Slipping-Star — Genital Ingerity for All

#circumcision #genitalintegrity #malegenitalmutilation #malecircumcision #sexassigment #sexualassignment #genderassignment #assignedatbirth #infantharm #political #politics #scalple #statement #femalecircumcision #femalegenitalmutilation #genitalmutilation
Published: 2014-12-24 05:03:46 +0000 UTC; Views: 2572; Favourites: 7; Downloads: 5
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Description No one's body should be altered without their consent for nonmedical reasons, ever.

If it's religious, they should still choose to because it will mean more to them to do it than if you do it at their birth

If we truly believe in sexual equality, everyone, regardless of sex/gender, has a right to their body, and thus their genitals.


If you present an scientifically false (It leads to UTI's!), preferential (It looks better!), or religious (They'll go to the bad afterlife if they're not!) argument, your comment will be hidden.

If you can make it prettier, feel free to! Just link back to me.

Art (c) Slipping-Star
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Comments: 3

Ralph-art [2021-11-21 18:24:55 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

mjponso [2014-12-24 05:07:12 +0000 UTC]

Though I've heard a few theories as to why medical mutilation of the genitals occurs (particularly on large scales in countries like India), I never saw the logic behind any of it.  I would suspect that those who advocate the practice have ulterior motives, either as a display of power, or in humiliating the person in question.

(By the way, you mispelled "Integrity" in your title)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Slipping-Star In reply to mjponso [2014-12-24 05:11:08 +0000 UTC]

There's no medial reason behind it in any sex, except occasionally in intersex persons when they are unable to urinate.

(oops, thanks! I'm dyslexic. )

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