Shelter-Cat β€” Doodle week 02

#dofus #oc #wakfu #doodlesketch #shushu #feca #jorisjurgen #huppermage
Published: 2019-03-15 20:07:56 +0000 UTC; Views: 879; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 0
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Description I didn't have time to finish a big drawing this week. But I made plenty of small ones! So have them!
I've been trying for a way to make sketched like those for a while, I'm glad I found one that I like!
From up to down and left to right :Β 
- A date outfit for Viviane! inspiration striked for that one and it's rare enough that I had to put it on paper immediately.
- I needed to decide what was the size difference between Viviane and Joris. I hope I can make them interact more one day.
- Just Morgan seeing something interesting
- Poor Viviane just blushes all the time...
- Gabriel taking a break to sketch a few things.Β 

Viviane, Morgan and Gabriel belongs to me.
Shushu, Huppermage, Feca and Joris Jurgen belong to Ankama
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Comments: 51

Shelter-Cat In reply to ??? [2019-03-18 16:58:59 +0000 UTC]

He is a very pretty boy! I'm so glad people like him OwO.
I hope to do more too! I've been wanting to find a way to make proper doodles for a while, now that I have one I'm not letting it go. XD

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

fiddee [2019-03-17 19:33:58 +0000 UTC]

First off!...Is it wrong I just want to pick Viviane of her feet and spin hug her because she's TOO freaking adorable and lovely!?~ Look at that lady she's rocking that dress and her expression is beautiful~ TuT

As for Viviane's size compared to Joris, I think it fit prettys well, I like her being taller than Joris~ ^^

Hihi, is that how Morigan looks when she's struck by another wonderful idea for a prank per chance?~ |D

Bless you. Bless you for drawing Viviane blushing! QuQ
I can only imagien what she may have heard or seen to cause her to turn red on the spot~ -devious giggles- XDD

''Gabriel taking a break to sketch a few things. ''....draw me like one of your french girls~ Admit that Gabriel is handsome enough to be asked that by someone~ |DDD

AHH! So many lovely doodles, Miss! So many wonderful drawings brought to life! Thank you for sharing them all! XD

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Shelter-Cat In reply to fiddee [2019-03-18 17:09:57 +0000 UTC]

Hahaha, it is absolutely not because that was more or less the reaction of everyone else when I showed this drawing. XDD You better ask before spinning her around, though, I'm not sure her date would appreciate it... XD But I'm very proud of this idea nevertheless!

Well, it would be hard for her to be smaller... still, she's supposed to be only 20cm taller and that already makes one hell of a difference! XD

That or when she sees a tofu or any kind of small animal!

HAhaha! In my RPs she has been blushing A LOT. I had to portray it. XD (poor girl.)

He is! Sadly you shouldn't disturb him, or he would be very embarrassed... ^^

Thank you again! I'm glad you like them and I'm glad I finally found a proper way to make some. I hope to be able to do a lot more drawings now that I can do that! OwO

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

fiddee In reply to Shelter-Cat [2019-03-25 22:19:59 +0000 UTC]

Hihi, than I'm glad i'm not alone in wanting to do so! XD But I guess I'll have to go and grab a ticket, seeing there is a decent size queue of people that are in desperet need of spin hug her! XDD
But wait a moment...Date?~ D.A.T.E!!!~ -Shifts closer- ...WHO!? >8D

That it does, at least in Master Joris eye's I bet it does make a diffrence. I persoanly sure wouldn't mind being 20 cm taller to be honest! XD

...Does she do it in a way that's ''awww, sweet small animle''. ^^ ..OR is it more in the terms of ''breakfast''?

Bless you and bless Viviane's pure pure innocent soul~ ...A soul which we've all set out to so fiendishly corrupted and ruin! XDDD
(Poor Viviane, she needs some peace and quite within her garden pond again. XD)

''you shouldn't disturb him, or he would be very embarrassed''...Iris: ''What'cha drawing there buddy~'' |//D

Always a pleasure!! >w<
And always lovely to see your next artwork of wonder! Be it doodles or complete works, they are all more then welcomed and a joy to behold!~ ^^

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Shelter-Cat In reply to fiddee [2019-03-30 17:04:46 +0000 UTC]

There are definitely a considerate amount of people who want to hug her, that's for sure. XD
Hehehe, well, of course she has a date, after all it is a date outfit. XD and you might have talked about him later in your comment. XD

It does, though you never know. He might enjoy not having to tilt his head so far back to look someone in the eyes, for once! XD

In a term of cute, small animal, of course! XD Morgan loves animals, especially tofus, but not to eat them XD

I mean I enjoy embarassing her in all ways possible, so, you know, guilty as charged. XD She will defiinitely need to find her happy place again after the current arc. XD

Gabriel -closing the book precipitaly- : NOTHING.

Thank you very much. XD

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

fiddee In reply to Shelter-Cat [2019-03-30 20:53:31 +0000 UTC]

Good! The lady deserves a lot of hugs and love!~ >//w//<
her date outfit, I thought it was her more fancy/event dress. Either way, she still carries it well and perfectly fits her~ ^^b

'' you might have talked about him later in your comment''....Huh? Gabriel, or is it Efrit? ...It can't be Stygius, if it's him that I vastly underestimated the Xelor potential for charm and seduction! XD

That's a posability I wouldn't hold against him considering his hight. Poor Joris, he must be having terrible neck pains after all his years as an ambassador.
So a metting with Viviane for a change isn't just a social pleasure, but also a very, VERY less painful one for his by now poor cracking neck. XD

We can hadly blame her, cute, lovely and freidnly animals are hard not to love~ ^^
...Oddly enough I though Morgan did eat animals, to some degree? Like I imagien an average Shushu might do and have do?...Still, Morgan is the exception to the average shushu to begin with.

