— Pokemon RIP
2024-01-06 00:53:15 +0000 UTC
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The latest of the (fictional) Pokemon games: Pokemon RIP & TEAR!
Back in 2022 I jotted down an idea for making fake Pokemon, or "Fakemon" as they're sometimes called, based on enemies from the DOOM video game franchise. Throughout 2022 and 2023 I was busy with other projects, but over the Christmas + New Year break I found some time to really do justice to the idea and created a bunch of three-stage "evolution" sequences like what you get in Pokemon games. To maintain creative purity of the project, I also didn't check to see if (or how many times) this idea has already been done. If it has, we can compare notes!
Pokemon's visuals are known for their friendly, round-edged designs that generally don't depict exposed brains or - depending on who you ask - satanic symbols, so I wasn't really trying too hard to stay true to the original style with this. I just had a lot of fun taking memorable characters from Doom (mostly Doom Eternal, which did a decent job of incorporating classic Doom characters) and turning them into mostly pun-based beasties that are for legal purposes neither specific Pokemon characters nor specific Doom characters, but for artistic purposes are both.
Join me over the next few days as I post more of these unholy critters from the accursed pages of the uh... Pocodex? Pokehex? Pokedecronomicon?
...Gotta sigil-trap 'em all!
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