19:12:17 +0000 UTC]

I love this <3 It's pretty much as I had imagined, and all the colourssss great!!

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SarkaSkorpikova In reply to CaliAntares [2015-09-04 07:38:00 +0000 UTC]

Thanks a lot! Gotta redraw this for the 3rd time someday

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WilliWeissfuss [2014-04-14 11:53:47 +0000 UTC]

I like how you play with the colours: light and dark on the opposite sides. 
The idea with the fog Sauron is carrying, is very good, because it supports the impression of Finrod standing amidst nature and Sauron creating his own, unnatural things.

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adinaispas In reply to WilliWeissfuss [2014-11-10 10:30:30 +0000 UTC]

The way it looks to me, is that Sauron is *real* inside the fog which is only a diversion meant for those who do not have the Secret. But the Secret itself is *open* (i.e. the fog is not the fault of the Holy Ones to whom it belongs; the fog is the fault of the onlookers). Likewise, fog, lightning, volcanoes and all that are very natural - so there is no actual way for artists to draw "unnatural things". When you start drawing someone, you invariably connect with their Soul; so what you were told about them "being evil" goes out the window. That is why extremist groups do not like Human Art, and would prefer for it not to exist. They pretend to tell you a story about "idol worship" when in fact, they merely want to hide the references to the true knowledge.

The Freak is a natural part of Nature and contributes to her Balance, and fights against those who would put the Earth in danger.  

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SarkaSkorpikova In reply to adinaispas [2014-11-10 15:14:18 +0000 UTC]

Well, I'm not sure if I understand all of your thoughts, notes and ideas correctly, but surely thank you for your comments!   I'm glad that people have a space to think about the picture on their own.

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adinaispas In reply to WilliWeissfuss [2014-11-10 08:09:03 +0000 UTC]

Lol! Reminds me of the Muppet Show: 
"If you are like me (and you most certainly must be), you are appalled and shocked at the weird, unnatural things going on tonight! So here, to counter all that, the very natural, the very NORMAL, Wayne & Wanda!" 

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SarkaSkorpikova In reply to WilliWeissfuss [2014-04-23 09:58:46 +0000 UTC]

Aww, thank you. That's exactly what I wanted to express. 

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adinaispas In reply to SarkaSkorpikova [2014-11-10 08:25:56 +0000 UTC]

Really? In Tolkien, it was the High Elves who were "unnatural" thinkers, not the Darkness. Likewise, name "Finrod" is linked with Fin, the Druid dressed in strangely flowered garments who was EA Enki, the true god - represented by a Burning Mountain, the Dark Fire of Ma'at (attribute of true Saints), and the Secret of the Blue Stones of Atlantis (Bliss). He might have also had some "true cellulite" to go with it, since he has some feminine attributes -- EA itself means "She", and the symbol is the sacred shirt embroidered with the Merkaba motifs, which only he had achieved ("There was Eru, the One"). 

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DSBEniX-AfentisLykan [2014-03-03 10:08:14 +0000 UTC]

Amazing work my friend ^_^

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SarkaSkorpikova In reply to DSBEniX-AfentisLykan [2014-03-05 18:12:01 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, friend!

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DSBEniX-AfentisLykan In reply to SarkaSkorpikova [2014-03-29 02:58:06 +0000 UTC]

So welcome my friend ^_^

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Ffey [2014-02-27 22:43:26 +0000 UTC]

má oblíbená scéna. sauron je úplně úžasný, vlasy, vsechny ty vlajici neco kolem, ta oranzova, je to pusobove,dynamicke. finrodova strana, na druhou stranu, semi zas tak nelibi, ty stromky jsou takove staticke a podivne umistene a nudne, myslim, ze by bylolepsi, kdyby mel i finrod kolem sebe nejake magicke slemy. a finrod sam ma postoj a vyraz "no a co, jdu domu". ach ja jsem zase uprimna, neber me moc vazne.

obleceni maji oba super, v brnenich se teda nevyznam, ale aspon esteticky to na me pusobi dobre.

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SarkaSkorpikova In reply to Ffey [2014-03-02 15:50:23 +0000 UTC]

Díky! S tou Finrodovou stranou: chtěla jsem to mít jako protiklad-temnotu dynamickou, živou, kdežto dobro klidné, statické, ustupující. (a možná podvědomě i nudné ) Jak to vypadá doopravdy už je věc další. Ostatně člověk se většinou nejvíc snaží na začátku, zato když už to chce mít dodělané (jak ve stádiu náčrtku, tak při konci malování), víc se to fláká,

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MatejCadil [2014-02-27 16:49:17 +0000 UTC]

Zase jedna scéna, kterou bych taky rád někdy nakreslil...
Ale tohle je vážně moc pěkné. Líbí se mi hlavně barvy, Sauronovo brnění a póza a to jak drží rukama ten plášť nebo zhmotněnou temnotu nebo co to vlasně je. Dobrá práce.

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SarkaSkorpikova In reply to MatejCadil [2014-03-02 15:39:32 +0000 UTC]

Je dobré, jak nikdo (vč. mě) neví, jak nazvat to šedé. Sama nevím, co to vlastně je, ale to je možná dobře

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MatejCadil In reply to SarkaSkorpikova [2014-03-06 20:03:17 +0000 UTC]


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EKukanova [2014-02-26 21:44:45 +0000 UTC]

So wonderful illustration of this scene!

