Sean0101 — Singa Five Justic Siren

#powerrangers #supersentai #taskforce #sentai
Published: 2016-11-01 05:44:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 236; Favourites: 11; Downloads: 1
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Description Singa Justic's personal police cruiser which he summons using the Justic Whistle. Justic Siren's speed and mobility allow it to easily pursue fleeing criminals and is also able to fire an energy beam from the signal light on its roof called the Justic Flash. Singa Justic can also transform his zord into Justice Police by the command, "Stand up! Justic Siren!".  In it's robot form, it is equipped with police themed weapons, such as giant handcuffs, a riotshield and a Synergizer Blaster.
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