SilverPocky — {DotW} Frazier The Prodigal Son | Chandor

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Published: 2023-03-04 01:52:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 4231; Favourites: 83; Downloads: 0
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"I am strong because I’ve been weak. I am fearless because I’ve been afraid. I am wise because I’ve been foolish." 

Basic Information

Name; Frazier

Nick-Names; Fray (hates), Zier (tolerates)

Age; Adult 

Gender; Male

Height; 36

Weight; 120lbs

Build; Frazier is long and tall with a mid-dense muscle tone

Scent: Sandy, Dry wood

VoiceLou Diamond as Surak

Territory; Chandor  

Rank; Aspiring Bear Totem 


- Parents: Gregor (Father, deceased) Mona (Mother, deceased)

- Siblings: Aethelynda (Half-Sister, deceased) Taz (Half-Brother, assumed alive), Elia (Sister, assumed alive), Moira (Sister, assumed alive), Geoffry (Brother, assumed alive)

Extended Family; 

Reed (nephew), Nadia (niece), Juniper (nephew), Mason (nephew), Ashwood (-Nephew

Statistics : 

(5 dots is the average for a full grown male)

Strength ~ ●●●●●●○○○○

Speed ~ ●●●●○○○○○○

Stamina ~ ●●●●●●○○○○

Intelligence ~ ●●●●●●○○○○

Force ~ ●●●●●○○○○○

Skills : 

(5 dots is the average for a full grown male)

Running ~ ●●●●○○○○○○

Hunting ~ ●●●●●●○○○○

Climbing ~ ●●●●●○○○○○ 

Swimming ~ ●●●●●○○○○○

Fighting ~ ●●●●●●○○○○ 


• Frazier is very sturdy having taken his diligence of training from juvenile-hood to adulthood. Outside of personal study he had to hunt and protect himself as a loner for years, this has developed a nice amount of muscle on his previously leaner frame. The male appears to get sturdier with agePersonality 


[Compassionate & kind]

Though Frazier was never intentionally mean in his youth, he was also not particularly nice. However his travels and experiences have raised him to be a very considerate wolf when it comes to others. It is no longer rare to see him go out of his way to help another even at his own personal cost. These feelings are also no longer reserved only for his family, all who treat him fairly are subject to his care in varying degrees

[Mellow & Easy-Going]

Though he is often perceived as more of an uptight wolf, Frazier is not opposed to taking time to relax or occasionally have fun. Those who get to know him come to find that he is approachable and easy to talk to. He does not seek conflict and has relaxed a great deal since his early youth.

[Introverted & Introspective]

While he cares for others Frazier has never been able to be a super charismatic and open wolf. Though not unfriendly he is rather quiet at time and seeks rests from the hustle and bustle of pack life when possible. He spends much of his free time in reflection, going over the interactions he does have and how he felt or responded to certain situations. The habit comes from his efforts to maintain better emotional health than his adolescent self.

[Righteous & Principled]

Frazier believes wholeheartedly in adhering to a strict moral code and healthy work ethic. He is diligent in his tasks, takes orders well, and has no hesitations when it comes to protecting his pack and family. Though even for them he will draw the line at actions that could be needlessly harmful or do not benefit the many. He is not afraid to disobey what is expected if it is done so to help those who need it.

[Sensitive & Easily Hurt]
In the past criticism would be tossed aside or cause him much upset; he now seems to have developed into the opposite, having become very emotionally aware and sensitive to others. While he will not crumble at every word, harsh words and judgements are more likely to wound him especially if it is from a wolf he respects or cares about.

[Repentant & Remorseful]
Though he is in a much better place than when he left Chandor, Frazier feels a great deal of guilt for abandoning his home and family. He carries the memories of his past deeds with him and strives to make peace with those he has hurt. This trait also extends to any new hurts he inflicts unintentionally, and the male will work hard to make things right.

[Audacious & Risky]

If it needs to be done Frazier will do whatever is needed to achieve it. Having been a loner for years the male realized risk taking was just the natural way of things. However rejoining a pack has not caused this trait to fade and it is still very much a part of his thought process 

Theme: None yet

{Current Personality & Mentality Information}

All below is subject to change depending on his experiences and interactions with others

Supreme Goal:

Support Nadia & Chandor anyway he can. Live a peaceful life.


Mental Health : 85%

~ Overview : Mentally he is stable. Though he has experienced many griefs in his life as well as regrets from his adolescence his self-deprecating thoughts are much less common, and he is better at acknowledging his mistakes without inwardly berating himself. He is still dealing with the deaths of those close to him and can be depressed from time to time.

Physical Health : 100%

~ Overview : Frazier held his physical health in high regard as an adolescent, and this trait continued into his life as a loner. The habit of training, improving, and maintaining his body has led to strong health. 



