Scarlet-Harlequin-N — Totem Creek

#crick #kukuri #pine #ranger #river #rocks #totem #travel #tree #rukaan #wholmsaer
Published: 2022-01-23 21:15:20 +0000 UTC; Views: 776; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 0
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Description Deep in the wilderness and into the woods of the north where pine and stone dominate the landscape, The ranger Veminhoskar decides that the charge has gone far enough for the morning.  A warm sunny day could only be improved by a cool rest by a crick.  The water tumbles over the carved rocks out from the roots of the pine forest stretching up the mountain.  Mysterious totems carved out of the stone itself stand on either side of the spring water.  Resting in the moss and lichens is Dyvem, grateful for some time to ruminate without a saddle on his back.  And taking the chance to explore amongst the branches further up the hill is  Kephallenia, following the ranger through the journey to the next town.

Link to the import:  Kephallenia 8406
Link to the activity tracker: Scarlet activity tracker
Relevant familiars, training, or applied items: Discovery expert.  Muri.  Halla. Ulmu. Tula. Varma. Retrieval training.
Proof of lease: Proof


Import Link: R-1120 Dyvem
Rune Mark Tracker: Dyvem rune tracker
Rune Mark points and bonuses: full body / colored / shaded / complex background / full body handler / Other arpg / by owner 
Exploration Bonuses: /
Exploration Area: Taiga
Proof of Tier/Area Unlock: n/a
Activity Tracker Link: Rukaan activity tracker
Bank Name: Scarlet-harlequin-n

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Crashfurs [2022-02-14 15:28:42 +0000 UTC]

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