Snowy-Aegis — Autayan Imperium Muriela-class Frigate

Published: 2016-11-21 20:16:24 +0000 UTC; Views: 569; Favourites: 10; Downloads: 0
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Description One of the earliest ships of true Autayan design(created in 44 FRC), previous ships employed by the Autaya had been designed by their creators. The Muriela drew its basics from its predecessor, the Avaki-class, but otherwise the Autaya expanded upon it how they saw fit. The Muriela-class is superior in almost every way to the Avaki, which only held a slight speed advantage. The Muriela has served the Imperium since, and to some is the 'poster boy' ship of the Imperial Navy due to its age.

>Ayaki Plate:
The standard armour employed by the Autaya, Ayaki Plate is consisted of multiple layers melded together into one wholesome mass, but the individual original layers still retain their original properties. External layers are a crysto-metallic compound retaining the tough properties of metal while the crystalline properties help to disperse and deflect an amount of energy weapons fire. Beneath this is a secondary crystalline layer which assists in dissipating heat, EMPs and excess energy, and a pseudo-gelatinous layer at the bottom disperses kinetic energy. Additional structures throughout the ship's interior made of Ayaki Plate assist in defences and further reinforce the ship. While reliable against most known weapons, Ayaki Plate is especially effective against energy weapons fire.
>Sayoha Defence Grids: Scattered around most, if not all Autayan ships, Sayoha DGs are a pinpoint energy weapon utilised by the Autaya to fend off enemy munitions. Unlike most Autayan weapons, Sayoha DGs are directed from under a dome, the weapon does not possess a barrel. While this means that their effective range is limited somewhat, Sayoha DGs can change targets near-instantly. Sayoha DGs are also used against enemy fighter craft and sometimes against smaller enemy starships.
>Sayoha Shields: Likewise developed by Sayoha Armories, the Sayoha Shields are a dual-layer defence system developed around 102 FRC, and all ships since have been either designed or modified to accept a Sayoha Shield generator. The outer layer is a reactive plasma shield which acts reminiscent of a 'trampoline', dipping towards the second shield and thickening when struck. The secondary layer is a particle shield that functions somewhat similarly. While acting as a somewhat weaker backup to the plasma shield, the particle shield can bolster the plasma shield against extremely high-power impacts, doubling shield power for a brief moment in the spot struck. Sayoha Shields are not wholly impervious, and may go down and begin cooling/recharging under sustained fire.
>Phase Barrier: While Sayoha Shields were developed in 102 FRC, the earliest iteration of the Phase Barrier existed before the Autaya did, although they have updated it over time since. The Phase Barrier is a directed field weapon cycling through many phase states a minute, with how many states a minute, how large the field is and how fast it can be re-angled depending on the size and power of the generator, which tends to be directly related to the ship's size; the larger the ship, the harder it is to hit.

>Light Directors: Director weapons are the standard naval armament of Autayan ships, and are oddly simplistic in design, not much more than a magnetically articulated turret. Each Director possesses a somewhat low-level Intelligence which aims and fires the weapon, feeding through whatever energy type(or slug and energy type, in some cases) is required, such as light, heat, gravitational, magnetic and even raw kinetic. Directors are also capable of directing solid and semi-solid munitions such as plasma, and depending on the Intelligence can be incredibly accurate in doing so. Light Directors are the smallest of these, their name somewhat misleading(some have thought them to be laser weapons, when they are actually rather non-specific). While able ship-to-ship weapons against smaller starships, against larger vessels a Light Director's limited energy feed capacity makes it somewhat ineffectual, relegated to targeting specific external systems and larger munitions.
>Support Directors: A 'Director Lite', these small domes operate similarly to a regular Director but without the barrel and with a smaller turret. This exchanges accuracy and some power for overall higher speed. Support Directors are meager against most ships(although they are still very dangerous against ships on the far end of the scale), but make for reliable anti-fighter and PD weapons.
>Light Forward Directors: Larger, longer spinal Directors, these weapons possess very little vectoring capacity and are forward attack weapons. However, they possess more power than many standard Directors and are accurate over a much longer range. These are powerful against smaller ships and can pose something of a threat against larger ones, but are still outclassed by heavier Autayan ship weapons.
>Combined Forward Director: This weapon is a risk, but powerful nonetheless. A CFD draws all available power into it, combining it into one supercharged energy beam. Especially in number, even smaller CFDs can be a threat to larger ships. On such ships as Frigates, CFDs are the largest 'Last Resort' weapon, putting the ship at great risk in exchange for one comparably super-powered blast.
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Comments: 2

Panzerbyte [2016-11-21 20:20:39 +0000 UTC]

Solid detail, swift design!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Snowy-Aegis In reply to Panzerbyte [2016-11-21 20:26:28 +0000 UTC]

Coo-ee, that was quick.
And danke!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0