Good~ Good~ We all love seeing madam Viviane becoming red as a tomato from head to toe in embarassment~ |D (XD)
Poor women, as fun as I like to imagien what has her turning red in the first place I still hope she's able to calm down and clear her head from such-..''impure'' thoughs~ X///D

Iris: ''Ha! That's what they all say. So you are telling me you spent all this time hoevering a pen over an empty arc of paper?'' |D

Always a joy and pleasure, you know it is! XDDD

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Shelter-Cat In reply to fiddee [2019-04-04 16:43:21 +0000 UTC]

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fiddee In reply to Shelter-Cat [2019-04-20 23:41:51 +0000 UTC]

...-The cogs within the iop brains comes to a halt with a grinding noise-...Ehhhh...I'll be talking about her date later in the same question I asked? ''close to his size'' ...Joris? -Iop intelligence=0- (XD)
She isn't like most other Shushu no, by comparisson she's pretty calm compared to her-..Brothers, Siblings? XD
Her will to destroy may be gone, but her will and urge for mischief and tricks knowns no bounds or limits~ |D (XD)
So when she's resting, she isn't exactly resting as we know of it, does that mean she never feels or get's tierd? =/.. Don't know why but I imagien Morgan being less energetic during winter seasons, as if the low temprature slows her downΒ  compared to the warm climats of the shushu homeworld.
''She usually eat things that wouldn't be considered healthy for a human'' -Just pictures Morgan turning a whole packed of suger inside out and eating it as if it was nothin- XD
''The more the RP progresses, the harder it's becoming for her!'' Morgan be like: ''I miss the shushu home world, things were easier back than.'' TuT

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Shelter-Cat In reply to fiddee [2019-04-22 16:28:55 +0000 UTC]

PFFFFFT Alright, I'll free you from trying to resolve this mystery. Her date is supposed to be Joris, yes. (Though they aren't really at the dating step of their relationship.)Β 

Morgan is a lot nicer than most Shushu, and in general she can feel a lot more emotions... I'd hesitate to call her calm, though, she has the energy of a toddler. (and toddlers have a lot of energy. XD)
Morgan doesn't get tired, no. Unless maybe she uses a lot of magic but it's unlikely, since she can only produce a few flames so her magic is basically useless. I have already established that she doesn't really feel temperature either.

And yeah, Morgan has eaten a lot of weird stuff. Things that we saw in RP include cookies, vinegar, and a bottle of hot sauce.

And actually, Morgan doesn't miss the Shushu world at all, she doesn't want to be a Shushu anymore. XDΒ 
With "the more the RP progresses, the harder it's becoming for her!", I was actually talking about Viviane blushing. Poor girl is a re (purple...?) mess about 50% of the time now. XD

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

fiddee In reply to Shelter-Cat [2019-04-22 19:19:15 +0000 UTC]

AH HA! I KNEW IT! Fid:'' Yes, it's almost like she comfirmed it in a previous comment.'' |D (XD)
Why do I get the odd feeling they met due to some blind date magic...Like they didn't know who they were going to met and-BOOM!- There they are sitting at the table together...Or sitting on a bench cahating about, you know, both works~ xD

Agree, so far I've yet to hear you say or write that she's set things on fire and taken extream joy in carnage and destruction. And with the note of her feeling other emotions that related to previous reasons, I'd say she's already far more mature and nicer than most Shushu. ^^..Also, with those words being said, I assume that Morgan has TWICE the energy compared to that of a toddler? Mother of Iop, may she help Viviane~ XD
Ah, so her being ''tierd'' is more related to the contiuned usage of her magic, beyond that there isn't much that can effect her in the name of sleep.
And not feeling tempratures, ah yes. I forgot that she dived in the the boubling pot during Halloween last year, sorry about that.

That's quite a few odd and even impressive things to have devoured. Can just picture also ahving a go at like dirt, worms, grass, metal and even a big chunk of the soffa in Viviane's home. (XD)

Really? That's quite unique for Morgan to have come to that conclussion, that she dosen't want to be a shushu anymore...She must be the first of her kin to have that thought and opinion. ^^
''I was actually talking about Viviane blushing. Poor girl is a re (purple...?) mess about 50% of the time now''....STORY! NOW! I HAVE TO READ AND KNOW! THE GODS DEMANDS IT, MISS! *0u0*
(I really wish I could read it, it sounds so fun and lovely~ TuT)

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Shelter-Cat In reply to fiddee [2019-04-25 19:14:32 +0000 UTC]

Indeed! Honestly I thought you'd notice immediately. It's not the first time that I talked about shipping them. XD
Hahaha, I assure you their first meeting was nothing of the sort! Since you see to be asking a lot about the story in this comment, I'll repeat what I said in my previous Discord message : I can give you a 12-pages summary, which is fast to read but completely soulless in my opinion, or I can copy-paste the RP in a google document, which would be a LOT longer to read but would actually give you feels, or so I hope. Not going to lie, I have been trying to make anyone else read this RP for a while and completely failed. Everyone seems to be too busy to even read a summary.XD

Indeed, Morgan is an energetic and curious child, who has been acting more and more human to the point where Viviane isn't completely sure she still qualifies as a Shushu. but yeah, she definitely needs those prayers to help her keep Morgan safe. XD

Weirdly, Morgan has eaten a lot of weird things but she has yet to eat anything non-edible. She's trying to look human, so her curiosity has been drawn to actual food and not trying everything that gets in her hands, like an actual toddler. XD

