Seto-sama-no-Nakama β€” Anime Dante - Fake Screencap

Published: 2010-08-01 03:51:13 +0000 UTC; Views: 5861; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 35
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Description I recently took up interest in Devil May Cry and have watched all of the cutscenes and a large amount of gameplay from the first three games. I'm not going to go into a deep review of my thoughts on the series here, so I'll just say: DMC3 Dante = , DMC1 Dante = , and DMC2 Dante = .

Anyways, even though I'd heard people complaining about the anime being terrible, I decided to take a look. (Because these are probably the same people who really like DMC3 Dante and I will therefore not trust their opinions. ΰ² _ΰ² )

I was instantly hooked. THIS is the kind of man I had been expecting Dante to be, ever since the first time I saw him! He's like... Spike Spiegel and Sakata Gintoki fused together!
But I kinda don't like how the animation style makes the guys look... strangely... pretty? An image of improvement flashed in my mind, and I just had to act on it.

I find it mildly frightening how well this screencap lent itself to being altered.
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Comments: 22

mohoalzoubi [2014-01-09 19:01:13 +0000 UTC]


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SoundMatch [2013-06-27 05:13:20 +0000 UTC]

I hate the anime, because they got Dante right and everything else wrong.

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Shadow-Obsessor [2012-10-13 04:10:43 +0000 UTC]

that is totally hei from darker than black only with dante sparda's face and clothes! wicked! great job!

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Seto-sama-no-Nakama In reply to Shadow-Obsessor [2012-10-15 01:17:22 +0000 UTC]

...Yes. Yes, that is Hei. With Dante's colors. (His face is still his own.)

I'm glad you like it.

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Rune33 [2012-08-08 15:26:17 +0000 UTC]

He is isnn't he. Also He's Unkillable in the Anime series. He gets stabbed in the heart by his own sword and still survives. They should've made it like this fake screen though.

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Violently-Chaotic [2012-01-03 08:36:11 +0000 UTC]

this is pretty good but it does look like Hei, I would have tried to make it look like the dante you were going for instead of someone that just changed the colors around.

besides saying that. the anime was pretty amazing! I like the 3rd game of Dante the most and the 1st one next! the 4th one was alright I honestly thought they made him to cowboy looking and the 2nd one pretty much killed him I liked his look but just how they made him act and the voice threw me off so I couldn't play the game part of it was that girl they added into it as well. I got up to the tunnel's (i think thats what it was) where you have a time limit before it blows up..... I will always picture dante as a show off though that's the whole reason I like him when you got a new weapon he would instantly show it off with some amazing cut scene that you can't do in the game play. XD I'm actually quiet cerious how the 5th version will be without his silver hair! I'm a fan to the bone through a good story and at least have someone that's dante in it and I'll be playing it

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Seto-sama-no-Nakama In reply to Violently-Chaotic [2012-01-04 05:15:59 +0000 UTC]

Honestly, I wasn't trying all that hard. I simply had a spontaneous flash in my mind of Hei with white hair and red coat, and I thought, 'Hey, that'd be a fun photo manip!' It was just a quick thing to amuse myself and others. I know the resemblance is fairly vague. (Also, I made this back when the anime and DMC2 Dantes were my favorites, so...serious face.)

The anime really should have had more action. Come on, that's what Dante's known for! I got so excited when he was about to fight that one huge demon that was summoned out of a gate, and there was fire all around, and his face was psycho, and--! Flash forward to dude waking up in bed. ...Where'd the fight go?? They kept cheating us out of fight scenes.

The third game is the only one that I've never watched a second time because it was painful enough the FIRST time. I yelled "SHUT UP!!" a lot and didn’t care for any of the characters. The novel is my canon, kthnxbai.
I totally agree with you on Ossante! I liked that he was funny, but I hated the way he looked. (At least I'm able to tie it into my DanSpi timeline. "Hey Fluffy, check it out! I can be a cowboy, too! ^βˆ€^" "...Please tell me you're not going to wear that in public. ΰ² _ΰ² " ) *cough* Sorry, just talking to myself...
At first I liked the stoic Dante best because he seemed cool and mature and had some pretty badass dialogue (plus he's the sexiest ). Oh, and deeper voice. (His anime voice is SO GOOD; same as Eneru from One Piece!) After watching the first game again, I started liking the fun attitude of the original Dante more and more – especially after I saw him in Viewtiful Joe. He was great in that! Now he’s one of my most favorite characters, as well as part of my OTP: Dante x Spike. Or is that Spike x Dante? Fussy seme + eager uke.

The fifth game scares meeeeeeeee.

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Violently-Chaotic In reply to Seto-sama-no-Nakama [2012-01-04 05:42:51 +0000 UTC]

ah well then all is good. lol

I know eh! the anime was amazing except it could have used a lot more action! the last 2 episodes are my favorite though xD i loved seeing Dante steaked to that cross. except I didn't really like pam ( i think that's her name) the child in the show.

aw. thats the game where I saw the intro (pizza) scene when I was a kid and was like ' oh my god I got to play it!' then I bought all the games after it. played them from 1 part of 2 3 and then 4. then i realized that they went in a different order. I'm cerious did you play the english version of the japanese version or watched the subbed version of the show and not the dubbed? because the dubbed version is the same voice actor that did dante in dmc 3 and 4. lol! I think they should have done one of the other outfits from the other games. and taken away his scruffy wiskers ah! I have to replay the games... the first one will scare me beyond beleif though I hate those moving marienttes (sp) I hate them with a passion I think they are the creepiest thing on earth along with those big mascots.

aw, everyone keeps saying that it's going to be horrible. if you only saw the first trailer of it there's actual game play out there. they cleaned that dante up I'll miss the silver hair, but in a sneak peak playthrew/trailer you see his devil trigger and he gets silver hair. I saw the new play threw scene. and it honestly looks like it's a game that will trip me out. I want to play it and see where ninja theory went with it. I'm not happy that they let another company take over and go completly away from silver hair dante, but I'm hoping it's going to be the origin of it all or what happens to him to get his silver hair.

