sealle — KhC Capone

#horse #harpg #obertaurer #admiralskaya
Published: 2021-11-07 03:35:43 +0000 UTC; Views: 5129; Favourites: 121; Downloads: 0
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Sherry had come off the mountains at the end of the OAG looking noticeably rounder than when she had been set loose. Cavan had been delighted with her return, and even more excited at the knowledge that she was healthy enough that the pregnancy had continued despite the harsh conditions. The hardiness of the breed was still astounding to him, though he had to admit that he looked forward to pampering her through the last months before she foaled. 

Those months passed reasonably smoothly. As smooth as it can when a normally sassy mare suddenly has extra hormones flooding her brain. Sherry became extra opinionated about people and horses. Normally she was fine with Ryan helping out with her care when Cavan was away, however she quickly made it clear that she was no longer interested in having anyone other than her human around, especially near meal time. And god forbid another horse try to get near him or her food. She managed well in a small turn out with some other broodmares, but as soon as Cavan appeared she was back to making sour faces and chasing off anyone who might steal the affection. Through all of it, Cavan was besotted. He apologised to his friends, and Ryan in particular, but he couldn't help but look smug at his best girls return and the fierce devotion towards him that she was displaying. And despite the fact that his best laid plans had been left in ruins while he was away, he still held a hope that the enormous belly held the key to building bridges with Harley after the small life emerged.

The birth was slightly traumatic for all involved. Sherry was clearly stressed and uncertain, and Cavan found it difficult to calm her and himself. Despite being uncomfortable the foal failed to emerge in the right amount of time and John and Ryan had to try and help Cavan reposition one of the legs which had been tucked up under its body. By this time Sherry was tired and anxious and struggled to get started pushing again, and needed a little more help before the dark shape finally slid into the hay and everyone got a good look at her colt. 

He was an athletically built foal, and the primarily dark hide made Cavan hopeful that he would be accepted as an Admiralskaya like his dam. He was smaller, and Cavan was very thankful for that fact after the stressful birth, but he had lots of leg and Cavan was hoping that he would be a nice mixture of his parents heights when he matured. Thankfully he was none the worse for wear after the birth and was quick to his feet. Sherry was far less energetic and took some coaxing to stand up and let him drink. She was not super attentive towards him that first night, and Cavan slept in the barn outside the stall to keep an eye on them as they recovered. 

Thankfully it seemed that it was mostly exhaustion, and the next day she was watching the little colt bounce around with great interest, and was greatly insulted when John helped Cavan with their final examination before pronouncing them in good shape. She was not the most gentle mother, nor the most patient, but she was definitely protective. She refused to let him near the other mares and foals for the first few weeks they were turned out with the herd, though she eventually gave up trying to follow him as he grew stronger and faster. Instead she seemed to become his unwitting enforcer when he wanted to get another foal or mare in trouble. 

Cavan thankfully was one of the few people that Sherry still allowed to interact with the colt, though he did enlist a cautious Ryan to try and make sure the colt had experiences with other people in an attempt to minimise him being exactly like his dam. It didn't go very smoothly, but as Al aged, Sherry started allowing Ryan to do more with both of them once again. Cavan had tried to reach out to Harley when he was born, hoping that the pictures of the dark fluffy bundle would thaw her slightly, but she was still refusing to speak to him. Ryan had assured him that Harley had in fact seen the message and said he seemed like a handsome little foal, but Cavan was still hurt that she was ignoring him entirely. He would love the colt if he ended up staying with him, however in his heart he still hoped that she would come around.


KhC Capone


(projected) 15.3hh, 1 year old Admiralskaya  Colt,

Owned and Bred by KhanCohban Farm .

Build: Ideal. Athletic and powerful looking with dense strong bone and plenty of muscling to balance it out. Elegant neck and expressive though slightly convex head give him a baroque but sporty appearance.

Black Frosted

Genetic Tested as: Ee/aa/nSb/nG+

Health Panel Results: Clear
Conditions: None

"Al inherited his dams attitude and selectiveness. He is slow to warm up to new people, and flat out dislikes strangers, but once he does like you he can be incredibly protective and attuned to you. He is a bit of a bully sometimes, rarely giving up the win when playing and can annoy the shit out of his paddock mates when he hast to get the upper hand. He doesn't share well, and doesn't hold back from letting his frustration be known if he cant get what he wants. He isn't against using his dams attitude to his gain either, often running back to her if another mare tells him off and letting her deal with the offending party. He is very quick minded, and we are both excited and nervous to see how this shapes up as he matures. It is hoped the competitive nature and intelligence can be harnessed with the right rider into his work rather than problem behaviours."

-------------------------------------------------------------------- SSSS: 

------------------------------------------ SSS: El Alma

-------------------------------------------------------------------- SSSD: 

----------------- SS: BKC All Star

-------------------------------------------------------------------- SSDS: 

------------------------------------------ SSD: Lizzie

-------------------------------------------------------------------- SSDD: 

Sire: RPS Converse

-------------------------------------------------------------------- SDSS:

------------------------------------------ SDS: 

-------------------------------------------------------------------- SDSD:

----------------- SD: RPS Sex with my Ex

-------------------------------------------------------------------- SDDS:

------------------------------------------ SDD: 

-------------------------------------------------------------------- SDDD:

-------------------------------------------------------------------- DSSS:

------------------------------------------ DSS: 

-------------------------------------------------------------------- DSSD:

----------------- DS: RPS Bruck an der Mur

-------------------------------------------------------------------- DSDS:

------------------------------------------ DSD: 

-------------------------------------------------------------------- DSDD:

Dam: Ma Cherrie

-------------------------------------------------------------------- DDSS:

------------------------------------------ DDS: 

-------------------------------------------------------------------- DDSD:

----------------- DD: Donau so blau

-------------------------------------------------------------------- DDDS:

------------------------------------------ DDD: 

-------------------------------------------------------------------- DDDD:


Realistic breeds only (Admiralskaya/Obertaurer preferred)




Show Career:

Image - Show - Result

Training Records:
Image - Discipline

Other Images:
what the heck



Credit Point system


Pedigree: 4 CP

3 - RPS ConverseBKC All StarRPS Sex with my ExMa CherrieRPS Bruck an der MurDonau so blau

Premium Ancestors:
1 - Premium Donau so blauMa Cherrie | Premium

Offspring: 0 CP

Events: 2 CP
2 - what the heck  (winter countdown 2021)

Art: 0 CP


Design by abosz007  

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Comments: 10

Bloodwine-tales [2021-12-13 13:58:06 +0000 UTC]

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abosz007 [2021-11-08 09:17:16 +0000 UTC]

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Fervious [2021-11-07 07:09:40 +0000 UTC]

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