But yeah. Morgan is indeed a unique case amongst Shushus.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

fiddee In reply to Shelter-Cat [2019-05-04 18:26:52 +0000 UTC]

No it isn't, but previously you've sort of declined makeing them a thing? Good friends, sure, but not much of a romance. So knowing that I just figured it would never happen. ...BUT IT DID!
As for the RP version of her and Joris, exactly how much longer are we talking about? If the other is 12 pages, how long is thins one, twice? =/
But as said, I'd be willing to give it a go, just need to read your recently uploaded fic though! XDD

That's an intereseting point of view when it comes to Morgan as a character. That with each passing day she grows closer to being a human than a shushu, hihi, I get sort of pinocchio vibs here! One day Morgan will turn in to a real girl, Viviane becomes her mother and Morgan becomes Viviane long wanted daughter~ TuT
''but yeah, she definitely needs those prayers to help her keep Morgan safe''...-Imagiens Viviane knocking the cap off a bottle of something strong and just pours it after a VERY long day with Morgan- XDDDDDD

Haha! I can picture Morgan trying to eat a piwi though, bunch of feathers sticking out her mount as Viviane tells her to spit it out right this instint. XDDD
How about Vivianes sweets? Does Morgan enjoy them as well? Even though she eat anything and, if I recall right, eat without stopping. Can she still taste things, like sweet, bitter, savory etc? =/

Unique indeed, but in a much more precious and charming wonderous way~^^

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Shelter-Cat In reply to fiddee [2019-05-05 17:10:29 +0000 UTC]

Indeed! I don't think I had straight up declined, but I had definitely shown hesitation about making them a thing. What I had ended up settling on was to make them good friends and maybe have Viviane have a crush on him, and then see if the people following me would catch on the ship. This was actually my plan at the beginning of the RP, as I was very scared of making my partner uncomfortable if I tried to make her write Joris this way. Plus, she didn't know my OCs, I had just gotten into the RP server, so she mostly wanted to start this as a nice welcoming gift and to RP Joris, which she doesn't do often. But it seemed Viviane convinced her very quickly, so here we are now. XD

And OOF this is why I need to answer this comment before all the other ones. You might have noticed that what I send you is already 14 pages long, right? Well this doesn't even correspond to half of the first arc (there's three now). I was extremely surprised, I thought maybe this part would take 5-7 pages, but 14? I hadn't realized we wrote so much of it!
If I copy-pasted the whole RP now, I'm pretty sure we would be close to the 100 pages. I'm not underestimating this any more. XD
So be careful what you wish for when you say you want to read it! XDD I'll leave you the beginning, if you think that's too long, I'll send you the summary of the whole thing. XD

That's the idea, yes, that everyday Morgan gets a little closer from being a human. (without ever being one completely) I'm pretty excited to have them both realize the nature of their relationship, it's going to be so sweet. QuQ it'll take a while, though. XD

Nah, piwis are safe, Morgan loves animals. She's more likely to sneak it into the house as a pet. XD
Morgan can taste things, but doesn't have the same tolerance as humans do, so she often goes for very strong tastes, hence the part where she mostly eats condiments. XD But yes, she can taste Viviane's sweets, though she doesn't have quite the palate to appreciate them except for their sugaryness. XD

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

fiddee In reply to Shelter-Cat [2019-05-05 18:53:31 +0000 UTC]

Sounds like a good way going about thier relationship, starting of small by making a few meetings, than moving to friends and than, if allowed, you were to make them a thing. Sounds perfectly reasonable to me. ^^
Glad your friend also took it nice and slow, while also allowing herself to embody the role of Master Joris to form the perfect connection between the two of them. Bet you aren't feeling as scary now as you did back then about Viviane and joris relationship as you do now, do ya? |D

Hihi, time and pages files when an Rp is good, dosen't it? XD
14 pages sounded fine just now, but 100 pages?! Yeah i think I'm in a bit over my head after reading that.
Damn you girls write fast, I swear not even me and Void can amass that number of pages, even if we were to combine ALL our RO's together! XDDD
I'll give the first 14 pages a try, and than we can take it from there, alright? ^^

AWWWWW, that's so preciously sweet, Miss~ TuT
I look forward to both seeing and reading about this journey for them, I really do~ QuQ

Haha! Really? So one day Viviane is gonna come in to her house and it's turned in to lika small zoo? I can almost hear Viviane losing a nerve or two over this happening. XDD
Spicy chilli, 100% suger, just..The sky is the limit I guess than?..Dare I ask about the alcohol? XDD
I take it by reading this that Viviane's hidden stash of cakes, sweets and candy is safe from ''Morgan, the devourer of all'' than? XD

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Shelter-Cat In reply to fiddee [2019-05-07 22:06:15 +0000 UTC]

That's pretty much it! If you read the first pages, you might know where their relationship was starting from by now.Β 
I admit, this made me take a new confidence in my own ship, as well as making me ship them definitely. XD Well, at least with my partner's version of Joris, who feels a little bit more innocent and emotional as the regular Joris.Β 

Which is why I only gave you 14 pages to begin with! I didn't want to scare you... 100 pages might be a quick read if you like the story! I reread the entire RP a few times, and even if you can take what I say for granted, because I know the story and I read faster, it never took me more than half a day to reread everything.
you shouldn't underestimate the length of your RPs! I definitely thought it was a lot shorter than it really was, as I said I was sure it would be half, or even a third of the length it actually is.Β 

But yeah! No pressure, take your time reading the first pages and then tell me what you think. ^^