{ Sexual Information }

Orientation: Heterosexual 

Status: Single

Mate: n/a

Litter Count: 0

~ Attraction

~ Crush

~ Mated With

~ RegretsTrivia

- Frazier has become very adept at handling his emotion, he feels very deeply but is not prone to outbursts.

- He regrets how he left Chandor, but does not regret actually leaving 

- He cared for all his siblings but his brothers Taz and Geoffrey were especially loved

- Frazier is quite fond of the fact that he takes after his mother in appearance

- Despite the way they last saw each other Frazier respects and cares for Nadia a great deal

- His favorite season was adapted from his time with Kaili, he loves spring


Frazier was born to his loving mother Mona, and noble father Gregor shortly after their retirement to chandor. Along with his three siblings Frazier grew up in an ideal situation surrounded by love and extended family. While he cared for the pack as a whole the young male saw himself "above" the average chandorian, having inherited the blood of his father who had led a pack before his retirement, and had fathered the then alpha of chandor and Frazier’s older sister Aethelynda.

He was of noble blood in his mind and as such had much to prove and learn. With his father being much older than the average parent, the experienced wolf was the perfect teacher to his eager son who aspired to one day be just like him. It was this ambition that led Frazier to be rather risky with his training, going further and further from the safety of the main dens to challenge his growing body. But on a particular outing the young juvenile encountered a loner on chandors grounds, and did not hesitate to challenge what the stranger was doing there. However Frazier's boldness far surpassed his teenage stature and the much larger loner felled him with ease. The onslaught was only stopped when Frazier saw an opening and ran for his life until his young body passed out. His father was his saving grace as he discovered and rushed his son to care. It was close but Frazier came out of the encounter alive, however emotionally he would never be the same.

The incident caused the young wolf nothing but immense shame, resentment, and hatred for loners. He had embarrassed himself and his family by losing so pitifully, and worse yet he had been afraid. The ever bold wolf had been terrified as his life flashed before his eyes. The trauma didn't allow him to speak much for weeks during his recovery, and only the loving encouragement of his mother and family seemed to help him regain some sense of confidence. He surmised that he had to grow stronger, so strong in fact that nothing would ever hurt him again. This aspiration led him to join the ranks of the guards (now bear totems) of the pack. The young wolf worked hard in learning his task returning to his previous level of diligence, as a sense of normalcy finally began to settle over him again. While the praise for his progress felt good for a bit the male constantly wondered what else awaited him. He wanted to aspire for more, be more; in Chandor the only path he could see to that was becoming its leader. However that possibility was closed to him as Nadia rose to take her mother’s place, Frazier grieved his older sister and was happy for her daughter…at first. Nadia turned out to be a diligent leader who worked hard and was kind, but her charisma and success began to awaken a jealousy within him for he wanted what she had. A boiling point was reached as he verbally lashed out at her in the midst of a tantrum, blaming her for his normality and stunting of his progress before storming off. Truly he knew he was the problem but the young male had such a fragile hold on his emotions that he had no idea where to begin reconciling, or if he even wanted to; so like everything else he suppressed it all in an effort to forget. 

His coping mechanism continued as he watched his sister Elia leave their home in search of a new life, and shortly thereafter the walls he built broke completely as his remaining sister Moira went missing. It was all too much to bear and so under the guise of searching for Moira, Frazier left home. For a time he did truly search for his sister but after months of fruitless searching he realized he could not bring her home as he’d promised. But as depressed and drained as he was it had nothing to do with not being able to return home. Chandor had become the last place he wished to be as the male turned to traveling aimlessly with resentments and self deprecations brewing in his heart. It was hard being alone with his thoughts at first, but overtime Frazier simply accepted them as he wandered until a terrible winter forced him to seek shelter until the season passed. He was fortunate to find what he believed to be an abandoned cave and didn’t hesitate to rush in and out of the cold, the wolf didn’t realize his mistake until the scent and sight of another hit his senses. For a moment he panicked, hackles rising as he prepared to defend himself but what emerged was a very slight she wolf with a pitch black body that was almost impossible to see in the darkened cave. Her visage was only perceivable by bright blue eyes and frostings of white along her face that revealed her age. It was only that fact that allowed Frazier to calm himself and prepare to leave her space without a fight, but as he turned to go a smooth voice assured him the space was big enough for them both. Feeling unthreatened in her presence the male thought for a moment before he settled on the other side of the spacious cavern, pale gold eyes watching her with suspicion.

“I understand the young one.”

