SilvesterVitale — AC-D: Sakari De Nola

Published: 2013-08-13 11:41:39 +0000 UTC; Views: 3005; Favourites: 65; Downloads: 6
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So, I'm buying Sak to become my second main character in ACD QwQ this new market feature had perfect timing.

    ▫ Name: Sakari Semuel De Nola
    ▫ Age: 32
    ▫ Gender: Male
    ▫ Height: 179 cm
    ▫ Birthplace: Venice, Italy
    ▫ Occupation: Bookprinter and moneylender. Does assassinations for the templars.

    ▫ Likes:
    -His family
    -Blades of all kinds
    -The smell of printing ink and paper, it makes him feel at home (he lives on top of the family’s book printing store).
    -Solene! Can’t have enough of that lade.

    ▫ Dislikes:
    -Harel; the treacherous older brother.
    -The Church
    -Templar master Hemming
    -Ignorant people.
    -And pretty much everything else that is not on his likes list.

    ▫ Personality:

    Sakari has grown bitter due to the life situation he has had and has always needed to be able to stand up for himself, causing him to show a rather cocky approach to certain people. He is sly and mischievous when it comes to business but in private he is a pretty kind, sweet and talky guy with a burning desire to know more about pretty much everything.

    ▫ Biography:

    Born to Jozef Semuel De Nola, a merchant of Mizrahim origin in Constantinople and Rachel, a Sephardic woman, Sakari grew up in Venice with four siblings; they were born in the following order: Harel, Sakari, the twins Aaron and Shiloh and last Penina.

    The family was poor and did their best to keep the economy intact despite the high extra taxes that was forced upon them only because of their religion and origin. But they were happy at least, even though Jozef spent a lot of time in Constantinople, working. On his latest journey he never came home, leaving his family without maintenance while his wife was pregnant with their fifth child.

    The birth was tough and left Rachel with high fever. She was taken care of by her oldest sons, Harel and Sakari, since they didn’t have the money for a doctor, but a few days later Sakari found her lifeless in bed.

    Keeping his younger siblings, Aaron and Shiloh, from the room he asked them to go and bring Harel who had gone to the market to buy whatever they could afford to eat. It didn’t take long till he was home and it seemed he was taking his big brother role seriously, making sure their mother got a proper burial and all, but then he vanished and Sakari knew he wouldn’t come back, he knew his brother too well for that.

    With the few savings the family had Sakari, at the age of 15, did his best to earn the remaining family food on the table, running the old book printing shop and on the side lending money to Christians with brutally high fee. He raised the newborn sister as his own, determined that his siblings were to get a good life despite the difficulties they faced. He put his life and soul into this task, forgetting about his own needs and desires.

    On his spare time he practiced swordsmanship using his father’s collection of different kind of swords from the east. The collection had always fascinated him as a child and his practice came to an extent of almost being manic. His hand and footwork became so used to handle a blade that they become more like toys to him than deadly weapons.

    At the age of 26 Sakari got an odd visitor. A young man, maybe five years younger than him, with flaxen blond hair and pale blue eyes who asked for his supervision. Nonplussed by the younger man’s request Sakari agreed to become his mentor.

    And from that day Sakari and Njal came to be almost inseparable.

    The years went by and when Sakari passed the age of 30 he started to feel alone, when his siblings grew up, got married and started their own families. He felt very unhappy about how his life had turned out to be and he, at that time, was sure that he would remain alone for the rest of his life.

    During this time he let Njal hide in his home during the period the blond was hunted by his former brothers and on that way got in contact with the Templars. Since he saw his life as meaningless he joined for the cause of doing ‘something’ with his life at least, making use of his swords for once, and not to mention the benefits he got out of it.

    Though, it did not help his loneliness as even within the order he was put aside and neglected, especially by one of the masters. But this did trigger a great lot of willpower to prove he was just as capable as anyone else.

    The same year, passing through the marketplace with his arms full of script scrolls, Sakari bumped into somebody and the scrolls got spread all over the street. He managed to get the hold of all of them except one and he realized that it had been picked up by a noble. He needed that scroll and had to approach this noble woman, trying to be as discreet as possible despite the red hat that marked him as a Jew. But to his surprise the woman was kind to him and returned the scroll without a single harassing word, instead it turned out that she was studying Hebrew (like many other nobles and scholars at that time as it was seen as the language of the bible. Many Jews were hired to teach Hebrew even though they were not allowed to officially entitle themselves as teachers). As a native Hebrew speaker Sakari lightly offered his services and thus became Solene Capo De Livorno ’s Hebrew tutor.

    Naturally Sakari falls in love with his student. She is nice to him in a way nobody else has ever been and of course he realizes that he’s starting to get too attached to the noble woman, because how in the world would he, a poor Jewish moneylender, ever be able to catch the interest from somebody like Solene?