I look forward to writing it, too! XD

Close enough to a small zoo. Once Morgan manage to sneak in a gligli and it stayed here three days before Viviane found the source of the weird smell.Β 
Alcohol is staying the hell away from Morgan and Viviane alike. XD Ada has been warned to keep her bottles away from prying hands of face Viviane's wrath. XD
But no, Viviane's stash isn't safe from morgan. It's not because she can't appreciate it the same way that she doesn't like eating them XD

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

fiddee In reply to Shelter-Cat [2019-05-12 16:12:13 +0000 UTC]

I see, than I very much hope to read the first page soon, because I am excited for it! >w<... Forgive me for not having started yet, I'm a mess one week to the next. TuT
Also glad to hear that your friends more innocent and emotional version of MJ was able to inspire you far more than the regulare one did. Goes to show how amazing and helpful Rp's canΒ  be when it's done correctly. >w<

As you may have noticed I'm a bit of a slow one (Living up to his name of being a Iop after all, HA! XD) both when it comes to reading and writting. A 100 pages may look much, but'' a story is the hardest at page one, and the easiest at the very last one'', so who knows, when I get in to it there might just be no stopping me...I'll send you notes upon notes asking when the next ''chapter'' is gonna come out. XDD
Hahaha! That's true, Maybe I am underestimatethe the lenght of some Rp's, just the other day me and Void ended and Rp that has been going since August last year and the ammount that was written in it was pretty decent in numbers of letters too! TuT (XD)

I'll let you know as soon as I can, promise it. ^^b

Good! That means it will be even more epic and awesome! -Tears off his cloth and starts flexing from the very thought of it epicness- (XD)

Hihi, After three days Viviane was starting to go a bit crazy over the unusual and unknown smell in her office. XDD
''Alcohol is staying the hell away from Morgan and Viviane alike.'' ...I was going to ask about Ada's stash of bottle, but you already beat me ot it! Also curious as to what may have caused Viviane to go as far as to express the punishment of her wrath if she ever saw such bottles around, there must be more to it!? XDD
So....Why do Morgan enjoy eating Viviane's sweets? If she dosen't like them for the same sweetness Vivi does it, is it because of the texture and mess of it all?!? XDD

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Shelter-Cat In reply to fiddee [2019-05-16 20:33:09 +0000 UTC]

Don't worry! I don't want you to be in a hurry or not in the mood when you read it. That just wouldn't do if I want to have your honest opinion on it! XD
I wouldn't say her version of Joris made me more inspired, I had to adapt to it as this Joris had different reactions to some things than I had imagined. It surprises me to say this but what I had imagined for him and Viviane before I got into RP was actually less fluffy that what ended up happening... I'm kind of glad about it, though! I guess I unconsciously made it a bit more serious for drama's sake, but my fluff side came out when I started actually writing it... XD

Haha! In that case I'm kind of glad you haven't started yet since the RP is in hiatus. ^^"
I'd be curious to see how long your RP was, since you were so surprised about the number of pages of mine! XD

She definitely was starting to get worried about the smell. A doctor's place is supposed to be clean! XDΒ 
You forgot that Viviane can't hold her liquor. XD Sure, it only concerns her, but this made her persuaded that alcohol is a vile thing and she would get angry to find some in her house... That's one thing her and I have in common, actually. XD
Oh, she CAN taste sweetness! She just doesn't have the same appreciation for them as the others. She won't like them better because there's fresh fruit on them, or if the dough is homemade and has a better texture... It's sad to say but she would like just as well some industrial sweets if they were some in the Wo12. ^^

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

fiddee In reply to Shelter-Cat [2019-05-26 14:30:59 +0000 UTC]

That's true, better to let thing take it's time rather than rushing things. But I'm still determind to read your story when I get the chance and time to do so. ^^b
So I take it that your friends version of Joris is a bit more fluffy and romantic compared to the original than?~ |D Not that it is any shame in liking fluff though as long as you are both enjoying yourself to the fullest with it. ^^ (these days almost any and everything about FidRis is more or less fluff...Or madeness, it all deppends on my mood. XD)

Aww, that's a shame to hear. But sometimes things just becomes a bit to much and you need to stop doing somethings and focus on the others, it's complatly normal and fair. Still a bit sad that they've stopped for the time being though.
Well, I can't exactly imagien you and your friend write 14 pages worth everytime you chat, but if the Rp keeps on going it might very well be around the same numbers. XD ..Though it also deppends on the RP's nature, some can go on for very long while others are sort of meant to be short little ones.

Hihi, can't say I'd feel that safe if I came to a doctor and the smell of thier office what that of a pig stine, no! XD

I do actually remember Viviane's alcohol skills are very low, which is why I referd to Ada, but I can very much see Viviane treating the stuff like the plauge. Can very much see her, and you, throwing the stuff outside and setting it on fire like a scene from Pirates of the caribbean though. XDDDD...Ada: ''Not good! What are you doing?! Your burning all the food, THE RUM!...WHY IS THE RUM GONE?!'' T-T

I see, so does Moragn have any sort of fodd she likes or wants? Or does it all taste sort of indiffrent to her? =/

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Shelter-Cat In reply to fiddee [2019-05-31 18:02:30 +0000 UTC]

Well, that's all I can be asking for! ^^
He is more romantic than my version of Joris, that's for sure. Or at least he's more eager to make a friend out of Viviane. The version of Joris I had imagined was a lot harder to convince that she was inoffensive and made his original mission more of a priority, while my partner's version of Joris was immediately convinced and on her side. He's also dense as a brick while my version is more perceptive. XD

It is a shame, but at least we're both still motivated! I just have to wait until we both have more time XD
Well my partner did say it was the slowest burn she has ever RP'd. XD There's just so much thing that we have to deal with before developping the ship. XD

She would certainly not hesitate to throw away every bottle of alcohol she would find in her home! Ada keeps her stach well hidden in her room. XDDD