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Seto-sama-no-Nakama In reply to Violently-Chaotic [2012-01-04 13:51:22 +0000 UTC]

The girls's name is Patty. Yeah, I thought she was a pretty unnecessary and annoying element.

I've played only the first two games. I've heard that the fourth is available for computer, but there's no way mine would be able to handle that level of graphics. o__o
I never watch dubs unless I'm curious what their English voice sounds like. I have seen ONE scene from the DMC dub because someone put it in the credits of their YouTube video.
I really don't uderstand why Dante has to be completely different in each installment of the series. Why don't they do multiple games using the same Dante? Change his oufit if you want, but keep the rest of him the same?

The fifth game bothers me mostly because they're changing the story. I'd have no problem with it if it was just a new game, but trying to tie it into the DMC universe where there's no room for it? We already know that he was a mercenary before he became a Devil Hunter! And he didn't look like a totally different person! Well, I think I now understand that a reboot isn't the same as a remake. I just finished Casshern Sins and was like, "How the heck was this Casshern?! You guys totally ruined my faith in this character!!" ; A ;

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tea78iscool In reply to Seto-sama-no-Nakama [2013-06-19 14:21:03 +0000 UTC]

well that dante with the black hair takes place in a alternate universe.

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Violently-Chaotic In reply to Seto-sama-no-Nakama [2012-01-04 22:55:54 +0000 UTC]

lol. XD I played them all each time the voices are different except the 3rd and 4th but the 4th game the voice actor made him a but more mature sounding. I wish they could have done that two!!! honestly I liked the 1st voice I just thought the voice actor lacked emotion and as if it was his first voice acting job, I didn't mind it if they had kept that one since he would have imrpoved threw each game. ah I watch dubs when the voice actor's in it are good and don't make my ears bleed which isn't a lot. other then that I stick to subbs. I think it's because they either can't hire the same voice actor again because they either refuse, out of commision or they are doing a different job. Plus they gave a different director for each game I think the 3rd and the 4th were the same ones. The first game was actually sapouse to be an installment to the resident evil series but while they were devloping it they scratched it and made it into devil may cry. I can't remember the old name they had for Dante at that time.

ah. True, but that's what happens with big franchised games they get to far where it should have ended or done a different character story before they destroyed the game itself or movie. devil may cry 4 worked with what they did you being Nero (pissed of SOOOO many people) and learning why they are after Dante before you flip and be him. If theyh adn't done that they most likely would have had filler junk in it till the last 5 missions? ( I'm guessing I haven't played this game for 3 years since my ps3 died) Those graphics most likely will KILL your computer they are top notch compared to the other 3.... and sadly the 5th one they did a different design and so it doesn't even compare to the 4ths graphics and honestly looks like it should be on a ps2 and not the ps3/xbox 360. I'm still going to play it to see what they do, but I think it should end with Dante and either go on with a different character's story that's in the franchise.

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xXAngellessXx [2011-12-06 13:34:58 +0000 UTC]

looks like Hei from Darker Than Black

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Seto-sama-no-Nakama In reply to xXAngellessXx [2011-12-07 02:31:36 +0000 UTC]

Brilliant. [link]

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xXAngellessXx In reply to Seto-sama-no-Nakama [2011-12-07 05:27:03 +0000 UTC]

I like Darker Than Black though I'm not in a mood to fancy him yet XD *into Dante from DMC 1 until 4*

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Seto-sama-no-Nakama In reply to xXAngellessXx [2011-12-07 13:37:29 +0000 UTC]

Have you ever watched the cutscenes from Dante's side of Viewtiful Joe? Even though the voices are screwed up, I actually like Dante best from there. He was so funny! The quote in my current signature is from there.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

xXAngellessXx In reply to Seto-sama-no-Nakama [2011-12-07 13:56:52 +0000 UTC]

Lol....I dont know but like the quote....it's pretty catchy yeah XD I pretty much like the pose that Dante always do....like the I-donno or I-dont-care pose XD Most of all, I'll try to draw that pose if I can figure out which outfit I should draw...since there're 4 version of him (exception for the 5th one..) Maybe I'll prefer DMC 3 Dante. Now watching the anime...

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Morigalaxy [2011-10-26 14:47:43 +0000 UTC]

Hei look so good with white hair...now he matches in. lol

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CapnSC [2011-08-22 04:54:16 +0000 UTC]

nice onw, I like his expression XD Great job.

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Silent-Hill-Daughter [2011-03-19 05:13:28 +0000 UTC]

Oh wow! This is amazing!! He looks like he's thinking "Oh God, someone kill me now...." I'm a major Dante fangirl soooo naturally, I LOVE YOU

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sunsun-chan [2010-08-01 10:54:55 +0000 UTC]

osom pic, though devil may cry 3 is ma fave game

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Seto-sama-no-Nakama In reply to sunsun-chan [2010-08-01 13:49:24 +0000 UTC]

Don't get me wrong; the game itself is great, I just didn't like Dante's immature personality. Even though I understand that he is the Dante of the past who's still just a kid, it's still difficult for me to listen to him without wanting to throw things at his face. Everything else in the game is perfectly fine.

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sunsun-chan In reply to Seto-sama-no-Nakama [2010-08-01 14:50:41 +0000 UTC]

haha XD well...everybody has their own opinion

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