ScarecrowsMainFan — B3 Ultra Battle Droid vs Pyrovores

Published: 2013-05-14 23:57:46 +0000 UTC; Views: 4464; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 5
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Description And now we take a closer look at one of the battles sure to be taking place in the Planetary Conquest war of the Tyranids and the CIS.

B3 Battle Droid: This towering droid's body ripples with weaponry as it stomps across the battlefield. Rapid fire blasts, wide-spray plasma cannons, and even a flamethrower for those pests that try to get up close. It's armor is strong, and it is equipped with a special Density Projector, making it impossible for even the most determined Jedi to knock over.

Pyrovore: This massive Tyranid contains within it some of the most volatile chemicals known to man. Upon it's back sits a Sentient Flame Cannon, capable of shooting blasts of flame so hot they'd melt right though the hull of a tank. Acid drips from its maw, and acid runs in its veins. And should you manage to kill it, it's death will trigger an explosion that promises to make fire and acid rain from 5-60 meters!

Now these lumbering killers will wage war and blow crap up. Will the heavy armor and many blasters serve the B3 well against this explosive foe? Or will the mighty roar of the Flame Cannon be the last thing that registers before it blows up? Who knows, but I bet together we can figure out...


The war has begun... now where do you stand?

-Tyranid Hormagaunts vs. CIS B-1s: [link]
-B2s vs. Termagants: [link]
-Genestealer Cult vs. Octuptarra Combat Droid: [link]
-Droideka vs. Tyranid Warrior: [link]
-Lictors vs. Magna Guards: [link]
-B-x Droid Commandos vs. Genestealers: [link]
-Zoanthropes vs. Dark Side Acolyte: [link]
-Scorpeneks vs. Hive Guards: [link]
-Biovores vs. Mandalorians: [link]
-B3 Ultra Battle Droid vs. Pyrovore: YOU ARE HERE!
-Deathleaper vs. Cad Bane: [link]
-Durge vs. Old One Eye: [link]
-Parasite of Mortex vs. Aurra Sing: [link]
-Asajj Ventress vs. The Doom of Malan'Tai: [link]
-Swarmlord vs. Grevious: [link]
-CIS vs. Tyranids: [link]

(Disclaimer: Just to be clear, these two combatants were created / are owned by people far more creative / wealthier then me. I have made this, not for profit, but in the hopes of encouraging spirited discussion among fans. Please support the combatants official series. Thank you, that is all).
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Comments: 15

Gustauve-Drakenhime [2014-01-19 22:11:28 +0000 UTC]

Cruddace is a Massive Faggot, and thus his joke of a creation would lose. I hold no love for fifth edition. May he burn in hell for his crimes against us.

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wildone210 [2013-09-03 10:47:46 +0000 UTC]

I would have to say the B3 for sure on this one. that is just way, WAY to much firepower to try and stand up to even with the whole insane self destruct/explode on death that the pyrovore has. Also b3s also have some rather good range gear(they have a battery of semi-sentient rockets in their left shoulder)

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TheOnlyEscapeIsDeath [2013-08-25 04:53:21 +0000 UTC]

Mutually assured destruction. The B3 would hit the Pyrovore with enough firepower to blow it up, which would take out the droid in the explosion.

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gonzo22 [2013-08-17 18:39:06 +0000 UTC]

so who do you think would win this fight scarecrow

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ScarecrowsMainFan In reply to gonzo22 [2013-09-05 23:29:56 +0000 UTC]

Probably the B3, it has a longer range, and it's metal skin would make it more durable to attacks. However, it should be far away when the Pyrovore dies, because when it blows up, it could get caught in the explosion that follows.

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DARTHTURDER12 In reply to ScarecrowsMainFan [2013-09-19 14:18:05 +0000 UTC]

i got to disargree the b3 will onleast a lot of firepower but pyrovres were made for killing

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Gavrahil [2013-07-25 03:32:58 +0000 UTC]

As the first post says, the Pyrovore is something of a joke in the Tyranid codex, since Cruddace screwed up his rules so bad, that nobody has ever been able to reliably do something with this thing, except if it is dropped onto the battlefield with a Mycdtic Spore (a kind of organic Drop Pod). Then it would come out, flame some guys... and then die.
If though we go by the fluff of the Pyrovore, it would actually be a force to be reconed with. Imagine that out of the ever-advancing wall of living bodies of termagants suddenly erupts a rinoceros with a heavy flame-thrower mounted on its back. Sure, it would die after its first charge, but on its way to his unavoidable death, this beast would cause untold distruction... and then explode with the force of an artillery impact.
So you better hope that your droids can run really fast...

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DaLintyMan [2013-06-13 16:59:06 +0000 UTC]

They both die. Tank flamethrower would scorch the droid enough so that it's armor is worn, then shooting the 'Vore would spray acid, then the droid closes, and basically they both die, from the shower of acid and being shot.
Really, it seems that the B3 is about infantry domination, rather than slugging it out within it's weight class.

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Badork11 [2013-05-19 18:23:15 +0000 UTC]

What happened to Durge vs. Old One Eye? The link keeps taking me back to the main gallary

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slayer1968 In reply to Badork11 [2013-10-12 18:30:22 +0000 UTC]

Durge wins if he has a Disrupter rifle

if it eats him he can just self-explode and recover from the explosion bit by bit

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ScarecrowsMainFan In reply to Badork11 [2013-05-19 21:46:32 +0000 UTC]

I don't know. The picture is still there, and the link worked when I tried it. I've changed it though, try again and see if it works now.

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DeathLightning21 [2013-05-15 00:34:31 +0000 UTC]

CIS, they got the Iron Giant

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gonzo22 [2013-05-15 00:12:37 +0000 UTC]

i cant even tell what show do these guys come from anymore

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Pariahnecron In reply to gonzo22 [2017-12-19 21:20:21 +0000 UTC]

Pyrovore: Warhammer 40K
B3-Ultrabatteldroide: Star Wars (The Clone Wars)

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jocke01 [2013-05-15 00:10:31 +0000 UTC]

Pure stom for the B3

The pyrovore is a joke done by cruddace since he has no idea how to make units and this unit is a running joke on the tyranid hive site.

All the pyrovore have is a close range flamer and can spit acid.
That huge mech will blast it from a mile away XD.

The pyrovore is use to kill infantry not huge mechs

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