Nah, it doesn't taste all the same. She enjoys things with a strong taste, since she doesn't have the same appreciation for food as humans. Which is why she likes to eat straight-up condiments.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

fiddee In reply to Shelter-Cat [2019-06-14 18:39:08 +0000 UTC]

So if I understod you right, your version of Joris is still a bit more understanding, both when figuring things out as well as people..People such as Viviane per chance?~ |D
While your friends version is a bit more on the opposit side, things are a bit more complex while at the same time trying to vow Viviane...Or is it the other way around, that Viviane is secretly vowing Joris?~ |D

Yes I'm afriad your right on that matter. We have the motivation but we don't have the freedom of time to really do what we like, mostly due to chorse IRL such as work or study in your case. (I've been sick this week which has just renderd me even less active that previously, but at least I'm getting better. Plus, I'm only one week away from vacation, yay! )
I do get that too. Sometime you need to handle or deal with an important matter in the RP, a event or similare, that often take a bit of time to work with before you can go ahead to the next matter. XD

If Ada likes her drinks I'm sure she would, at least with a few bottles. ^^
Fid: ''So..Ada, if Viviane don't let you have any drinks, where do you keep them hidden?''
Ada: ''Where do you think Iop-brain?..Where she would never look, behind the big books labled ''The great ocean's of the world of twelve'' and ''Big jaws of the sea''.'' (XD)

So the strong the flavor the better? Vinegar, Chilli, Pure suger etc, Thos sorts of things?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Shelter-Cat In reply to fiddee [2019-06-20 15:32:53 +0000 UTC]

that's pretty much it! Except we're not quite yet at any of them flirting quite yet. Her Joris is way too dense to realize he even likes Viviane, while Viviane is trying to keep her distance since he already has a family. There is a lot of accidental flirting, though. XD

Time is a real problem... But so are other real-life obligations... And trouble! I'm sorry you got sick, that really must have sucked >< but hurray for vacations to come? XD
Indeed. Both Viviane and Joris have their own life, which comes with their own package that they have to deal with before they can even think about being together. It's going to be a long process. XD

no need to go as far, Ada would just have to hide them in her room, Viviane doesn't go in here. XD

Yep! That's it! Straight-up condiments. XD

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

fiddee In reply to Shelter-Cat [2019-07-02 19:32:31 +0000 UTC]

Hihi, I can just try to imagien what a ''dense'' Joris might actually be like, for some reason very dramatic for some reason. Like Spanish soap opera kind of dramatic dense. XD
Viviane just trying to keep a cool leveled head, yet little does she know that she's slowly drawn to the hooded man~
And to read that the man also have a family-...Your talking about kerubim and Atch ''Family'', right? Not like Alys and Fergus sort of ''family''?

They both sadly are I'm afraid, they take time away from you you'd rather wished to spend elsewere.
Yeah it wasn't pleasent, cold-fever and hot as hell outside, not a pleasent combination to be honest. But I'm glad it's long over, even forgot that I was sick not a while ago while writting this, lol. XD
I imagien it to be so for the two love birds, but even so I'm more than confident they'll be able to reach some sort of way to prevail in the end. Maybe even help one another to sort out thier own packages, Joris talks to Brakmar about thier no good assasins to get them to at least be sent less often after her. While Viviane helps Joris get around his paper work a bit quicker, surely two of the oldest living beings in the WO12 will solve this, eventually. XD

Ah, yeah that might also work just fine. Good on Viviane for respecting peoples privacy, unless Ada come along drunk, than I imagien there might be exceptions to the rules. XD

That's insane!..Still, she's a Shushu so I don't know why I'm even suprised about it. XDD

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Shelter-Cat In reply to fiddee [2019-07-05 07:05:40 +0000 UTC]

Maybe sometimes it reaches that level of ridiculous. XDD I think I'm making it harder by making Viviane be an open book about how she feels about him. My partner has little choice but to play him dumb sometimes if she wants everything to go according to plan. XDD
Yes and no. Of course, right now Joris doesn't have a significant over in this version of the universe we're RPing in. But he still has Atcham and Kerubim as well as a biological daughter he had with Lilotte a looooooong time ago. Lilotte is since then deceased (because sadly she's not immortal) But Viviane is pretty sure he isn't single, which is why she's taking a step back.

The mind is a wonderful thing to make you forget bad times, sometimes! XDDD
I've been surprised how much those two seem to complement each other in a lot of ways, maybe more than my own version of Joris would allow to. XD I'm eager to take them through the joy and struggles they'll meet, I'm sure it'll make for a great story! OwO (and he's already working on stopping the assassins from coming. Viviane hasn't found a way to repay him... yet. XD)

I'm pretty sure Viviane wouldn't allow a drunk Ada in the house, that sounds like a recipe for disaster. XDD She can sleep outside just fine! XD

Indeed! You can expect the weirdest from her. Though I often make it cute instead. XDDD

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fiddee In reply to Shelter-Cat [2019-07-21 19:23:17 +0000 UTC]

It's all part of the being in love, we do odd and ridiculous stuff in that love stuck mindset. XD
Having open clear feelings sounds wonderful to me, but when it comes to building up the suspension and events, it does make the whole ''back-and-forth'' love telling a bit short and narrow. But no love or affaction is equal and very my individual after all, so who am I to judge?

Oh, so Viviane thinks that due to Joris's daughter, that he still very much is together with someone? Or maybe that he just isn't ready to yet make that step in to a new relationship? That's quite and intreseting story to see it from, at elast I think and feel so since it's not often written in such ways when it comes to ''love relations'' at first glace.