    ▫ Additional info:

    - Wears a red hat outside the home.
      While Jews did not settle in Venice until the 13th century, many Jewish merchants and moneylenders visited and worked in the city beginning with the 10th century. Jews were mentioned in documents in 945 and 992 forbidding Venetian captains from accepting Jews onboard their ships. In 1252, Jews were not allowed to settle in the main part of the city, so they settled on the island of Spinaulunga (also spelled Spinalonga) which later became Giudecca.
      In 1290, Jewish merchants and moneylenders were allowed to work in Venice, but were forced to pay a special tax of five percent on all their import and export transactions. The Jewish moneylenders received permission to settle in the city in 1385. They were given a piece of land to be used as a Jewish cemetery in 1386.
      The Senate decided to expel the Jews from the city in 1394 due to fears of Jewish encroachment in certain economic spheres. They were allowed to work in the city for limited two-week intervals. Those who were not moneylenders were allowed to remain in the city, albeit with certain restrictions. Jews were forced to wear various markings on their clothing to identify themselves as Jews. In 1394 they had to wear a yellow badge, it was changed to a yellow hat in 1496 and to a red hat in 1500. Other anti-Jewish laws including the prohibition against owning land (enacted in 1423) and from building a synagogue (enacted in 1426). On occasion, Jews were forced to attend Christian services or become baptized. - Jewish Virtual Library

    - Literally a wall climber with light body and strong shoulders. Exclusively trained by his ex-assissin friend Njal to accomplish his tasks with stealth.

    - Was fire branded on his right shoulder as a punishment for refusing the church to get baptized.

    - He wears a templar cross just to show his loyalty.

    - Fluently speaker of Italian, Turkish, Hebrew and Arabic. Despite growing up and living in Venice all his life Sakari's Italian has an accent to it due to heavy use of Hebrew and Arabic within the home.

    - Has a natural way of handling blades of any kind.

    - Is very much inlove with Solene Capo De Livorno .

Total Florins: 74 400f
Current Florins: 1 850f

Sakari by me
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Comments: 23

BakuSpirit [2013-09-13 19:20:13 +0000 UTC]

*whispers* was that mustache always there?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SilvesterVitale In reply to BakuSpirit [2013-09-13 19:23:19 +0000 UTC]

*whispers back* No, it wasn't u7u

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MakiLoomis [2013-08-13 22:08:33 +0000 UTC]

Han passar verkligen i skägg Älskar historiken och jag älskar Sak
 Bra jobbat!<3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

sasookay [2013-08-13 20:36:53 +0000 UTC]


//kisses his face everywhere// the bio is good ;w; i don't even know what you were stressed about

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UmbreoNoctie [2013-08-13 19:53:59 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Derptician [2013-08-13 17:16:42 +0000 UTC]

Awwww yeah Sakkaarrrii in da hoouussee 8U

Btw, Chell slapped Batu a few times for Sakari. Just so you know. :U

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SilvesterVitale In reply to Derptician [2013-08-13 17:41:39 +0000 UTC]

awyeah >7<

LOL good because she kinda broke his already bad self-esteem Q7Q

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Derptician In reply to SilvesterVitale [2013-08-13 18:29:38 +0000 UTC]

He gon eff up dem assassins. e 3e

and poor Sakari. QNQ But yeah, Chell bitch slapped Batu and sicked Solene onto her. =u= Good tiimmeess.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SilvesterVitale In reply to Derptician [2013-08-13 18:42:48 +0000 UTC]

oh he will =7= when he's healed up that is Q7Q

ah I'd want to see that XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Derptician In reply to SilvesterVitale [2013-08-13 20:00:09 +0000 UTC]

Awww xD;;; He's in the same state Chell is in... Ceptshegotanarrowtoherass.

Add me on skype and I'll just paste what happened? xD *Is Derp-Mander* u H u

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Undercurrent-32 [2013-08-13 16:00:33 +0000 UTC]

aw yeah =v= 

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DarlBrightspell [2013-08-13 14:56:54 +0000 UTC]

My, my... Sakari is effing gorgeous! Keep on the good work, but don't neglect Njal, huh?

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SilvesterVitale In reply to DarlBrightspell [2013-08-13 14:58:32 +0000 UTC]

Njal is getting a revamp too

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DarlBrightspell In reply to SilvesterVitale [2013-08-14 17:14:50 +0000 UTC]

Can't wait to see it!

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TheStrayLiger [2013-08-13 14:04:27 +0000 UTC]


Gosh he's so cool and badass ñdlfañdlkfa{ñsdlkfañsdlfka{sdñfskdñsfa

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SilvesterVitale In reply to TheStrayLiger [2013-08-13 14:59:15 +0000 UTC]

cxmvnldgdfg thanks >7<

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TheStrayLiger In reply to SilvesterVitale [2013-08-13 15:18:03 +0000 UTC]

*pets his face* *v*

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AdelineChevalier [2013-08-13 13:22:02 +0000 UTC]

Aaaw he's so badass >u< Det blev asbra!! O7O ((Asdfd da på telefon är svårt OTL))

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SilvesterVitale In reply to AdelineChevalier [2013-08-13 13:35:18 +0000 UTC]

hnnng tack så mkt QUQ

LOOOL I know, dA borde göra en app

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AdelineChevalier In reply to SilvesterVitale [2013-08-13 13:39:26 +0000 UTC]

It's the truth >u< He's awesome QuQ

Eller hur! xD Det är apdumt xD

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Luzerrante [2013-08-13 11:46:58 +0000 UTC]

finally, here is Sak!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SilvesterVitale In reply to Luzerrante [2013-08-13 13:10:42 +0000 UTC]

yeah finally  Q 7 Q *so happy*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Luzerrante In reply to SilvesterVitale [2013-08-13 13:40:53 +0000 UTC]

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