ScrapSomeCrap — The Morality of Reincarnation

#eggs #hands #reincarnation
Published: 2016-09-02 12:24:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 978; Favourites: 99; Downloads: 0
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Description "The bird fights its way out of the egg.
The egg is the world.
Who would be born must first destroy a world.
The bird flies to God.
That God's name is Abraxas"


Some little drawing inspired by Hermann Hesse's "Demian". 
Had di artz block for a couple of weeks now... But I finally quit my job and maybe now I can have some time to breath and get back to exploring new techniques and new styles till I move to Berlin and get all busy again..
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Comments: 21

grind-the-rust [2016-09-06 15:24:31 +0000 UTC]

He looks fearsome and cold and otherworldly. The direct gaze is utterly confronting, but it's like the shutters have slammed down behind his eyes - they look out, but they don't let anyone in. As with a lot of your work, there's a stillness, a kind of hovering to it - and a bit of sadness. 

I did not expect the song when I clicked on the link. Don't know what I expected. But it made the picture read a bit differently, somehow.

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ScrapSomeCrap In reply to grind-the-rust [2016-09-07 07:36:34 +0000 UTC]

You are so spot on with so many things that I make, I'm speechless XD
I am most amazed by the last thing that you said about the song in the link, because, indeed, it wasn't really intended for the drawing, or to be more precise, the drawing wasn't intended for the song.
I've had a serious art block for a couple of weeks but when I came upon this song it was so uplifting that it gave me a push of motivation to finally come up with something.
At first I was aiming at something more "Epic" and grandiose, something that matches the sound of trumpets, something that celebrates reincarnation and cyclicality. but slowly I started to contemplate the whole concept of Abraxas and the idealism in "Demian", and so on I began to question whether the concepts of reincarnation in general is a good thing or a bad thing, or maybe it's actually pretty much indifferent... and so the piece took a turn into "colder" themes and the song didn't really fit at the end... In general I'm really disappointed in this drawing on so many levels, and that is one of them, but I still find it amazing that you could really feel all these things from just looking at it  

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grind-the-rust In reply to ScrapSomeCrap [2016-09-13 04:32:57 +0000 UTC]

If there's a theme I note with you you are often quite disappointed in your drawings. What is it in this one in particular that bugs you, or that you would have like to have turned out differently? I guess I ask because I see it as a successfully composed and very striking image.

Also, I love the fact that you still included the link to the song, even though the picture evolved in its own direction. Not only does it give insight into where a given picture started, but you introduced me to a new musician - I spent the rest of my evening listening to that guy's stuff.

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Onlyfox [2016-09-03 23:43:36 +0000 UTC]

awesome work

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ScrapSomeCrap In reply to Onlyfox [2016-09-04 13:50:51 +0000 UTC]

Thanks man  

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Thystyn [2016-09-03 02:23:04 +0000 UTC]

That's pretty heavy... so glad it doesn't really work that way. 
He has such a 'don't give a damn' look about him.  He does as he wants.
Does the line around the neck mean anything?

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ScrapSomeCrap In reply to Thystyn [2016-09-03 09:19:00 +0000 UTC]

Yeah his face expression would take none o this shit no more~
And lol it's cool that you noticed the necklace.
It is actually from the original reference picture. It doesn't have any significant meaning in the drawing but I was just so hypnotized at the time from how fun it was to work on this piece that I just happened to leave it there hehe.

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Thystyn In reply to ScrapSomeCrap [2016-09-03 10:39:49 +0000 UTC]

oh cool.  I couldn't tell what it was to tell you the truth, but because it was obviously there, it had to be 'something'

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PeterWhale [2016-09-02 19:21:33 +0000 UTC]

It's very good one artwork. I loooove the inspiration andemeaning what comes from.... sooo good! 

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ScrapSomeCrap In reply to PeterWhale [2016-09-03 09:16:01 +0000 UTC]

Thanks man great to see that some people know the source of inspiration

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PeterWhale In reply to ScrapSomeCrap [2016-09-03 12:51:51 +0000 UTC]


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clau-stela [2016-09-02 18:33:42 +0000 UTC]

pretty cool, i like the look on his face

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ScrapSomeCrap In reply to clau-stela [2016-09-03 09:14:45 +0000 UTC]

Thanks Yeah his face is probably the only thing I'm proud of in this piece

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clau-stela In reply to ScrapSomeCrap [2016-09-03 17:31:33 +0000 UTC]

you should be proud of the whole piece, it's very good ! 

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Bethaleil [2016-09-02 15:31:14 +0000 UTC]

O damn, this is my favorite piece of artwork today. Awesome work, as usual

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ScrapSomeCrap In reply to Bethaleil [2016-09-03 09:13:17 +0000 UTC]

Damnnn, the honour~!!   Glad u loved it

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GXiaoHui [2016-09-02 14:29:31 +0000 UTC]

You always have such interesting concepts. Great job!

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ScrapSomeCrap In reply to GXiaoHui [2016-09-03 09:11:28 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much!!! glad you liked it  

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GXiaoHui In reply to ScrapSomeCrap [2016-09-04 02:03:28 +0000 UTC]

You're very welcome

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PivotBeginner [2016-09-02 12:25:26 +0000 UTC]


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ScrapSomeCrap In reply to PivotBeginner [2016-09-02 12:26:08 +0000 UTC]


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