Sometimes yes! XD Whilst sometimes it makes us remember the oddest of things. XDD
Little by little they grow on each other, slowly but surely they'll move closer and closer~...Until they are almost attached, at the hips. >///> (XD)
You sound very excited to write and show much more about them, I'm very happy for you and envy you this delightfully wonderful feeling for them together, I know you will do them both good Miss Shelly~ TuT
(Ha! I knew it, I knew he would! XDDD )

''She can sleep outside just fine''...-Imagiens a very grumpy Ada sitting outside in a medium sized dog house in the dark of night- XDDDDDD

So wierd-cute than, sounds sweet and innocent enough. XDD

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Shelter-Cat In reply to fiddee [2019-07-27 12:22:10 +0000 UTC]

Indeed and Viviane is fully aware of it. XDD
To be fair, she would be a complete open book if she wasn't trying so hard to not have Joris guess how she feels about him. If she had nothing stopping her, she would be very obviously flirting with him. XD But so far everyone else but Joris has guessed that she has a crush on him.

Exactly! It's pretty rare that romance story circle around two people that *already* have a family like Joris and Viviane. It's an interesting twist on the usual romance story, that brings to light some subjects that I don't see often. So yeah! I'm very excited about this story! XD

hahaha she doesn't hae a dog house, but she is grumpy when she sleeps outside. XDD Not that it happens much, her room isn't connected to the rest of the house, so she can just go to her room from a back door. XDD

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fiddee In reply to Shelter-Cat [2019-07-28 12:35:45 +0000 UTC]

...I like how just EVERYONE except Joris himself realize all of this. Like Viviane dropping the sort of subtle ''Womenly hints/signs'' that she's interested, but Joris is just completly oblivious to them. XD (Though I probobly shouldn't say to much, men in general do miss those sort of hints frequently. XDD )

Meanwhile Joris's friends on the side does the same, Atcham be like ''Viviane wants the D!''...-Joris glares- ''Of course!...Diamonds! I bet she'll love them~'' -Massive group facepalm- XD

I completly agree! It's a very interesting twist and a bit uncommong for a romance story, which frankly is quite charming in it's own way~ ^^
(Can't say i'm too original, but when it comes to Fiddee and Iris romance I'd like to think that Noel, being a sort of adoptive child to the Iop, adds some twist and change to the ''average love'' story. How Iris looks and act to a Iop, who in a sense, have a child he looks after. )

''but she is grumpy when she sleeps outside.''...Well that explains her grumpy nature, she's been travling the road and sleeping outside for year, of course she's a bit grumpy in her nature. XDDD
Anyways, sounds kinda nice to have your own room a bit disconnected from the rest of the house. You'd get a bitΒ  more freedom as far as I see it. XD

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Shelter-Cat In reply to fiddee [2019-07-31 18:00:05 +0000 UTC]

That's pretty much it, except Viviane doesn't drop those hints on purpose, she just does and everyone but Joris catches up on it. XD But I guess men do tend to be dense, you're right |D (but Viviane is very obvious.)
And, you know, if Atchma was actually the type to say that I'm sure that's what would happen. XD Though so far, the biggest innuendo actually goes to... Joris himself. Who did not realize what he was saying. XD

It is, isn't it? It all makes things much more complicated than two people that have no ties to anyone whatsoever, but I've loved the themes we've explored so far.Β 
(Having a adopted child is also a pretty nice twist. Though I wonder, did they started to care for Noel before being an actual couple?)

Well she's all the more grumpy that she knows she could be sleeping safely inside! XDD
And yeah, she does need her freedom. As much as she likes Viviane and Morgan, Ada is just not a family gal. XD

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fiddee In reply to Shelter-Cat [2019-08-04 19:41:45 +0000 UTC]

''except Viviane doesn't drop those hints on purpose, she just does and everyone but Joris catches up on it.''...-Just stares at the text-...If EVERYONE seem to catch on than surely he must be the most clueless Joris version ever? XD
Some men are diffrent, some hear and see things better than others. Just like some women are open and up front, where as others think men can just read thier minds for some odd reason. |D (Viviane sounds like the more open and clear talking one...Not much help with a clueless Joris though I'm sad to say. XDD )
I can very much imagien Atcham being that type when pushed, if not for the same spirit as Ada. XD Oh, care to give me a little taste of what the ''clueless master'' manage to blur out of the blue?~ |D

It is and I can tell you've really taken a liking to thsi romance between the two~
(I hope so, because I won't have it any other way as of now! XDD ... And no, they didn't care for Noel before becoming a couple, with the exception for Fiddee alone of course. My thoughts so far on this is that Fiddee (Who often get's to babysitt Noel) sort of brought Noel with him to Iris one night, a date night of the sort, at which point they got to met one another for the first time. Though Noel was very shy and nervous the first time she met the (at the time) unfamiliare CrΓ’, they still took a liking to one another after a while. Iris got so much praise and awe from Noel, who though she looked so pretty and awesome, just as Noel brought out the inner child within Iris who became very sweet and even playful that night...A strange date night indeed. ... The following morning Iris also got to met Noel's biological mother, Viola, as Iris (unfortunetly) got to introduces herself as ''the harlot''. This since that's who Noel's mom though Fiddee had taken her daughter along with to see the previous night. ....Viola: ''You can't take my daughter without when you go off to visit one of your-!..Harlot's!'' Iris: ''Ah good day Miss Pentagast, I'm Fiddee's girlfriend..THE harlot! =_= )...You can tell I wanna write but oh so little time and oh so many comment to reply to~ TuT

ASDFGH!? Anyone on earth would agree with that! I get to sleep outside fully knowing I've got a warm bed and roof over my head just a stones throw away, I'd be pretty grumpy and mad too! XDD
Apparently not, and as sad I feel that it is like that, I still have to respect that that's how Ada prefers it.