Those few words were the start of something Frazier hadn’t expected, he wasn’t looking for friends and he certainly had meant to leave in search of his own space, yet every hunt after the first that morning ended with him heading back to that cave. It was obvious the elder wolfess was starving, and if she could share her home he supposed he could share his food and company, just until winter's end. Kaili was her name, though that was not all he learned about her; she was alone and had been forced to settle here when her sight and leg strength began to fade. Her circumstances unearthed a deep sympathy for she couldn’t have been any younger than Frazier’s own parents, but they were surrounded by family while she was withering away alone. He tried to bury the feeling, but as the two continued their talks he found himself enthralled by her stories and wisdom; it was so familiar to him that the wolf was unable to prevent himself from caring about her. And so when the harsh winter finally subsided, he left the area with Kaili beside him.

For the first time in forever Frazier began to regain his smile despite the responsibilities that came from taking care of Kaili. He hunted and protected them both, but his hard work was always rewarded with her motherly smile and calming words. Piece by piece he opened up more and shared the details of his life as she listened with patient ears and clear guidance. Through their talks he was finally able to realize he had not resented his family and Chandor, but himself as he piled momentous expectations for life upon himself. The raven elder helped him make peace with the fact that he did not have to follow in his father’s footsteps to be great, he simply needed to focus on being who he was and doing what brought him happiness. Her very presence was the therapy Frazier had so desperately needed, she supported him as he did her and so whether she leaned against him for support or needed him to carry her during their travels he aided her happily. The pair could not travel very fast or very far but neither seemed to mind as they simply enjoyed the journey. It was a tranquil existence that he never wished would end, but like Kaili had taught him everything had its natural end. A harsh reality Frazier was forced to confront as his beloved companion began to grow weaker with each season; worry hung over every hour of every day as he did everything he could to help her regain the little health she’d had. The male quickly realized his attempts weren’t enough, they needed help…they needed Chandor.

The healers would be more skilled than he, as even with Kaili’s lessons on remedies she couldn’t stomach a thing he’d made. Desperately Frazier carried her for miles, all the while trying to keep his panic at bay with stories of his home and how much she would love it there. Kaili listened with soft smiles and approving hums, but the elder wolf knew what he didn’t want to acknowledge. She was dying. Many days were spent with silent tears as he continued to lull her with tales of Chandor, until finally they’d reached the southern edges of the domain. Home. 

But Kaili would not be joining him there. Just as salvation seemed so close he felt her breathing slow; carefully he placed her in the shade, surrounding her skinny body as her consciousness came in and out. They laid together like that for a time as Frazier cried in silence, confronting her impending passing. In the moment he wondered how he had grown to care for her so much, but from the first day they’d met her mannerisms and wisdoms had reminded him so much of his beloved parents. He had been unable to prevent himself from clinging to her, even now as her breaths grew shallow, but even with a body so weak Kaili’s soothing voice filled the air with surprising strength.

“It is simply my time. There is no healer on this earth that can stop nature’s course, and I shall ascend with no regrets for my final goal was achieved.” 

“Your goal?” Frazier asked through gentle tears.

“To guide you back home.” She answered him for the final time as her body went still.

Group History:

Art & Frazier (C) me

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Comments: 19

fairytalekitty [2023-09-07 05:34:55 +0000 UTC]

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MatrixPotato [2023-03-16 19:04:21 +0000 UTC]

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SilverPocky In reply to MatrixPotato [2023-03-22 20:46:58 +0000 UTC]

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MatrixPotato In reply to SilverPocky [2023-03-22 21:05:55 +0000 UTC]

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Lachtaube [2023-03-16 18:02:32 +0000 UTC]

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SilverPocky In reply to Lachtaube [2023-03-22 20:47:28 +0000 UTC]

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switt [2023-03-13 15:57:18 +0000 UTC]

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SilverPocky In reply to switt [2023-03-15 01:59:39 +0000 UTC]

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MatrixPotato [2023-03-06 05:43:37 +0000 UTC]

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SilverPocky In reply to MatrixPotato [2023-03-10 22:04:09 +0000 UTC]

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Celtic-Barbarian [2023-03-05 15:43:02 +0000 UTC]

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SilverPocky In reply to Celtic-Barbarian [2023-03-10 22:04:16 +0000 UTC]

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Aerial-Vew [2023-03-05 00:11:06 +0000 UTC]

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SilverPocky In reply to Aerial-Vew [2023-03-10 22:04:23 +0000 UTC]

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jackalloops [2023-03-04 23:26:45 +0000 UTC]

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sea-lamprey [2023-03-04 18:42:36 +0000 UTC]

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SilverPocky In reply to sea-lamprey [2023-03-10 22:04:37 +0000 UTC]

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Autumn-moon13 [2023-03-04 13:23:25 +0000 UTC]

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SilverPocky In reply to Autumn-moon13 [2023-03-10 22:04:49 +0000 UTC]

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