SleepySketchu โ€” HC12-016- Round 3, Part 1- Wrong Way!

Published: 2012-04-03 01:05:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 780; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 10
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Part 1: -Here- Your Trainer or Pokemon with the ball and going for the goal.
Part 2: -Coming soon- Someone attempting to take your flag or you taking someone elseโ€™s flag.
Part 3: -Coming soon- Your Pokemon either being attacked by an opponent Pokemon or them attacking an opponent Pokemon.
Part 4: -Coming soon- Your Trainer or Pokemon scoring a goal.

Michi... you and Louis might want to turn around... and I dunno, go in the right direction... Maybe... Don't be scoring points for the other team. :y

What a colourful crowd!

Sophia: Sybil:
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Comments: 2

Gaventa-Tura [2012-04-03 05:09:32 +0000 UTC]

pfff Sophia wouldn't know that.shooot.
oh Michi <3

๐Ÿ‘: 0 โฉ: 0

MillaJV [2012-04-03 02:04:48 +0000 UTC]

Your crowd looks an awful lot like a bunch of balloons, but I could be mistaken....

๐Ÿ‘: 0 โฉ: 0