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Shelter-Cat In reply to fiddee [2019-08-09 17:45:54 +0000 UTC]

Well, frist of all- yes, he is.
Second of all she usually drops those hints when he has his back turned, so really she's trying really hard to not make it obvious for him at least. And to be fair, sometimes it's not her fault, it's just Ada and Morgan talking too much.
Oh if she thought she had any chance, she would be 100% open and clear about her crush, to the point where even Joris wouldn't be able to ignore it. Which is why from the moment she knows she has the okay from his whole family, it's going to go pretty quick... I think. XD (Sadly, his daughter, my partner's OC, is quite the travelling type, and they won't meet for a while. XD)
Hahaha... I'm afraid I won't! You'll have to read it yourself! ... Seriously the context would be too long to explain. And also I'm not making it easy for you. XD

I definitely did! XD
What a power move, to bring the child you've been babysitting to a date! XDD And what's with people and calling Iris a harlot anyway? Vivi is going to bubble them. >.>

Well some people enjoy sleeping outside! But not Ada, or at least not anymore. XD Which is why she's rather make sure she doesn't make Viviane so angry that she has to sleep outside! XD

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fiddee In reply to Shelter-Cat [2019-08-22 17:21:53 +0000 UTC]

Ha! XD
Oh, I thought she was making these ''hint'' all in the open clear view, or well, in front of him rather than behind his back. But how does Ada's and Morgans talking making it harder for Joris to pick up on these hint?..Given of course that Ada getting in to a temper or argument does draw his attantion, the need to solve things BEFORE the escalate in to a fist fight, or worse.
It all remains to be seen, the build up to the ''fireworks'' is part of the love story after all~ ^^ ...''the moment she knows she has the okay from his whole family, it's going to go pretty quick...''...-Once it's clear to her, Viviane just flings her clothes off like it's second nature- |D
(I see, is it safe to assume that Joris's daughter is quite of age as well at this point? Is she a young adult or a bit more of age? Regardless, I hope she and Viviane are able to meet eventually! >w< )
Hahaha, you know it's gonna be a long story when the context is to long and intriguing to explain in just a few words. XD

Hihi, I can assure you it was Fiddee's last plan to bring Noel with him. He asked around everyone at the guild, the few who were staying there at the time, and none could look after her that night. So it beccame a very ''improvised'' date indeed. XDD

Some people are simply rude and unkind, others paint vivide pictures of things or people they've never met. As for Noel's mom calling Iris a harlot, well...She simply ''assumed'' Iris was since most men of said guild do when they say they are going on a ''date'', Noel's mom didn't think Fiddee was actually 100% honest about going on a real date. So, please no bubbling is requierd on this on. XDDDD

Some do, I am one of them...As long as it dosen't, you know, rain, blow storms or is in general unkind to be outside.
So with that in mind, I fully understand why Ada would rather stay att Viviane's good side and have a roof over her head and a warm bed, then the latter!...At least good enough not to be thrown out. XD

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Shelter-Cat In reply to fiddee [2019-08-25 12:38:13 +0000 UTC]

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fiddee In reply to Shelter-Cat [2019-08-26 17:30:08 +0000 UTC]

Ah ha, such thoughtful friends Ada and Morgan, no? To chatter loud and clearly that Vivi is having a massive crush on the ambassador of Bonta~|D (XD) ..Poor Viviane, I would not wanna be in her shoes if she ever found out that everyone else knows about your urge for romance, you never know if SOMEONE might tell Joris about it?~ |D

'' She does need to talk to him about her feelings first.'' As they should, to be sure this isn't jsut a quick night stand but rather (and hopefully) the start of something new and serious between them~ ^^
(So Viviane her Joris daughter have meet one another before? Previous encounter in shape of a battle or mere seeing one another whilst mingeling within the city markets, way of seeing one another? |D )

Noel was a shy little darling, as said she and Iris ended up getting along very well, Noel was a bit nervous at first to meet the lady Fiddee had spoken so highly off though. ^^ (...Not to mention all the rules he drew up on the walk there, that she needed to sit still, no loud shouting, to always say ''thank you'' no matter what...Poor girl must ahve thought he was taking her to see a witch of some kind! XDDD)

Noel: ''Bubbles!~'' \*0u0*/ -Runs after the small and beautiful yet deadly bubbles- |D

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Shelter-Cat In reply to fiddee [2019-08-30 19:49:35 +0000 UTC]

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fiddee In reply to Shelter-Cat [2019-09-07 23:47:23 +0000 UTC]

Hihi but enough times to get our precious Viviane truning red, both just sitting a few benches back singing a bit hush between them ''Vivian and Joris sitting in a tree-''! XD

Morgan is as always too innocent, she might even think its really sweet and innocent that Viviane feels the way she does...But Ada, Ada is a lost cause. XD But at least Ada is still looking out for poor ol' Viviane so she won't get her heartbroken at least. ^^b

Ha! Nor did I ever think that was the case for Viviane, at least, not at her age. I feel pretty sure Viviane is looking for something to last longer than just one night. XD...Possibly when she was younger though, perhaps? |D

Oh dear, oh dear I'm already looking forward to when Joris daughter get's to know ALL about who Viviane has a sweet crush on~ |D -Grabs a comfy chair along with a soda and some chips awaiting the drama-
On one end I can clearly see Joris's daughter feeling almost stunned and shocked when the news finally reach her. Both out of emberessment as well as emotionally, thinking that her father have forgotten about her mother and perhaps also come to think of her as something of the past. 0n0

