SerenaRobinson666 — Not worse, just equally wrong!

#fgm #circumcision #morality
Published: 2016-08-29 16:20:46 +0000 UTC; Views: 1420; Favourites: 10; Downloads: 0
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Description   If you really care about equality, you can agree that circumcision is equally as immoral and abhorrent as FGM. Obviously I'm not saying it's worse because IT IS NOT A COMPETITION. Suffering is suffering, and when this suffering is inflicted on innocent newborns, we should all feel the need to stand against it. 
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Comments: 1

celfydd [2016-11-11 14:37:33 +0000 UTC]

Equally immoral, perhaps - because morality is largely a binary issue: this is good, this is bad, goodness and badness being atomic unintrospectable values.

Equally abhorrent, I don't think so. How abhorrent is clearly going to depend on your culture and your mindset and a whole lot of other things. If you've been brought up to consider circumcision as fairly normal then it's not going to be as abhorrent as FGM, and vice versa.

As to whether or not they are both bad, sure. They are both bad. They are both brute force physical approaches to solving social problems, which are always a terrible idea for anyone on the receiving end. Arguably some of the social and cultural approaches to solving those problems have turned out just as bad as well, are they "equally as immoral and abhorrent"? This is a fast track to thinking yourself up your own arsehole: war is bad, government is bad, society is bad, other people are bad, welcome to solipsism. This discussion needs a yardstick.

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