ScrapSomeCrap — The Blind

#blind #cohen #flowers #leonard #sketchbook #suzanne #scrapsomecrap
Published: 2016-07-16 19:59:19 +0000 UTC; Views: 424; Favourites: 56; Downloads: 0
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"...And she shows you where to look 
Among the garbage and the flowers 
There are heroes in the seaweed 
There are children in the morning 
They are leaning out for love 
And they will lean that way forever..." 


Just a lil something. Didn't put too much time into it and I ain't really satisfied with it but I have other bigger projects to work on so oh well.
But regardless, it was really relaxing and fun to make

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Comments: 11

clau-stela [2016-07-22 19:33:31 +0000 UTC]

i like it, because it is very melancholic somehow, maybe like everything you do, it's romantic but also painful. In everything you do there is a lot of sensibility, and your shit makes your public think...  
It would be so nice, if you could tell me what is your interpretation and inspiration... unless it is a secret... 

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ScrapSomeCrap In reply to clau-stela [2016-07-23 08:20:06 +0000 UTC]

You say the nicest stuff, u know that ;_;
But no really, thank you so much I usually don't tell people my interpretations,
maybe because I just love the fact that people make their own assumptions and look inside their own
set of morals, values, creativeness and imagination to make something out of it and give it the interpretation
that they've reached by themselves. That's basically what I love the most about art. But yes I also love
wondering what the artist himself might have intended for the drawing to be, and yes I have my
own interpretation for every drawing that I make and post here XD
I don't mind telling you what stands behind this one,
but I'll send you a private note or something about it, because I fear that it might potentially discourage people
from posting their own interpretations here in the future XD

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Onlyfox [2016-07-19 15:52:21 +0000 UTC]

awesome work

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ScrapSomeCrap In reply to Onlyfox [2016-07-23 08:02:03 +0000 UTC]


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blankverve [2016-07-17 12:48:43 +0000 UTC]

Everyone is wondering why he is stabbed by a flower. I am wondering why he is wearing skin-coloured shorts. O_O

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ScrapSomeCrap In reply to blankverve [2016-07-17 13:39:56 +0000 UTC]

Cos it's kinky that's why O3O

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Tuntalm [2016-07-17 09:24:42 +0000 UTC]

While falling, the man got stabbed by a gigantic flower. As if while falling in love, reality hit him really hard, showing him that everything has a price. Happiness isn't necessary coming with love, and the fact he is falling shows he can't protect himself from reality. He was blind because he thought falling in love would lead him to happiness. But the result is he can't even see when he will hit the hard floor of reality, pushed by a flower which is strangely vertical.

The flower by itself looks like a sword. Is it acting by itself, or has it been thrown by someone else ? We will never know, it seems. But the fact is that he is falling and nothing is here to prevent him from crashing on the floor of his life. 

You played yourself, dear.

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ScrapSomeCrap In reply to Tuntalm [2016-07-17 11:05:52 +0000 UTC]

Haha a very interesting interpretation , well played, well played~   

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Tuntalm In reply to ScrapSomeCrap [2016-07-17 11:23:58 +0000 UTC]

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Thystyn [2016-07-17 03:09:47 +0000 UTC]

I wonder why he is impaled by the flower

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ScrapSomeCrap In reply to Thystyn [2016-07-17 09:08:33 +0000 UTC]

Yeah..., me too. I bet it hurts X_X

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