While on the other hand, if Joris's daughter is as old as I ''think'' she is, she might approach it all very openly, maturely and modestly? Having met Viviane, and seen her in person, she might even welcoming the fact that Viviane and her father feel so strongly for one another and want to be together?...Just as Joris wants his daughter to find love and happiness, she might wishes the same for her old man and couldn't be happier for them?~ TuT

...But the thought of her ol' man and Viviane going at it like two teenagers all over again at thier age..Yeah we're not just talking brain bleach here, were talking fully wiping the hard drive clean from those mental imagies! XD

-Runs in to the bubble, followed by a small ''Zap!'' and ''BZZZZzzz!'' sound, like a pretty little butterfly landing ontop of a electric fly killer- 0n0

Noel: ''Pappy Pappy! Look! I got crazy looking hair now and I'm all tinggly all over my skin, like tiny ants all over!'' *0u0*

-Has crazy looking hair and smelling a bit burnt as well as the sudden ability to conduct power. Still as happy as can be though.- (XD)

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Shelter-Cat In reply to fiddee [2019-09-11 19:29:34 +0000 UTC]

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fiddee In reply to Shelter-Cat [2019-09-18 12:48:31 +0000 UTC]

Aww, Ada can't even hold a tiny tune, a hum? TuT And surely you mean Morgan's pure innocence of a soul?~ |D

And I assume Morgan finds it much easier to read a very dense Joris in love than a calm collected Viviane. XDD And can we just bless Ada and lawfully evil nature, or is it chaotic evil, I never get those right? XD

D'aww, bless Viviane's pure and romantic heart~ Joris is gonna be a perfect fit for her, once he get's past his dense nature.

All aboard the hype train regarding Vivi and Joris's daughter! XD
And yay, I'm happy to hear his daughter would approve of Joris and Viviane's relationship! I really hope your friend will stick to that until it's time. TuT
Hihi, poor thing, guess one can say her teasing and pooking Viviane about will come right back and bit her in the butt! The shame would be to much to bare if I were in her shoes when she found it all out. -Pictures a fairly young senior women hidding under the table in pure shame- XDDD

''It does emotional damage''...Fid: ''Oh...Crap.'' -Turns back towards the young one as she suddenly goes through all human emotions all at ones and out of controll- XD

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Shelter-Cat In reply to fiddee [2019-09-19 18:10:16 +0000 UTC]

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fiddee In reply to Shelter-Cat [2019-09-29 12:50:19 +0000 UTC]

Hihi, maybe Ada is the sort of singer who needs some ''dutch courage'' to get her singing? XD

Morgan's skill of persuadetion unlocked the ability to make Joris spill the beans. |D (XD)
Hopefully I'll be able to read all about it and more. ^^

H'aww, really? That's such a shame to hear, I'm sure it's only due to the inactivity rather than your friend being the one to place it in the archives, for sure! >.<
I understand this might be a bit upsetting, anyone in your shoes would've felt just as bad as I can only hope it's due to the first rather than the latter. -hugs-

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Shelter-Cat In reply to fiddee [2019-10-04 19:55:16 +0000 UTC]

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fiddee In reply to Shelter-Cat [2019-10-11 21:11:23 +0000 UTC]

Hihi, it's one of few things that Ada does to unwind, I'd like to hear her sing and WHAT she sings about when she does that. XD
And when you combine all of them together the make up 100% perfection of a wonderful little Morgan~ ^~^ Let's hope Viviane get's hold on a dad sooner or later~ TuT

Well that's good news, isn't it?
At least she didn't write it off or the likes, and RL projects does requier your full attantion at times, hopefull she'll be finished and done before the year is over and that you can regain the RP eventually. >w<

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Shelter-Cat In reply to fiddee [2019-10-13 18:33:30 +0000 UTC]

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fiddee In reply to Shelter-Cat [2019-10-15 18:44:29 +0000 UTC]

Try me, I've heard some that makes you shock and blush at the same time. |D
Hope that future of Viviane comes sooner rather than later than! XD

That's one way of looking at it, true, she might become less interested if you push the subject at a time when she's got a lot on her hands. So perhaps giving her some more time, to handle stuff IRL, isn't such a bad idea after all.

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Shelter-Cat In reply to fiddee [2019-10-16 17:52:18 +0000 UTC]

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fiddee In reply to Shelter-Cat [2019-10-22 21:23:03 +0000 UTC]

Agree! After going through the replies tomorrow I'm hopping to sit down and read up on the fic! (Also after cleaning out a whole grocery bags worth of shroom, again. ^^ )
Also, please don't crach whilst you wait, if you crack who'll continue writting Viviane Epic!!? QnQ (XD)
Keep on reminding her that you are still invested and interested in the story, of course in a gentle and kind way as to not get her more stressed.
...Now how bout them taver song?~|D

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GenocideZero [2019-03-15 23:32:38 +0000 UTC]

Vivianne qui rougit et la reaction de Morgane <3 Tellement goldΓ© ha ha

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Shelter-Cat In reply to GenocideZero [2019-03-16 12:42:09 +0000 UTC]

Merci ! :3

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Poohnie [2019-03-15 23:04:26 +0000 UTC]


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Shelter-Cat In reply to Poohnie [2019-03-16 12:42:01 +0000 UTC]

Merci! OwO Γ§a fait un moment que je cherchais un design pour une robe pour elle.

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Poohnie In reply to Shelter-Cat [2019-03-16 17:25:04 +0000 UTC]

Et bien elle est parfaite!

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Shelter-Cat In reply to Poohnie [2019-03-16 17:37:42 +0000 UTC]

aaaaaaaaaaah merci! ;u;

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