Sauron is simply admirable! I love the movement of materialize darkness around him, his pose, an orange glimpses,- so dinamical!

I'm also love how you depicted Finrod,  so complicated character for portray, I love his face, his pose... yes, it's really Finrod!

Maybe only a fond of right part looks slightly statical, especially in comparison with so dinamical left part of piece, ( of cource only for my test))

Only one thing is slightly alarming me: Evil  in your depiction looks so attractive... )))    

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SarkaSkorpikova In reply to EKukanova [2014-02-27 07:56:51 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!! Your words mean much. Oh, interesting note about the right part! It was meant to be calmer, but maybe it doesn't match the rest of the picture. I have to say I'm not so satisfied with Finrod, but I hope it looks like him. 
should I be less...expressive and when drawing evil things? 
Thank you once more!


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PrinceSsCarmilla [2014-02-25 23:25:12 +0000 UTC]

I LOOOVE the colours here and the contrast of the dark figure against the light!
PS I like the armors and I don't undertsnad why you should apologize for yet another wonderful piece! Maybe some gauche would give more glint....unfortunately I'm not the best with watercolours and I can't give you very good advice on it...you far surpass me in this....but I can say that this is a beautiful piece and I love it!!!!!

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SarkaSkorpikova In reply to PrinceSsCarmilla [2014-02-27 07:49:49 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, dear! Thank you so much! Good idea with the gouache  

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NdrN [2014-02-24 22:13:56 +0000 UTC]

Very beautiful!

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SarkaSkorpikova In reply to NdrN [2014-02-25 21:03:23 +0000 UTC]

Thank you

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Annathelle26 [2014-02-23 23:35:59 +0000 UTC]

It is beautiful! I love the poses, their expressions and the coloring. Wonderful job!

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SarkaSkorpikova In reply to Annathelle26 [2014-02-24 09:43:57 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!!  

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LimeGreenBunny [2014-02-23 22:50:54 +0000 UTC]

Cool! I've seen the older version, you have improved a ton!

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SarkaSkorpikova In reply to LimeGreenBunny [2014-02-24 09:44:10 +0000 UTC]

I'm pleased to read it!

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Siiw [2014-02-23 22:00:04 +0000 UTC]

I see nothing at all wrong with Sauron's armour. I really like how it looks like Sauron is physically manipulating the forces of darkness, while the forces of light seem to be growing behind Finrod.

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SarkaSkorpikova In reply to Siiw [2014-02-24 09:45:37 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! The forces of darkness shold have been much more abstract, but in never turns out as good as I mean. Anyway thanks for the comment! ^^

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Brunild [2014-02-23 18:41:02 +0000 UTC]

This is simply amazing my friend!!! Your Sauron is fantastic !!

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SarkaSkorpikova In reply to Brunild [2014-02-24 09:47:54 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for kind words, friend!      

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rfcunha [2014-02-23 17:58:12 +0000 UTC]

Ah, one of my favorite excerpts! I love the way you portrayed them!

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SarkaSkorpikova In reply to rfcunha [2014-02-24 09:48:20 +0000 UTC]

Mine as well Thank you!! 

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Sh5untik [2014-02-23 15:34:01 +0000 UTC]

Awesome!!! And as usual I like the colours  

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SarkaSkorpikova In reply to Sh5untik [2014-02-24 09:48:47 +0000 UTC]

I'm pleased you like it!!

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Sh5untik In reply to SarkaSkorpikova [2014-02-24 10:21:09 +0000 UTC]


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Moi-Keiniku-Sang [2014-02-23 15:17:15 +0000 UTC]


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SarkaSkorpikova In reply to Moi-Keiniku-Sang [2014-02-24 09:48:54 +0000 UTC]

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MorellSunweaver [2014-02-23 14:55:44 +0000 UTC]

Brnění je v pohodě, zvláště to Sauronovo. A s celulitýdou si nedělej starosti, stejně to pořád nějak nevidím. Spíše je krapet v záklonu A až příště budeš kreslit oči, dej si k němu pravíto a podívej se, kam se dívá, protože tady se dívá na ten nejtmavší strom... i dkyž u tohohle obrázku se to docela dá připustit.

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SarkaSkorpikova In reply to MorellSunweaver [2014-02-24 09:51:39 +0000 UTC]

S těma očima už si nevím rady, nevím proč to tak vždycky vyjde, i když si na to dávám extrémní pozor. Možná proto,ž e kreslím duhovku i v takovémto úhlu, kdy by skoro neměla být vidět

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MorellSunweaver In reply to SarkaSkorpikova [2014-02-24 15:05:21 +0000 UTC]

Na to přijdeš. Vtip je v tom, že když se postava dívá dolů, tak působí jako když má přivřený oči, horní víčko vždy malinko zakrývá duhovku. To se zrcadlem nenacvičíš, ale může pomoct webkamera, i ta umí dělat obrázky.

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SarkaSkorpikova In reply to MorellSunweaver [2014-02-27 08:46:14 +0000 UTC]


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